Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 12 und 15 (über 3 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 12 vom 06.11.2007 15:22
Größe: 22
Autor: ligi
Revision 15 vom 07.11.2009 13:38
Größe: 9290
Autor: ligi
Kommentar: add needstranslation
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
#redirect en/DUBwise ||<tablewidth="99%" bgcolor="#CEF6CE" style="text-align: center;"> http://mikrokopter.de/images/eng.gif '''[:en/DUBwise:English Page]''' | http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif '''[:DUBwise: Deutsch]''' | http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif '''[:fr/DUBwise:Français]''' ||

[[NeedsTranslation(Hier müsste noch einiges von englisch nach deutsch übersetzt werden)]]



= Was ist DUBwise? =
 . DUBwise ist eine Software für Handys um Aufgaben rund um den MikroKopter zu erfüllen.

= Was kann DUBwise? =
== J2ME Version ==
 * Sprachausgabe der aktuellen Spannung, Höhe, Flugzeit und Warnungen
 * Anzeige eines künstlichen Horizonts
 * Fliegen des MikroKopter mit den Handy-Tasten
 * Anzeige eines Graphs
 * Motor-Test
 * Draw LCD of mk - to display several Info-Pages the MikroKopter provides
 * View all !DebugValues - look at several Values the MK Provides - some are in the LCD too , but this method is faster
 * Read, Edit, and reinitialize Parameters from MK
 * Save MK-Parameters to Phone and Copy parameters from Phone to MK ( for settings backup and copying of params from one MK to another MK )
 * Proxy Function ( send Data from MK via TCP/IP to socket )
 * save MK MAC/Name - so that scanning is only needed once ( you have to Quit via the Menu-Item - not the systems Exit button or simply turning the Phone off)
 * display Versions of FC ; NC ; MK3MAG
 * reconnect after connection loss
 * Flash MK / Navi / MK3MAG Firmware
 * Display data from the Remote to check if sticks are assigned correctly
 * Display data from the Navi-Ctrl
 * Check for Navi-Errors
 * Connection via Bluetooth ( jsr-82 ) ; comport and TCP/IP
 * Write the default mixer-tables
 * Multi-Language Support - actual German / English / French
== Android Version ==
 . /!\ Since Android has no Bluetooth-API at the moment the Android Version is not really useable for normal Users
 * test each motor ( only with slider on Touchscreen atm )
 * Draw LCD of mk - to display several Info-Pages the MikroKopter provides
 * view Debug Values
 * view RC-Data ( channels )
 * display MK-Version / Power / RC-Level
 * initial Piloting interface ( flying with touchpad is near ;-)
 * Interface for Flight-Settings ( but there is a bug left ... not working at the moment - just interface preview )

= Download =
 * /!\ If you are using a Mindows Mobile Phone read [:DUBwiseWindowsMobile:this Page] first
 * Binaries: http://dubwise-download.appspot.com/
 * Source Code: http://github.com/ligi/DUBwise

= Videos =
 . '''Video by Jamiro ( Showing the new Audio Features of DUBwise on start ) ''
 . [[Vimeo(5629176)]] [[BR]]
 . '''Video by Speedy'''
 . [[Vimeo(4040325)]] [[BR]]
 . '''Screencast ( Version 0.52 - sorry for the bad audio)'''
 . [[Vimeo(3175980)]] [[BR]]
 . '''Holger Flying his MikroKopter with DUBwise:''' [[BR]]
 . [[Vimeo(2714743)]] [[BR]]
 . '''Motortest with the Android Version:''' [[BR]]
 . [[Vimeo(905980)]] [[BR]]
 '''Orientation View ( piloting screen) with the Android Version:''' [[BR]]
 . [[Vimeo(919991)]]
 . [[BR]]

= Screenshots =
 . [:en/DUBwiseJ2MEScreenShots:J2ME ScreenShots]

= Anleitungen =

== Anleitung für Key Control ==

 * 1. In den MK Settings "ExternalControl" auf z.B. 200 stellen.
 * 2. Handy mit dem MK Verbinden
 * 3. In Dubwise menüpunkt "Tastensteuerung" wählen. (Wenn alles passt laufen unten Zahlen durch)
 * 4. Mit Funke Gyros kalibrieren und Motoren starten
 * 5. Langsam Vollgas geben, Motoren drehen nur etwas schneller
 * 6. MK über Handy steuern und spaß haben.

 . /!\ Achtung1: Den Gasknüppel auf leerlauf = Notaus
 . /!\ Achtung2: Ist der Gasknüppel auf Vollgas und die Motoren laufen und man beendet den Menüpunkt "Tastensteuerung" übernimmt die Funke und der MK schießt nach oben (TODO: Bild von decke einfügen) ;)

== Verbinden ==
=== via Bluetooth ===
 it depends on the device a bit - first you should try:

 * 1.)Enable BT on your phone after switching on the MK
 * 2.)Start DUBwise
 * 3.)go to "connection -> connect via BT" to search for devices
 * 4.)Enter code (if needed)
 /!\ if that fails ( e.g. DUBwise does not find the Device ) try this:
 * 1.)Enable BT on your phone after switching on the MK
 * 2.)Search for devices on your phone
 * 3.)Pair your phone with the MK
 * 4.)Start DUBwise
 * 5.)Search for devices again
 * 6.)Enter code (if needed)

== Keys ==
=== General ===
 * The star brings you back to the main menu ( /!\ If you have a touchscreen device you can touch the upper bar where the symbols are )
 * up / down / fire to select

=== In the Graph Screen ===
 * 3 -> Freeze
 * 5 -> toggle Legend
 * 7 -> toggle scale

== Touchscreen ==
 * touch on the top-bar ( where e.g. the Voltage is ) to get back to the main-menu
 * touch on an menu-item to select it - touch again to execute
 * if there is a value to edit touch on the left side to decrement and touch on the right side to increment
= Supported Devices =
 There is no complete list of supported Devices - there is just a [:en/DUBwiseTestedDevices:List of Devices where DUBwise was tested on] . If your Device is not in the list - just try it and give [:en/LiGi:me] some feedback if it worked and i'll update the list.

= Trouble Shooting =

 || ''' Problem ''' || '''Solution'''||
 || short Range || build [:en/DUBwiseRangeExtender:DUBwiseRangeExtender] ||
 || "Incompatible Device" Error || try updating your MK or Navi board to the latest Version ||
 || no Sound || check if your mobile is in silent mode or volume is at 0 ||
 || no Sound || try the version with wav or 64kbit in the filename ||
 || !KeyControl has no Effect || Check Parameter External Controll in the actual Setting ||
 || Settings are not saved || Make sure you exit DUBwise via the menu entry "quit" in the main menu ||

= Notes / Known Issues =
== General ==
 * If you configure your Bluetooth-Module with a security PIN - keep in mind that some J2ME - Mobile Phones are having Problems with PINs which are not Alpha-Numeric - so you better not use souch a PIN to prevent to have to reconfigure the Bluetooth-Module.

 * Your Settings are only saved when you close DUBwise via quit in the main menu ( Background: This should prevent you from fucking up your DUBwise installation with Settings that are not working on your Hardware )

== PhoneME specific ==
 * you have to close DUBwise via quit in the main menu! If you close via the X in the upper right you dont really close DUBwise ...

= ToDo =
== Work in Progress ==
 * Port to Android
 * Support for Wolferl-NG QuadKopter
 * trigger mobile-cammera via FC
== mid term ==
 * log data/csv ( send via TCP/IP ; save )
 * Sound Alarms on Batt low or other triggers
 * Battery Charging Log with camera and barcodes
== long term ==
 * live video & osd generation as background for the piloting screen
 * lead - function - gps on Phone and QC needed - QC always holds position in a defined distance to the phone
 * get Firmwares to flash via TCP/IP
 * making lib to be useable with desktop JAVA / will be sceduled after bluecove for linux is ready ( anounced for next Version)
 * triangulate MK by BT rssi
 * Define which !DebugValues are shown on Graph with which color ( implicit graph switch of )
= Licence =
 * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/de/ (Creative Commons / Non Commercial / Share Alike)
 * /!\ Addtitonally to this Licence it is not allowed to use this project in any violent manner! This explicitly includes that lethal Weapon owning "People" and Organisations (e.g. Army & Police) are not allowed to use this Project.
 . [[BR]][http://support.creativecommons.org/videos#wwt http://search.creativecommons.org/images/wwt.jpg] [[BR]]

 If you wanna participate in Development have a look at [:en/DUBwiseDevelopment:this page]
 And there are several things beside Coding where you could help:
  * Translation of the Wiki page
  * Translation of DUBwise ( contact me if you are willing - i will include the translations into the code )
  * Correct my typos ;-)
  * Documentation
  * Screenshots
  * Device Tests ( Testing in general )
  * Improve Graphics
  * Improve Audio samples
  * ...

= Credits: =
 * Holger&Ingo for the MikroKopter Project
 * CaScAdE for Testing and Graphics
 * Orion8 for inspiration
 * Joko for Testing and Comments
 * ["Speedy"] for Audio Editing / Graphics & blogging about this tool
 * Jamiro for the new Icon
 * [:en/SelectaT:SelectaT] for Audio Samples and Testing
 * kmpec for lending me his Diamond
 * !JiPsi for translation to french

= DUBwise in the Media =
 * Chaos Radio Express: http://chaosradio.ccc.de/cre106.html
 * hackedgadgets.com: http://hackedgadgets.com/2008/04/19/dubwise-digital-ufo-broadcasting-with-intelligent-service-equipment/
 * Speedys blog: http://speedyweb.at/start/2007/11/05/mikrokopter-am-handy/
 * http://brum.wx.cz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59:dubwise&catid=35:mikrokopter&Itemid=2

= Discussion =
 * German Discussion @ MK Forum: http://forum.mikrokopter.de/topic-1682.html

 . KategorieAnleitung KategorieProjekte KategorieTools

http://mikrokopter.de/images/eng.gif [:en/DUBwise:English Page] | http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif [:DUBwise: Deutsch] | http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif [:fr/DUBwise:Français]

NeedsTranslation(Hier müsste noch einiges von englisch nach deutsch übersetzt werden)



Was ist DUBwise?

  • DUBwise ist eine Software für Handys um Aufgaben rund um den MikroKopter zu erfüllen.

Was kann DUBwise?

J2ME Version

  • Sprachausgabe der aktuellen Spannung, Höhe, Flugzeit und Warnungen
  • Anzeige eines künstlichen Horizonts
  • Fliegen des MikroKopter mit den Handy-Tasten

  • Anzeige eines Graphs
  • Motor-Test
  • Draw LCD of mk - to display several Info-Pages the MikroKopter provides

  • View all DebugValues - look at several Values the MK Provides - some are in the LCD too , but this method is faster

  • Read, Edit, and reinitialize Parameters from MK
  • Save MK-Parameters to Phone and Copy parameters from Phone to MK ( for settings backup and copying of params from one MK to another MK )
  • Proxy Function ( send Data from MK via TCP/IP to socket )
  • save MK MAC/Name - so that scanning is only needed once ( you have to Quit via the Menu-Item - not the systems Exit button or simply turning the Phone off)
  • display Versions of FC ; NC ; MK3MAG
  • reconnect after connection loss
  • Flash MK / Navi / MK3MAG Firmware
  • Display data from the Remote to check if sticks are assigned correctly
  • Display data from the Navi-Ctrl
  • Check for Navi-Errors
  • Connection via Bluetooth ( jsr-82 ) ; comport and TCP/IP
  • Write the default mixer-tables
  • Multi-Language Support - actual German / English / French

Android Version

  • /!\ Since Android has no Bluetooth-API at the moment the Android Version is not really useable for normal Users

  • test each motor ( only with slider on Touchscreen atm )
  • Draw LCD of mk - to display several Info-Pages the MikroKopter provides

  • view Debug Values
  • view RC-Data ( channels )
  • display MK-Version / Power / RC-Level
  • initial Piloting interface ( flying with touchpad is near ;-)

  • Interface for Flight-Settings ( but there is a bug left ... not working at the moment - just interface preview )





Anleitung für Key Control

  • 1. In den MK Settings "ExternalControl" auf z.B. 200 stellen.

  • 2. Handy mit dem MK Verbinden
  • 3. In Dubwise menüpunkt "Tastensteuerung" wählen. (Wenn alles passt laufen unten Zahlen durch)
  • 4. Mit Funke Gyros kalibrieren und Motoren starten
  • 5. Langsam Vollgas geben, Motoren drehen nur etwas schneller
  • 6. MK über Handy steuern und spaß haben.
  • /!\ Achtung1: Den Gasknüppel auf leerlauf = Notaus

  • /!\ Achtung2: Ist der Gasknüppel auf Vollgas und die Motoren laufen und man beendet den Menüpunkt "Tastensteuerung" übernimmt die Funke und der MK schießt nach oben (TODO: Bild von decke einfügen) ;)


via Bluetooth

  • it depends on the device a bit - first you should try:
  • 1.)Enable BT on your phone after switching on the MK
  • 2.)Start DUBwise
  • 3.)go to "connection -> connect via BT" to search for devices

  • 4.)Enter code (if needed)


  • /!\ if that fails ( e.g. DUBwise does not find the Device ) try this:


  • 1.)Enable BT on your phone after switching on the MK
  • 2.)Search for devices on your phone
  • 3.)Pair your phone with the MK
  • 4.)Start DUBwise
  • 5.)Search for devices again
  • 6.)Enter code (if needed)



  • The star brings you back to the main menu ( /!\ If you have a touchscreen device you can touch the upper bar where the symbols are )

  • up / down / fire to select

In the Graph Screen

  • 3 -> Freeze

  • 5 -> toggle Legend

  • 7 -> toggle scale


  • touch on the top-bar ( where e.g. the Voltage is ) to get back to the main-menu
  • touch on an menu-item to select it - touch again to execute
  • if there is a value to edit touch on the left side to decrement and touch on the right side to increment

Supported Devices

  • There is no complete list of supported Devices - there is just a [:en/DUBwiseTestedDevices:List of Devices where DUBwise was tested on] . If your Device is not in the list - just try it and give [:en/LiGi:me] some feedback if it worked and i'll update the list.

Trouble Shooting

  • Problem


    short Range

    build [:en/DUBwiseRangeExtender:DUBwiseRangeExtender]

    "Incompatible Device" Error

    try updating your MK or Navi board to the latest Version

    no Sound

    check if your mobile is in silent mode or volume is at 0

    no Sound

    try the version with wav or 64kbit in the filename

    KeyControl has no Effect

    Check Parameter External Controll in the actual Setting

    Settings are not saved

    Make sure you exit DUBwise via the menu entry "quit" in the main menu

Notes / Known Issues


  • If you configure your Bluetooth-Module with a security PIN - keep in mind that some J2ME - Mobile Phones are having Problems with PINs which are not Alpha-Numeric - so you better not use souch a PIN to prevent to have to reconfigure the Bluetooth-Module.
  • Your Settings are only saved when you close DUBwise via quit in the main menu ( Background: This should prevent you from fucking up your DUBwise installation with Settings that are not working on your Hardware )

PhoneME specific

  • you have to close DUBwise via quit in the main menu! If you close via the X in the upper right you dont really close DUBwise ...


Work in Progress

  • Port to Android
  • Support for Wolferl-NG QuadKopter

  • trigger mobile-cammera via FC

mid term

  • log data/csv ( send via TCP/IP ; save )
  • Sound Alarms on Batt low or other triggers
  • Battery Charging Log with camera and barcodes

long term

  • live video & osd generation as background for the piloting screen

  • lead - function - gps on Phone and QC needed - QC always holds position in a defined distance to the phone
  • get Firmwares to flash via TCP/IP
  • making lib to be useable with desktop JAVA / will be sceduled after bluecove for linux is ready ( anounced for next Version)
  • triangulate MK by BT rssi
  • Define which DebugValues are shown on Graph with which color ( implicit graph switch of )


  • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/de/ (Creative Commons / Non Commercial / Share Alike)

  • /!\ Addtitonally to this Licence it is not allowed to use this project in any violent manner! This explicitly includes that lethal Weapon owning "People" and Organisations (e.g. Army & Police) are not allowed to use this Project.

  • BR[http://support.creativecommons.org/videos#wwt http://search.creativecommons.org/images/wwt.jpg] BR

    If you wanna participate in Development have a look at [:en/DUBwiseDevelopment:this page] And there are several things beside Coding where you could help:

    • Translation of the Wiki page
    • Translation of DUBwise ( contact me if you are willing - i will include the translations into the code )
    • Correct my typos ;-)

    • Documentation
    • Screenshots
    • Device Tests ( Testing in general )
    • Improve Graphics
    • Improve Audio samples
    • ...


  • Holger&Ingo for the MikroKopter Project

  • CaScAdE for Testing and Graphics
  • Orion8 for inspiration
  • Joko for Testing and Comments
  • ["Speedy"] for Audio Editing / Graphics & blogging about this tool

  • Jamiro for the new Icon
  • [:en/SelectaT:SelectaT] for Audio Samples and Testing

  • kmpec for lending me his Diamond
  • JiPsi for translation to french

DUBwise in the Media
