Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 15 und 28 (über 13 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 15 vom 16.03.2011 13:03
Größe: 7071
Autor: LotharF
Revision 28 vom 19.09.2013 15:53
Größe: 9346
Autor: LotharF
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
||<tablewidth="720px" tablestyle="text-align: center;"#ffffa0> {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} Seite in [[BL-Ctrl_2.0|deutsch]] ||<#ffffa0> {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif}} Page in [[fr/BL-Ctrl_2.0|french]] || {{{#!wiki MK_Nav
||<class="MK_Nav_Header">'''BL-Ctrl V2.0'''||

{{{#!wiki MK_select1
 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} [[BL-Ctrl_2.0|deutsch]]
 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif}} [[fr/BL-Ctrl_2.0|français]]

See also:[[en/BL-Ctrl|BL-Ctrl]]
Zeile 10: Zeile 21:

'''Note:''' <<BR>>
The BL-Ctrl 2.0 controller is specifically designed and optimized for our MK3638 motor. <<BR>>
For maximum stability of the MikroKopter setpoints are set almost instantaneously on the motor. <<BR>>
If other motors (especially larger power classes) are used with this controller, this fast change <<BR>>
of setpoints can easily lead to very high peak currents, which bring the BL-Ctrl control to the <<BR>>
limit or an overload. This is no fault of BL-Ctrl2.0 controller, but a systemic property.<<BR>>
Please consider carefully whether a different motor is suitable. <<BR>><<BR>>
Zeile 37: Zeile 58:
=== value of the rotation speed ===
The motor speed in RPM (Rotation per minute) is:
 * UPM = raw * 780 / no. of magnets
 * Example: at rpm(raw) = 30 is the speed 2340rpm if the motor has 10 magnets

Electrical commutation frequency vs. rotation speed
 * RPM = f * 60 * 2 / magnets

The maximum electrical commutation frequency of the BL2.0 is 1666Hz, so the max rotation speed is 20.000rpm if the motor has 10 magnets
Zeile 46: Zeile 77:

Zeile 83: Zeile 116:
Zeile 84: Zeile 118:
#!wiki figure
Zeile 102: Zeile 130:
Zeile 118: Zeile 148:

== Connection ==


'''INFO:''' Normally you connect the BL-Ctrl on the "I2C-Bus" of the FlightCtrl and set the needed address with a solder-bridge on the BL. But if you want to connect the BL-Ctrl with an PPM-cable (see second picture: PPM connection), an addressing with a solder-bridge is not necessary.

Zeile 122: Zeile 162:
Here the [[http://svn.mikrokopter.de/listing.php?repname=BL-Ctrl&path=/BL-Ctrl_2.0/&#A77a6d89d8f15ebae7c35261da413b3a1|HEX-files]]
Zeile 124: Zeile 163:
[[en/BrushlessCtrl#Software_update|description]] of the BL-Update All BL-Ctrl are already set with the latest software and also tested. If you have to install the software again you can find it here: <<BR>><<BR>>

BL-Ctrl V2.1 - Adr. 1-8: [[http://svn.mikrokopter.de/filedetails.php?repname=BL-Ctrl&path=%2FBL-Ctrl_2.0%2FV0.31b%2FBL-Ctrl_MEGA168_V0_31b.hex|Download]]

[[en/SoftwareUpdate#include.2BAC8-KopterTool.2BAC8-TerminalWindow-SoftwareUpdate.BL-Ctrl|description]] of the BL-Update
Zeile 127: Zeile 171:
For larger MikroKopters with more than 8 motors, you need to update the firmware [[http://svn.mikrokopter.de/listing.php?repname=BL-Ctrl&path=/BL-Ctrl_2.0/&#A77a6d89d8f15ebae7c35261da413b3a1|"BL-Ctrl_MEGA168_V0_..._ADR9-12.hex"]]
For larger MikroKopters with more than 8 motors, you need to update the firmware:

BL-Ctrl V2.1 - Adr. 9-12:
Zeile 135: Zeile 184:


BL-Ctrl V2.0

See also:BL-Ctrl

Brushless-Controller Version 2.0



The BL-Ctrl 2.0 controller is specifically designed and optimized for our MK3638 motor.
For maximum stability of the MikroKopter setpoints are set almost instantaneously on the motor.
If other motors (especially larger power classes) are used with this controller, this fast change
of setpoints can easily lead to very high peak currents, which bring the BL-Ctrl control to the
limit or an overload. This is no fault of BL-Ctrl2.0 controller, but a systemic property.
Please consider carefully whether a different motor is suitable.

main Features

  • ATMEGA168 with 16kB Flash
  • Current: 35A continuos & 40A Peak (provided there is good cooling)

  • Voltage: up to 5s-Lipo (18,5V)

  • Sizes: 21 x 44mm (like the V1.0)
  • Capacitors: a second capacitor is required for currents > 20A


  • Current measurement
  • Temperature measurement

  • Voltage measurement

  • 11Bit Resolution (2047 steps)

  • I2C-Bus for MikroKopter

  • serial port for MKTool
  • PPM-input (Important: if the PPM-input is used make sure the 4-5 jumper is not closed)
  • Jumper to address the Addresses 1-8

  • Configurable by the I2C-bus using Koptertool -> the Koptertool can remain connected to the Navi or the FC

Show temperatures in the virtual display


Display of the measured values in MKTool


(in this case the BLC must directly connected to the MKUSB)

value of the rotation speed

The motor speed in RPM (Rotation per minute) is:

  • UPM = raw * 780 / no. of magnets
  • Example: at rpm(raw) = 30 is the speed 2340rpm if the motor has 10 magnets

Electrical commutation frequency vs. rotation speed

  • RPM = f * 60 * 2 / magnets

The maximum electrical commutation frequency of the BL2.0 is 1666Hz, so the max rotation speed is 20.000rpm if the motor has 10 magnets

Display of the temperatures in the display Jeti


See also: JetiBox


  • adjustable current limit, gently slows down and doesn't shut off
  • gentle reduction of temperature
  • doesn't start at> 85 ° C (if the engine is blocked for some time)



The settings are recordered at the start of the MK into the BL-Controller.

The settings can be stored manually in the single controllers.

In order to show the BL-Ctrl menu press Ctrl + Settings.

  • BL-Settings1.gif

Meaning of the parameters:

  • Max. current: Sets the upper limit for the motor current in amperes. At higer currents it is not switched off but cut back
  • Temperature Limiter: Limits the maximum temperature of the board in °C. At higher temperatures are not turned off, but cut back (one percent per 0.1 ° C)
  • PWM Scaling: defines the maximum power at maximum setpoint. This allows you to limit the maximum thrust, without losing resolution on the gas control.
  • Start PWM: set PWM when you start the engines. When the motors start badly, you can modify this value.
  • Current Scaling: this value is used for individual fine tuning of the current measurement of a controller.
  • Reverse Direction: Here you can reverse the direction of a controller by software.


  • You can set the parameters of a single controller using its address, or even all at the same time (select "Any").
  • Only activated (front chackbox) parameters are set.
  • To store the settings permanently (ie, even after restart) in the controllers you must activate the option "Store to EEPROM" before writing.
  • The default settings can be loaded again when the button "Restore Default" is pressed. However, these are stored permanently only if you have also selected the option "Store to EEPROM".
  • Only settings of controllers whose gas mixing in the mixer table is greater than 0, which means are then used in the attitude control, can be written and read.

  • BL2_0d.jpg

See also: Firmware 0.80

Address selection

Each engine requires a unique address. Therefore the BL controls addresses are assigned by 1-8.

On BL-Ctrl V2.0 the motor address is set on the board using jumpers (use solder).



Adress (Motor)






































The BL-controller comes with two capacitors. The second capacitor is needed from 20A. It does not hurt if you fit both capacitors.


Important note: polarity - the white, thick-minus mark of capacitors must be on the board margins

Wiring diagram





http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-Ctrl2_0_Connect1.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-Ctrl2_0_Connect2.jpg.html

INFO: Normally you connect the BL-Ctrl on the "I2C-Bus" of the FlightCtrl and set the needed address with a solder-bridge on the BL. But if you want to connect the BL-Ctrl with an PPM-cable (see second picture: PPM connection), an addressing with a solder-bridge is not necessary.

BL-Ctrl in Okto distribution


Software Update

All BL-Ctrl are already set with the latest software and also tested. If you have to install the software again you can find it here:

BL-Ctrl V2.1 - Adr. 1-8: Download

description of the BL-Update

Addresses 9-12

For larger MikroKopters with more than 8 motors, you need to update the firmware:

BL-Ctrl V2.1 - Adr. 9-12: Download


  • The software source of these BL-Ctrl is not open
  • Here the ATMEGA168 incl. Bootloader as spare part

  • If there is a software update: the software may be updates only by serial MKTool. Using the SPI one would delete the boot loader - which is not public

General info on BL-Ctrl

  • KategorieMK-Baugruppe/en