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MK-Redundanz (old)


Shoplink Okto XL V3 - Combi - Redundanz

Shoplink Doppel Quadro V3 - Cool Redundanz


Here you can download the latest redundant firmware: Download

Redundant system

In some countries copter are allowed only with redundant configuration.
Since 01.01.2014 Austria has a law that requiring more stringent requirements about the reliability of a copter.
We developed and tested a concept, that allows a redundant MikroKopter's.

With this concept the Austro Control gave a the MikroKopter the highest approval "D" !

Redundancy means, that important components have to be replaced in case of a fault and the MK should not crash if there is a failure of a (single) component (eg, motor, receiver, Flight Control, etc.).
The MikroKopter have been continuously developed and improved in terms of safety and reliability,<BR>> A significant contribution to safety brought the introduction of the OktoKopter with 8 motors.


Here you can see how the redundant system work:


Installation of a redundant FlightCtrl

You need

Redundant configuration

The system is extended with a redundant FlightCtrl. The second FlightCtrl (Slave) is connected via the 10-pol connector with the UART of the BL-Ctrl V3.5. To power up the second FlightCtrl you connect it directly with the BL-Ctrl V3.5 (See pictures).

Connect with Okto-BL-V3.5


Connect with DoubleQuadro-Cool V3.5


Principle of operation:

/!\ Note:
If you have an older BL-Ctrl V3 you can see here how to install the resistors / diodes yourself: Redundanz

Wiring diagram

http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/tech/Redundant_Schema_V1.pdf?m=1409759019 http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/tech/Redundant_MK_V1.gif?m=1409713031

/!\ Note: the circuit of the redundant UART data bus is integrated with V3.5 distributors already in the PCB


If you use the redundant System you need a special software for the second FlightCtrl (Slave).
Here you can download the redundant Software: Download


IMPORTANT: Both FlightCtrl needs the same settings.


Ready. If you use a Graupner HoTT or Jeti transmitter you should see now an "R" in the display if you start the motors.

Function test

Test the redundant FC

Test the main FC



In the virtual display in the KopterTool you can also see an "R" (if you have a connection between copter and your PC/Laptop).


Redundancy display in the log file


See also: SimpleGpxViewer

Fault simulation

Two errors can be simulated:

I2C error

To simulate an error you need a free channel on your transmitter (for each error one channel). This free channel you can program on a free switch on your transmitter.
To simulate the I2C error we set the first channel in the settings under "User" to Parameter 7: Link.

/!\ To test it let the MikroKopter on the ground with motors ON. Then use the switch. The Master FlightCtrl will now beep fast and the motors must turn further nonstop. Now you can also start, fly and land the copter. If this is OK you can fly the copter and use then this function.

Please Note
If you use a Set Navigation, this is only working with the Master FlightCtrl. During an error when the second FlightCtrl works you will not have the functions PositionHold, ComingHome etc. Only if you also use a second Set Navigation for the Slave FlightCtrl you will also have this functions during a fault of the master FC.

Motor failure

The second free channel we can set to Parameter 6: Link.

/!\ Note:

Covered fail-cases and reqirements

Point 1: Failure RC Transmitter


Point 2: Failure RC Receiver

Same like above

Point 3: Disturbed RC connection

Same like above

Point 4: Motor failure


Point 5: Shortcut


Point 6: Failure in Battery


Different levels of undervoltage:

First Level (i.e. 30% remaining capacity):

Second Level (i.e. 20% remaining capacity):

Third Level (i.e. 10% remaining capacity):

Point 7: Disturbance/Blackout of the avionic system


If the FlightControl stopps operation, the redundant backup FlightControl immediately takes over the control (See video)

Function principle of the redundant avionic system:

Point 8: Disturbance in global navigation system (GPS)


Before starting:

The pilot is informed about disturbed geomagnetic field or GPS signal loss and can not start the MikroKopter in that case.

During Flight:

If the navigation system, GPS or compass are disturbed (solar storms, GPS-shadowing, etc.), the MikroKopter switches to manual mode and the pilot gets informed via the telemetry. For example, by voice message: "Error GPS"

In addition, the pilot can always turn off the GPS mode on the transmitter and use manually control.

Point 9: Fault / failure in the telemetry

MikroKopter solution

Point 10: Thermal overload the battery

MikroKopter solution

Point 11: Flight recorder/Blackbox

MikroKopter solution


Point 12: flight limits

MikroKopter solution

MikroKopter flight limits can be set:

The pilot can't exceed either the maximum height or distance.

If the MikroKopter would still leave the safety radius, the copter goes automatically into descend mode (fixed velocity 3m/s) and automatically switches to the Coming Home mode. Then the descent is only canceled if the MK comes back within the safety radius. This function prevents a copter from flying too far away in a storm.

The maximum limit for the Waypoint flight prevents using too far distant points. For example, if by mistake the wrong waypoint list is loaded, which would be 100km away.

MikroKopter: en/Redundant_old (zuletzt geändert am 08.03.2018 12:01 durch LotharF)