Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 34 und 36 (über 2 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 34 vom 29.06.2016 09:38
Größe: 37288
Autor: LotharF
Revision 36 vom 20.07.2017 11:49
Größe: 37376
Autor: LotharF
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 43: Zeile 43:
## Bild Links (AltitudeHold)

## Bild Links (AltitudeControl)

Zeile 57: Zeile 57:
''' !AltitudeHold ''' <<BR>> ''' !AltitudeControl ''' <<BR>>
Zeile 60: Zeile 60:

More informations you can find here: [[en/AltitudeControl|AltitudeControl]]
Zeile 475: Zeile 477:
-> [[http://www.mikrokopter.de/de/produkte/feat#prettyPhoto/6/|Die ostfriesische Bierdrohne]] -> [[http://www.mikrokopter.de/de/produkte/feat#prettyPhoto/7/|Die ostfriesische Bierdrohne]]

Features of the MikroKopter



GPS Flight Assistance and Autopilot
The GPS Navigation Control board is a key component and provides an autopilot that can control the position and course of the copter. It provides a Position Hold and Come Home feature, as well as the capability for autonomous flight between waypoints.


With the barometric pressure sensor the copter can automatically hold the altitude.
And with a switch on the remote control you can enabled or disabled this function.

More informations you can find here: AltitudeControl


Position Hold keeps the copter at the same place in the sky even in strong winds, leaving you free operate the camera and get the shots you want.
-> Demovideo.

More informations you can find here: PositionHold


With the flick of a switch on your transmitter, the Navigation and Flight controllers make the copter climb up to a preset height, and fly it directly back to the take-off position..

More informations you can find here: ComingHome


Dynamic Position Hold
Even while the Navigation Control board is in Position Hold you can “fly” the set point position and this allows you to fly the copter in a straight line even when it is windy – a great feature for shooting tracking video shots.


Wind and Weather
Equipped with a dome cover, Mikrokopter electronics allow the copter to be flown safely even when it is windy and raining.


Auto - ComingHome
If the battery reached a critical value, the MikroKopter automatically beep and gives you an information via the telemetry. if you do not notice this, the copter will automatically flies back to the starting point and land there.


Automatic takeoff and landing
These advanced features allow even beginning pilot’s to takeoff and land safely without any risk of tip-over accidents or bouncing that might otherwise damage the copter. Using a laptop computer or Android tablet you can pre-program entire flights from takeoff, flying to specific way points at specific heights, triggering the camera shutter, and then returning back to the takeoff position and automatically landing. (Demovideo)


Redundant Flight Control Systems
Mikrokopter’s Flight Control Systems offer special redundant safety features. On an octocopter, the failure of one motor will not cause a crash and the copter will continue to fly safely. Mikrokopter also offers systems with duplicate Flight Control boards that keep the copter stable even if there is a failure in the primary Flight Control board.

-> Demovideo

-> Certification by Austro Control


Waypoint Flying
Using a Windows laptop or a computer, or an Android tablet, even beginning pilots can enter a preset flight plan and the copter will fly between waypoints at a preset speed from 0.36 km/hour up to 54 km/hour. As an option, the pilot can change the inter-waypoint speed using a control on the RC transmitter.

-> Demovideo


Automatic Panoramas
With the flick of a switch on the RC transmitter, the copter can automatically take a panorama, rotating and tilting the camera to create a mosaic of appropriately overlapped images that can be stitched together like this to form a beautiful panorama


Inverses Panorama
With a Circle-of-Interest-Funktion (COI) it is possible to surround an object and aim with the camera at the center. Perfect for video, documentation and 3D-measurements.
-> Info


Position Save
You can easily save a new waypoint as you fly the copter so that you can bring the copter back to that same place in the sky – you don’t even need a laptop or tablet to do it. All it takes is a switch on the RC transmitter and the copter will fly back to the saved position.

-> Infovideo


Save a Tracking Shot
You can save 3D waypoints during flight with your RC transmitter and then command the copter to fly the same ground track repeatedly as you shoot multiple takes. You can adjust the ground speed from 0.1 meters/second to 10 meters/second with a rotary control or slider on your RC transmitter. You can even change batteries and recall a previously saved tracking shot.


Relative Waypoints
For applications such as panoramas or large-scale mapping you can save waypoints as relative positions to the previous waypoint – and rotate the relative position depending on the orientation of the copter. For example, go to 50 meters to the left of the present position – this will vary depending on the copter’s orientation. Relative waypoints can be preset just using the RC transmitter and without the need for a laptop or tablet.


Point of Interest (POI) 3DWaypoints
For imaging ground-based features like buildings or other structures, you can program 3D waypoints around the particular point of interest and the copter will automatically turn to face the POI as it flies between the waypoint. Each waypoint is both a position and a height.


Flexibles Autotrigger
Eine Kamera kann entweder zeitgesteuert, per Wegpunkt oder sogar abstandsgesteuert ausgelöst werden. Alle 15m ein Foto, egal wie schnell man fliegt? Kein Problem! Damit wird das Abfotografieren von großen Flächen zum Kinderspiel. Dieses Feature lässt sich auch mit Waypoint-Flügen kombinieren -> es reicht also, vom Gebiet nur die Eckpunke per Waypoints anzufliegen. Trotzdem werden Fotos mit ausreichender Überlappung gemacht. Dies reduziert die Anzahl von Wegpunkten erheblich. Mit z.B. 16 Wegpunkten erreicht dieses System die selbe effektivität, wofür andere hunderte Punkte bräuchten.


Flugsimulation im Kopter
Eine Flugsimulation ist in der Firmware des MikroKopters integriert. In der Simulation läuft der Flug mit den originalen Routinen im MikroKopter ab. Die virtuelle Position kann am PC beobachtet und per Sender oder Wegpunkten gesteuert werden. Optimal zum Testen von Kamera-Auslösungen bei Wegpunktflügen usw. Selbst Logfiles werden mit den Simulierten Daten erzeugt. Außerdem haben wir einen Flugsimulator, der Flugtraining mit dem originalen Sender erlaubt. (Siehe: Simulation 1, Simulation 2)


Flight Data Logging
For post-flight analysis you can log data five times a second to a micro-SD card on the Navigation Control board. This information contains numerous relevant data values including GPS-position, height, speed, voltage, position of switches, flight attitude, currents of each motor, temperature, pilot and autopilot inputs.


Take-off weight and payload
The Okto-XL 6S12 weights 2.6 Kg, a typical LiPo battery is 0.75 Kg, a total of 3.35 Kg. In addition the Okto XL 6S12 can carry a useful payload of 4 Kg.

-> Die ostfriesische Bierdrohne


Automatic Camera Tilt Compensation
Copter motion is automatically removed so that the actual camera angle to the ground can be changed using a control on either the pilot’s RC transmitter – or a separate RC transmitter for the camera operator.


Emergency Failsafe Recovery
If the copter’s flight control receiver loses contact with the pilot’s RC transmitter, the copter will automatically return to the take-off point at a preset height chosen by the pilot. If the flight battery voltage drops below a pilot-selected threshold value, the copter will also return to the take-off point, and, if the pilot preset the option, will automatically land.

-> More informations you will find here: FailSafe


State-of-the-Art Motors
The compact brushless motors we use are minimum-wear and provide high performance and a long service life. We use our own test stand to determine the efficiency of different motor/propeller combinations.


Next-Generation Brushless Motor Controller
We have designed our own high power brushless motor controllers – they can provide 1 kilowatt of power to each motor. When the controllers need to slow a motor down, they use active braking to recovery electrical power, feeding it back to the flight battery, making for longer flight times. The controllers write their status, temperature, and the electrical current being provided to the motor to a log file. Any overload or motor failure status is immediately downlinked to the pilot on the ground. A redundant data bus provides additional safety margin.


https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/1-Funktionen/Offene Schnittstelle.png?m=1416387070

Open Interface
The serial protocol for controlling and configurating the MikroKopter is open and documented. Control the Copter with your own firmware via wireless telemetry intercace or an own controller on board.


Advanced 32-bit ARM and AVR Central Processors
Depending on the number of motors, from 12 to 15 single chip microcomputers are used for flight control, navigation, motor controls, GPS, camera interface and other functions. The computer source code for these microcontrollers is Open Source, written in C, and can be modified by our customers if required.


Cutting Edge Nanoscale Sensors
IWe use the state-of-the-art nanotechnology sensors for solid-state gyroscopes and accelerometers to measure the attitude and movement of the copter. A 3D Hall Sensor compass reads the Earth’s magnetic field to help with navigation. A highly sensitive pressure sensor, combined with the accelerometer data provide a “height hold” and allows for automatic take-off and landing.

-> Demovideo


Advanced Global Positioning System
The GPS board uses the most recent, highly-sensitive GPS antenna and preamplifier with a SAW frequency filter that can get a 3D position lock with a limited sky view or when satellites are shielded by terrain and buildings. This system can get positional data from the U.S. GPS, the Russian GLONASS, and the Chinese BeiDou satellites.


Telemetry via Personal Computer or Tablet
MikroKopter’s copters have a bidirectional telemetry system with a range of up to 6 Km and operating at different frequencies (2,4Ghz, 868Mhz, or 900Mhz) display copter position and operating parameters on a PC or tablet. These parameters include the copter’s height, flight battery voltage, elapsed flight time, motor currents and more. This telemetry data can be integrated with Google Earth for navigation or stored for offline use and integration with your own map data.


Voice Announcements and Logging of Telemetry Data
- z.B. Jeti oder Graupner HoTT For certain RC Transmitters such as JETI or the Graupner HoTT the transmitter can speak flight critical information out loud. This includes flight battery voltage, height, distance, mode changes, and errors. These voice announcements can be made predetermined time intervals or in response to a control switch on the RC transmitter. This telemetry data can also be logged in the RC transmitter – for example, the last GPS position in the case of a crash or loss of contact with the copter.


Long Flight Times
Depending on the weight of the aircraft and the batteries being used, copter flight times can be as long as 40 minutes. We provide free software that helps you predict what likely flight times will be.


Instructor and Trainee Pilot Systems
Using Graupner HoTT transmitters and receivers, there is no need for a “buddy cable” between the instructor and the student’s transmitter – it can all happen wirelessly. Better yet, specific channels for controlling the camera and even copter yaw control can be assigned wirelessly to a second transmitter for a camera operator.


Camera control and Zoom
Mikropkopters Sony LANC control allows the pilot or the camera operator to have full control of starting/stopping video recording, shooting still images, and zooming the camera lens in and out.

For more informations click here.


Safe and Easy Flight Operations
lying a Mikrokopter multi-rotor copter is safe and easy because we have such features as Come Home (which brings the copter home at a preset altitude), CareFree Mode (which allows beginners to fly without worrying about control reversal), Automatic take-off and landing to make learning to fly safer, Failsafe (which brings the copter home on loss of contact with the RC transmitter) and Geo-fencing (which confines the copter to specific territory).


Geo-Fencing for Safety
Mikrokopter provides programmable features that create an invisible cage in the sky. When enabled the copter will never fly outside this cage and can thus remain safely in view even when a novice pilot is flying the copter.


Almost Ready-to-Fly Copters
All you need do is unbox the copter, charge up some batteries and install the propellers on the copter and you are ready to fly.


Live Payload Video Downlinked to the Ground
Dhe payload camera can downlink a wireless video feed so you can watch the video either on a monitor screen or using video goggles during the flight.

For more informations click here.


Free Mikrokopter Software
Mikrokopter provides free software updates for new features for the Flight Controller, Navigation Controller, GPS board, and the Brushless Controllers. You also get the free Configuration program, Mikrokopter Tool (for Windows PCs), an Android tablet based flight planning tool, MKTT, for setting up waypoints, and geo-fencing. We also provide a free flight simulator, AeroSimRC (the software is free, but you need to purchase a USB dongle), so that you can learn to fly a copter without expensive crashes and whatever the weather is doing outside. Finally, we also provide a free flight time calculator so you can predict your flight times, and a special tool for reviewing the GPX flight data logs created by the Navigation Control board.


Mikrokopter Avionics Are Widely Used
Mikrokopter avionics boards are widely used on many different brands of copters – you may not see the Mikrokopter name, but it’s often there under the protective hoods. There are thousands of copters flying Mikrokopter avionics.


Source Code
Mikrokopter makes is source code available under an Open Source licenses so you can easily tailor it to your needs. Note: to compile the Navigation Control board source code you need our Lib-Link license.


Made to German Engineering Standards for 15 Years
or the past 15 years, Mikrokopter has developed its own hardware and software for the Flight Control, Navigation Control, GPS, and Brushless Controllers. We pride ourselves on high quality hardware and software.

-> Demovideo


Low-Stress Panic-Free Flying
If you simply let go of the RC transmitter sticks and let them return to their center position, the MK Avionics will bring the copter to a standstill in the sky so that you can decide what you need to do next. If you operate the GPS switch, the copter will go to a preset height and then return to the take-off point automatically.


Carefree Mode for Beginners
One of the hardest things for beginning pilots to master is the control reversal when the copter flies with boom #1 pointing in any direction but away from the pilot. Worst case, if boom #1 points at the pilot, all left/right control inputs must be reversed and this can easily cause a beginner to lose control and crash the copter. That’s where Carefree Mode comes in – it automatically senses where boom #1 is with respect to the pilot and allows to pilot to fly “nose out” all the time, regardless of the copter’s actual orientation. Carefree Mode can also be adjusted in flight if the pilot wants the copter to fly around to the side or behind the pilot.


Click and Fly : Single Point Navigation
With just a single click or tap on a map on the screen of a PC or Android tablet you can tell the copter where to fly and autoland there.


Boat Mode : Advanced Feature
IThis is an advanced feature that permits the pilot to initialize the solid state gyroscopes for safe flight even when the copter is resting on a moving boat.


Long Distance Waypoint Flying
Mikrokopter permits waypoint flying up to 250 meters from the take-off point. If you need to pre-program more distant waypoints, all you need do is purchase an extended range license and copy the license file on to the microSD card in the Navigation Control Board.


Easy Maintenance and Simple Modular Design
The Mikrokopter multi-rotor copters are easy to maintain and repair. They use interchangeable parts that are easy to replace without coming back to the workshop.

Only a few minutes for a perfect aerial picture

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Install the battery and camera

GPS-stabilized flight

Controlling and monitoring
Telemetrie and Live picture of the camera




Step 4

Step 5

Optional: Waypoints
PC-controlled route

Pictures and HD-Videos

