MikroKopter LiveView
(c) 2016 by Steph
MK-LiveView was created with the intention to show relevant telemetry data of the copter clear on the screen.
The data is send by a serial connection between the debug port of the copter and the pc.
By implementing the code from "GreatMaps" ( http://greatmaps.codeplex.com/ ) the actual position of the copter can be displayed on different kind of maps.
With the "Versatile Web Cam Library" by lepipele (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/125478/Versatile-WebCam-C-library ) it is also possible to display a camera window displaying a live image of a connected camera.
The programm depends on the Navi-Ctrl with gps module.
At the time of creation the firmware of the copter used was:
- Flight-Ctrl: V2.15k
- Navi-Ctrl: V2.15h
- BL-Ctrl: V1.10
The software was tested with the following hardware:
- Flight-Ctrl: V2.2 (V2.1 with ACC upgrade)
- Navi-Ctrl: V2.0
- BL-Ctrl: V3.0
The programm was created with VisualStudio 2015 in WPF/C# .
The programm depends on the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 ( https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/download/details.aspx?id=48145 )
The „Mikrokopter Serial Control Tutorial“ (http://hdl.lib.byu.edu/1877/2747) by John C. Macdonald has contributed essentially for the implementation oft he programm. He created a C#-project for controlling a MikroKopter by PC.