Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 22 und 43 (über 21 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 22 vom 15.12.2011 16:56
Größe: 7462
Autor: LotharF
Revision 43 vom 17.11.2015 16:49
Größe: 10589
Autor: HolgerB
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 11: Zeile 11:
 <<TableOfContents>> <<BR>><<BR>>

Zeile 24: Zeile 26:
== 0 "No Error" ==
No Error
Zeile 48: Zeile 47:
== 4 "no MK3Mag communication " ==
Cause: The NaviControl has no communication with the MK3Mag
== 4 "no compass communication " ==
Cause: The NaviControl has no communication with the compass
Zeile 54: Zeile 53:
 * The green LED on the MK3MAG must be lit or flashing  * MK3Mag: The green LED on the MK3MAG must be lit or flashing
Zeile 63: Zeile 62:
 * If you use a new MK-GPS-Module (LEA-6S-0-00'''1'''), the NC-firmware mus be at least V0.26'''g''' [[en/Firmware-0.86#Bugfixes|NC 0.26]]
Zeile 70: Zeile 70:
 * if the Error occures during flight or if the compass was already calibrated: Then the magnet-sensor might have a problem and you should contact HiSystems
Zeile 219: Zeile 220:
== 25 "GPS range" == == 25 "Waypoint range" ==
Zeile 231: Zeile 232:
== 28 "ERR:Flying range!" ==
 * in the "SETTINGS.INI" (SD-card in the NC) the parameter "MAX_FLYING_RANGE = xxx" is set and the range is exceeded.
 * set this parameter to zero if it is not needed

== 29 "ERR:Max Altitude" ==
 * in the "SETTINGS.INI" (SD-card in the NC) the parameter "MAX_FLYING_ALT" is set and the altitude is exceeded.
 * NC with a commercial license will uses "emergency gas" when the altitude goes 10m above this value to bring it back into the allowed range.
 * set this parameter to zero if it is not needed

== 30 "No GPS Fix" ==
 * no GPS fix while Motors are starting
 * the option "No Start without GPS-Fix" in the KopterTool is activated

== 31 "compass not calibrated" ==
 * The magnet sensor on the NC s not calibrated
 * (Not for MK3Mag)

== 32 "BL Selftest error" ==
 * One BL-Ctrl reports a selftest error

== 33 "no ext. compass" ==
 * invalid answer of the external compass
 * check cable to the magnet sensor
 * the flat cable on "Debug" might be too long

== 34 "compass sensor" ==
 * the magnet sensor value is invalid
 * the sensor might be defective

== 35 "FAILSAFE pos.! " ==
 * The MK flies to a Failsafe-Position instead of !ComingHome
 * Undervoltage or RC-Lost and a Failsafe-Position is programmed

== 36 "ERR:Redundancy " ==
 * Only for Redundant setups: Redundancy is not working

== 37 "Redundancy test " ==
 * Only for Redundant setups: The Test-Switch is in "Test" position -> the slave controls the MK

== 38 "GPS Update rate" ==
 * The update rate of the GPS module went below a critical value

== 39 "ERR:Canbus" ==
 * Canbus error (only if canbus is used)
 * check Canbus connection between Master/Slave

== 40 "ERR: 5V RC-Supply" ==
 * The 5V supply to external components is missing

== 0 "No Error" ==
 * No Error
Zeile 232: Zeile 285:
Zeile 261: Zeile 313:
= Beeptones =
 * [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=116140&g2_GALLERYSID=4a727a8c25ff2b4a7ca60ab985747261|RC-Signal lost]]
 * [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=116144&g2_GALLERYSID=4a727a8c25ff2b4a7ca60ab985747261|Undervoltage - empty Lipo]]
 * [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=116132&g2_GALLERYSID=4a727a8c25ff2b4a7ca60ab985747261|Communication between FC and NC during flight]]
 * [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=116118&g2_GALLERYSID=4a727a8c25ff2b4a7ca60ab985747261|Compass - communication during flight ore during CareFree]]
 * [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=116136&g2_GALLERYSID=4a727a8c25ff2b4a7ca60ab985747261|Flying range]]
 * [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=116128&g2_GALLERYSID=4a727a8c25ff2b4a7ca60ab985747261|I2C-Error]]

ErrorCodes of the NaviControl

page under translation, please be patient

Representation in the virtual display:


Representation on the Jeti Box:


1 "FC not compatible "

Cause: The Flight Control software is not compatible to the software version of the NaviControl.


  • Software-Update

2 "MK3Mag not compatible "

Cause: The software of the MK3MAG is not compatible with the software version of the NaviControl.


  • Software-Update

3 "no FC communication "

Cause: The NaviControl has no communication with the Flight Control


  • Check the resistance (tr. note: with a multimeter) of connections (6-pins AND 10-pins flat cables) and the solder points on the pads

4 "no compass communication "

Cause: The NaviControl has no communication with the compass


  • Test the connection
  • MK3Mag: The green LED on the MK3MAG must be lit or flashing

5 "no GPS communication "

Cause: The NC has no communication to the GPS


  • Check connection
  • The green LED on the MKGPS must be on or flashing
  • If you use a new MK-GPS-Module (LEA-6S-0-001), the NC-firmware mus be at least V0.26g NC 0.26

6 "bad compass value"

Cause: The compass-value is invalide


  • Calibrate the MK3Mag

  • if the Error occures during flight or if the compass was already calibrated: Then the magnet-sensor might have a problem and you should contact HiSystems

7 "RC Signal lost "

Cause: No RC-Signal


  • turn on transmitter
  • check channel or binding
  • check receiver setting in the KopterTool

8 "FC spi rx error "

Cause: the NC has noch communication via SPI to the FC


  • Check the SPI connection (6-pole and 10-pole ribbon cable) and the pins on FC and NC

9: "ERR: no NC communication"

Cause: The communication between FC and NC was suddenly interrupted


  • Check the flat cabled between FC and NC

10 "ERR: FC Nick Gyro"

Cause: the analoque sgyro ensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the Gyro

11 "ERR: FC Roll Gyro"

Cause: the analoque gyro sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the Gyro

12 "ERR: FC Yaw Gyro"

Cause: the analoque gyro sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the Gyro

13 "ERR: FC Nick ACC"

Cause: the analoque ACC sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the sensor

14 "ERR: FC Roll ACC"

Cause: the analoque ACC sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the sensor

15 "ERR: FC Z-ACC"

Cause: the analoque ACC sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration (between 150 and 850)

The value is shown in the virtual display in brackets (xx)


  • calibrate sensors again
  • check the soldered connections on the sensor

16 "ERR: Pressure sensor"

Cause: the analoque pressure sensor signal is not in the expected range during calibration

The MikroKopter might be in too high altitude above sea level. (more than 1000-1500m)


  • check connection to the sensor
  • was the sensor soldered the wrong way?
  • See here: testing the sensor

17 "ERR: FC I2C"

Cause: the I2C communication to the BL-Ctrls is disturbed


  • check supply of the BL-Ctrls
  • check I2C-cables (mixed C and D?)
  • check addresses of the BL-Ctrls
  • disconnect single BL-Ctrls to find one defective

18 "ERR: Bl Missing"

Cause: one BL-Ctrl was not found, but it is used in the mixer table


  • check supply of the BL-Ctrls
  • check addresses of the BL-Ctrls
  • Check the MixerTable

19 "Mixer Error"

Cause: there are more BL-Ctrls connected than expected


  • Check the MixerTable. Maybe a Hexa is selected in a Okto

20 "FC: Carefree Error"

Cause: The function CareFree is used, but the value of the Mk3Mag is invalid


  • Check MK3Mag and NC
  • Calibrate compass

21 "ERR: GPS lost"

Cause: The GPS-Signal was lost during flight (below 4 Satelites)

22 "ERR: Magnet Error"

Cause: The magnetic field of the compass-sensor is 15% different to the magentic field during calibration.


  • remove magnetic disturbing source (Cables, Buszzer,...)
  • general points to the magnetic disturbtions: here

  • Calibrate compass - use the new method!

See also: MagnetError

23 "Motor restart"

  • One BL-Controller tries to restart the motor
  • motor blocked od defect motor cable

24 "BL Limitation"

  • A BL-Controller is in limitation - either overtemperature or overcurrent

25 "Waypoint range"

  • The aimed waypoint is out of range and will not be reached
  • the distance between Home-Position and the waypoint is larger than 250m (or the max-range of the NC-license)
  • set the waypoint closer or start from a closer position

26 "ERR:No SD-Card"

  • The option "No flight without SD-Card" is activated but there is no SD-card in the NC

27 "ERR:SD Logging aborted"

  • The option "No flight without SD-Card" is activated and there were problems with the Log-file
  • maybe contact problems od the SD-card

28 "ERR:Flying range!"

  • in the "SETTINGS.INI" (SD-card in the NC) the parameter "MAX_FLYING_RANGE = xxx" is set and the range is exceeded.
  • set this parameter to zero if it is not needed

29 "ERR:Max Altitude"

  • in the "SETTINGS.INI" (SD-card in the NC) the parameter "MAX_FLYING_ALT" is set and the altitude is exceeded.
  • NC with a commercial license will uses "emergency gas" when the altitude goes 10m above this value to bring it back into the allowed range.
  • set this parameter to zero if it is not needed

30 "No GPS Fix"

  • no GPS fix while Motors are starting
  • the option "No Start without GPS-Fix" in the KopterTool is activated

31 "compass not calibrated"

  • The magnet sensor on the NC s not calibrated
  • (Not for MK3Mag)

32 "BL Selftest error"

  • One BL-Ctrl reports a selftest error

33 "no ext. compass"

  • invalid answer of the external compass
  • check cable to the magnet sensor
  • the flat cable on "Debug" might be too long

34 "compass sensor"

  • the magnet sensor value is invalid
  • the sensor might be defective

35 "FAILSAFE pos.! "

  • The MK flies to a Failsafe-Position instead of ComingHome

  • Undervoltage or RC-Lost and a Failsafe-Position is programmed

36 "ERR:Redundancy "

  • Only for Redundant setups: Redundancy is not working

37 "Redundancy test "

  • Only for Redundant setups: The Test-Switch is in "Test" position -> the slave controls the MK

38 "GPS Update rate"

  • The update rate of the GPS module went below a critical value

39 "ERR:Canbus"

  • Canbus error (only if canbus is used)
  • check Canbus connection between Master/Slave

40 "ERR: 5V RC-Supply"

  • The 5V supply to external components is missing

0 "No Error"

  • No Error

ErrorCodes of the FlightControl

(if no NC is connected)

HardwareError 1:1

Problems with the sensor: Gyro Nick

HardwareError 1:2

Problems with the sensor: Gyro Roll

HardwareError 1:4

Problems with the sensor: Gyro Gier

HardwareError 1:8

Problems with the sensor: ACC Nick

HardwareError 1:16

Problems with the sensor: ACC Roll

HardwareError 1:32

Problems with the sensor: ACC Z

HardwareError 1:64

Problems with the sensor: air pressure

HardwareError 1:128

Problems with the sensor: compass (not calibrated?)

