Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 2 und 5 (über 3 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 2 vom 08.10.2007 19:23
Größe: 2952
Autor: ligi
Revision 5 vom 21.10.2007 21:17
Größe: 3053
Autor: tantive
Kommentar: Added E65, reorganized "Tested on" section
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
= Preface: = attachment:dubwise_mk_FM4014.JPG

= Content =

= Preface =
Zeile 4: Zeile 9:
= Download =
= Screenshots =
= Videos =
= Usage =
 * General:
  . KEY # toggle Fullscreen KEY * to Quit
 * Device selection Screen:
  . KEY 1..X to select device
 * Main Screen:
  . KEY UP to go Page up in MK-LCD KEY DOWN to go Page up in MK-LCD
  KEY RIGHT - go to MotorTest
 * MotorTest Screen
  . UP/DOWN increas/decrease speed of actual motor LEFT prev motor ( if first go to main screen ) RIGHT next motor
= Tested on =
 * SE
  * K800i
  * W800i
 * Nokia
  * 6230i (without copter)
  * 6234
  * E65
  * N80 (Font is too Big - but API worx)
  * N95
= Compile =
 * install some tools to fullfill Compile-Dependencys ( see below )
 * Set the path to WTK it in build.xml
 * execute $> ant build
 * the JAR and JAD will appear in build/bin when success
 * see http://forum.mikrokopter.de/topic-post15829.html#post15829 for Hints on Compiling on Windows
= Dependencys =
 * Run:
  . - The Phone needs the Bluetooth API and MIDP 2.0 .
  - The MK needs a Bluetooth-Modul - http://mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/F2M03GXA?action=show
 * Compile:
  . - WTK ( 2.2 proven to work - please test with newer )
  - Obfuscator (e.g. Proguard from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=54750) when willing to obfuscate - ANT
Zeile 30: Zeile 71:
= Usage =
 * General:
  . KEY # toggle Fullscreen KEY * to Quit
 * Device selection Screen:
  . KEY 1..X to select device
 * Main Screen:
  . KEY UP to go Page up in MK-LCD KEY DOWN to go Page up in MK-LCD
  KEY RIGHT - go to MotorTest
 * MotorTest Screen
  . UP/DOWN increas/decrease speed of actual motor LEFT prev motor ( if first go to main screen ) RIGHT next motor
= Tested on =
 * SE - K800i
 * Nokia - N95
 * SE - W800i
 * Nokia - 6234
 * Nokia - N80 ( Font is too Big - but API worx)
 * Nokia - 6230i ( without copter )
= Compile =
 * install some tools to fullfill Compile-Dependencys ( see below )
 * Set the path to WTK it in build.xml
 * execute $> ant build
 * the JAR and JAD will appear in build/bin when success
 * see http://forum.mikrokopter.de/topic-post15829.html#post15829 for Hints on Compiling on Windows
= Dependencys =
 * Run:
  . - The Phone needs the Bluetooth API and MIDP 2.0 .
  - The MK needs a Bluetooth-Modul - http://mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/F2M03GXA?action=show
 * Compile:
  . - WTK ( 2.2 proven to work - please test with newer )
  - Obfuscator (e.g. Proguard from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=54750) when willing to obfuscate - ANT





  • DUBwise == Digital UFO Broadcasting with intelligent service equipment
  • Project to Communicate via J2ME (Mobile Phone) and Bluetooth with a MikroKopter ( www.mikrokopter.de )





  • General:
    • KEY # toggle Fullscreen KEY * to Quit
  • Device selection Screen:
    • KEY 1..X to select device
  • Main Screen:
    • KEY UP to go Page up in MK-LCD KEY DOWN to go Page up in MK-LCD

      KEY RIGHT - go to MotorTest

  • MotorTest Screen

    • UP/DOWN increas/decrease speed of actual motor LEFT prev motor ( if first go to main screen ) RIGHT next motor

Tested on

  • SE
    • K800i
    • W800i
  • Nokia
    • 6230i (without copter)
    • 6234
    • E65
    • N80 (Font is too Big - but API worx)
    • N95




  • 0.01 - initial Version ( initialize connection / main Thread with reading data from MK)
  • 0.02 - reconnect after connection loss ( e.g. switching on/off )
  • 0.03 - added send_command ( with CRC )
  • 0.04 - added decode64 to decode 'pseudo' BASE64
  • 0.05 - added get_version
  • 0.06 - added parsing of DebugData

  • 0.07 - Code-(Doc&&Cleanup) && initial svn commit

  • 0.08 - Initial README / ToDo List

  • 0.09 - implemented BTScanner for detecting BT-Devices (No hard mac anymore for first public bin)
  • 0.10 - initial MKMinimalMidlet / Canvas
  • 0.11 - 1st public binary ( JAR/JAD)
  • 0.12 - measure Uptime ( like that word for MK being in Air ;-)

  • 0.14 - measure idling mixture
  • 0.15 - Fixed Nokia Problem 2 instead of 2.0 ..
  • 0.16 - LCD implementation & polishing code on serveral places

  • 0.17 - Quit via * | Rescan via #
  • 0.18 - Remember URL ( bt-mac ) on quit
  • 0.19 - better handling of MK Version
  • 0.23 - care for Version while parsing DebugData - MK0.64 compatible now (0.20-0.23 - n1 bugfixing With CaSCade)

  • 0.24 - adding some GFX
  • 0.25 - adding Graph ( Nick int;Roll int; nick acc ;roll acc)
  • 0.26 - more Visuals
  • 0.27 - implemented motor_test
  • 0.28 - Icon
  • 0.29 - ressources for 176x220 / Ress differencing



  • Holger&Ingo for the MikroKopter Project

  • CaScAdE for Testing and Graphics
  • Orion8 for inspiration