Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 23 und 27 (über 4 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 23 vom 07.02.2012 12:33
Größe: 7963
Autor: HolgerB
Revision 27 vom 12.04.2012 09:40
Größe: 8159
Autor: LotharF
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 11: Zeile 11:
Zeile 63: Zeile 65:
 * If you use a new MK-GPS-Module (LEA-6S-0-00'''1'''), the NC-firmware mus be at least V0.26'''g''' [[en/Firmware-0.86#Bugfixes|NC 0.26]]
Zeile 237: Zeile 240:
 * NC with a commerciial license will uses "emergency gas" when the altitude goes 10m above this value.  * NC with a commerciial license will uses "emergency gas" when the altitude goes 10m above this value to bring it back into the allowed range.

ErrorCodes of the NaviControl

page under translation, please be patient

Representation in the virtual display:


Representation on the Jeti Box:


0 "No Error"

No Error

1 "FC not compatible "

Cause: The Flight Control software is not compatible to the software version of the NaviControl.


  • Software-Update

2 "MK3Mag not compatible "

Cause: The software of the MK3MAG is not compatible with the software version of the NaviControl.


  • Software-Update

3 "no FC communication "

Cause: The NaviControl has no communication with the Flight Control


  • Check the resistance (tr. note: with a multimeter) of connections (6-pins AND 10-pins flat cables) and the solder points on the pads

4 "no MK3Mag communication "

Cause: The NaviControl has no communication with the MK3Mag


  • Test the connection
  • The green LED on the MK3MAG must be lit or flashing

5 "no GPS communication "

Cause: The NC has no communication to the GPS


  • Check connection
  • The green LED on the MKGPS must be on or flashing
  • If you use a new MK-GPS-Module (LEA-6S-0-001), the NC-firmware mus be at least V0.26g NC 0.26

6 "bad compass value"

Cause: The compass-value is invalide


7 "RC Signal lost "

Cause: No RC-Signal


  • turn on transmitter
  • check channel or binding
  • check receiver setting in the KopterTool

8 "FC spi rx error "

Cause: the NC has noch communication via SPI to the FC


  • Check the SPI connection (6-pole and 10-pole ribbon cable) and the pins on FC and NC

9: "ERR: no NC communication"

Cause: The communication between FC and NC was suddenly interrupted


  • Check the flat cabled between FC and NC

10 "ERR: FC Nick Gyro"

Cause: the analoque sgyro ensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the Gyro

11 "ERR: FC Roll Gyro"

Cause: the analoque gyro sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the Gyro

12 "ERR: FC Yaw Gyro"

Cause: the analoque gyro sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the Gyro

13 "ERR: FC Nick ACC"

Cause: the analoque ACC sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the sensor

14 "ERR: FC Roll ACC"

Cause: the analoque ACC sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the sensor

15 "ERR: FC Z-ACC"

Cause: the analoque ACC sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the sensor

16 "ERR: Pressure sensor"

Cause: the analoque pressure sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration

The MikroKopter might be in too high altitude above sea level. (more than 1000-1500m)


  • check connection to the sensor
  • was the sensor soldered the wrong way?
  • See here: testing the sensor

17 "ERR: FC I2C"

Cause: the I2C communication to the BL-Ctrls is disturbed


  • check supply of the BL-Ctrls
  • check I2C-cables (mixed C and D?)
  • check addresses of the BL-Ctrls
  • disconnect single BL-Ctrls to find one defective

18 "ERR: Bl Missing"

Cause: one BL-Ctrl was not found, but it is used in the mixer table


  • check supply of the BL-Ctrls
  • check addresses of the BL-Ctrls
  • Check the MixerTable

19 "Mixer Error"

Cause: there are more BL-Ctrls connected than expected


  • Check the MixerTable. Maybe a Hexa is selected in a Okto

20 "FC: Carefree Error"

Cause: The function CareFree is used, but the value of the Mk3Mag is invalid


  • Check MK3Mag and NC
  • Calibrate compass

21 "ERR: GPS lost"

Cause: The GPS-Signal was lost during flight (below 4 Satelites)

22 "ERR: Magnet Error"

Cause: The magnetic field of the compass-sensor is 15% different to the magentic field during calibration.


  • remove magnetic disturbing source (Cables, Buszzer,...)
  • general points to the magnetic disturbtions: here

  • Calibrate compass - use the new method!

See also: MagnetError

23 "Motor restart"

  • One BL-Controller tries to restart the motor
  • motor blocked od defect motor cable

24 "BL Limitation"

  • A BL-Controller is in limitation - either overtemperature or overcurrent

25 "GPS range"

  • The aimed waypoint is out of range and will not be reached
  • the distance between Home-Position and the waypoint is larger than 250m (or the max-range of the NC-license)
  • set the waypoint closer or start from a closer position

26 "ERR:No SD-Card"

  • The option "No flight without SD-Card" is activated but there is no SD-card in the NC

27 "ERR:SD Logging aborted"

  • The option "No flight without SD-Card" is activated and there were problems with the Log-file
  • maybe contact problems od the SD-card

28 "ERR:Flying range!"

  • in the "SETTINGS.INI" (SD-card in the NC) the parameter "MAX_FLYING_RANGE = xxx" is set and the range is exceeded.
  • set this parameter to zero if it is not needed

29 "ERR:Max Altitude"

  • in the "SETTINGS.INI" (SD-card in the NC) the parameter "MAX_FLYING_ALT" is set and the altitude is exceeded.
  • NC with a commerciial license will uses "emergency gas" when the altitude goes 10m above this value to bring it back into the allowed range.
  • set this parameter to zero if it is not needed

ErrorCodes of the FlightControl

(if no NC is connected)

HardwareError 1:1

Problems with the sensor: Gyro Nick

HardwareError 1:2

Problems with the sensor: Gyro Roll

HardwareError 1:4

Problems with the sensor: Gyro Gier

HardwareError 1:8

Problems with the sensor: ACC Nick

HardwareError 1:16

Problems with the sensor: ACC Roll

HardwareError 1:32

Problems with the sensor: ACC Z

HardwareError 1:64

Problems with the sensor: air pressure

HardwareError 1:128

Problems with the sensor: compass (not calibrated?)
