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MikroKopter Map-Tool

MikroKopter Map-Tool

With this website, the maps for the Waypoint navigation can be generated easily.

Link: map.MikroKopter.de

Starting the Map-Generators

The Map generator can be called via the KopterTool. The KopterTool will automatically transfer the actual coordinates of the MikroKopter.



  • the KopterTool (Since V1.78c) transfers the coordinate as well as the size of the KopterTool window. So the size of the image changes automatically. Alternative you can change the size manually.

  • "Generate" will create the MKZ-File with the two two zoom-sizes pictures
  • you can also create a JPG-File with coordinates. This is also compatible to the older KopterTools

Second Zoom-Step

The MKZ-File is a packed file with two pictures that can be imported by the KopterTool
