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MikroKopter-Tool Settings



You can set all settings of your MikroKopter with our free MikroKopter-Tool (Download).

For the standard setting you only have to set the channels you will use. With this setting the copter is normally ready for take off.
All other values are already set and there is no need to change them.

The Flight controller includes five (5) storage spaces (Parameterset => Settings). Each storage space can be set individually.
So you can e.g. set one storage space for a servo gimbal and a other storage space for a brushless gimbal.
The needed setting can also be load via the transmitter (see ''Load setting via transmitter'').


en/MK-Parameter/Easy-SETUP en/MK-Parameter/Navi-Ctrl
en/MK-Parameter/Channels en/MK-Parameter/Navi-Ctrl 2
en/MK-Parameter/Camera en/MK-Parameter/Misc
en/MK-Parameter/CamCtrl en/MK-Parameter/Gyro
en/MK-Parameter/Output en/MK-Parameter/User
en/MK-Parameter/Configuration en/MK-Parameter/Coupling
en/MK-Parameter/Stick en/MK-Parameter/Mixer-SETUP




Adjustment window


Channel view



Save and load


Load setting via transmitter


A changing ofvthe settings can help in fine-tuning of the copter.
But this will not help when the copter have flight problems!

With the default settings you can fly every MikroKopter easily!
If the copter do not fly properly with the default settings, a faulty assembly of the copter or a wrong route of the lines can be the cause. In this case please check the assembling of the copter first.

All settings are preset. If changes are made to the settings, be sure that a valid data is entered.
If a setting with incorrect values ??are loaded, the copter can crash!

Never change a setting during flight (e.g. with a Wi.232)! Then the copter will crash!
So you have to land first and stop the motors. Then you can change the settings.

MikroKopter: en/MK-Parameter (zuletzt geändert am 19.09.2017 13:11 durch LotharF)