
Was man für die Bildübertragung vom MikroKopter zum Boden benötigt und wie es angeschlossen wird, ist hier beschrieben: Video
What you need to see the live video from the MikroKopter on the ground is described here: Video

204 Videos    Seiten:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  

Philly: Oktokopter im Esprit Stadion Düsseldorf für den WDR

Ein Fussballspiel aus der Luft gefilmt


9444 Aufrufe  -  27.07.2010  

Mark Willis: Aerial Photogrammetry with Hexakopter

Mark Willis used the MikroKopter Hexakopter as a tool for aerial mapping and photogrammetry of archaeological sites.
"In short, we placed Ground Control Points (GCPs) around a man-made ponding area at roughly ten meter intervals (40 x 30 m in total area). The GCPs were shot in with a deferentially-corrected GPS (0.1 m horizontal and 0.2m vertical resolution) and with a Total Data Station (0.03m vertical and horizontal resolution). We then flew the Hexakopter at 40m above the ground surface in an east-west grid pattern with a photograph being taken straight down every 10 m or so. The camera used was an off the self Canon A540."
More Information


13822 Aufrufe  -  07.06.2010  

Oktokopter at Aranjuez (Madrid)

AlbertoCVR: Oktokopter at Aranjuez , small village near Madrid.


11117 Aufrufe  -  25.05.2010  

Albertocvr: Octocopter HD mix

Oktokopter aerial HD shoot´s at horses, bikes and nice landscapes, fpv flown


5491 Aufrufe  -  12.03.2010  

FPV-Leif: Winter impressions

Some great winter-videos made by FPV-Leif with his OktoKopter

More Videos from him :
Winter impressions 1
Winter impressions 2


9847 Aufrufe  -  07.02.2010  

FPV Session 4 - "The Old Hangars" Mikrokopter HD

Jamiro & Nebukad fpv session4 flying at the old "Fliegerhorst"
Session 1 with making of...
Session 2
Session 3


4919 Aufrufe  -  17.11.2009  

zDoc: über den Wolken - over the clouds

"the sun is always shining above the cloud"


19659 Aufrufe  -  30.10.2009  

MikroKopter - new software 10.2009

Here I show three new features of the MikroKopter Software
FC:0.76 NC:0.16 MK3:0.22 KopterTool:1.66
See the dokumentation here


48021 Aufrufe  -  28.10.2009  

Jamiro: Nature reclaims Lost Place

Hidden village next to Berlin - GER


5586 Aufrufe  -  24.10.2009  

Bandion: MikroKopter e pesca sportiva

Einen Angler aus der Luft gefilmt


8882 Aufrufe  -  12.10.2009  

der Oschni: W4yP0inT

Great event in Rheinbach. Thanks all folks for supporting.

For more information about this event:


5706 Aufrufe  -  29.09.2009  

MikroKopter - Mission:

The Video of the 3,3km Waypoint-flight
More informations
English subtitles


200385 Aufrufe  -  28.09.2009  

MikroKopter - GPS und Höhenregler-Spielereien

HolgerB: Hier teste ich den L4-ME MikroKopter mit verschiedenen Nutzlasten

6 Min. 22 Sek.

29571 Aufrufe  -  04.09.2009  

MikroKopter - Storm

This video was made in a severe storm (September 2009)
with a normal L4-ME MikroKopter.


4195 Aufrufe  -  01.09.2009  

MK-Stefan: Okto-Quadros

Die Aufnahmen entstanden beim Treffen.. Am Ternscher See 2009


26200 Aufrufe  -  29.08.2009  

Weitere Video-Quellen

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