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Revision 12 vom 12.03.2018 17:31
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Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
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Zeile 6: Zeile 7:

{{{#!wiki MK_select1
 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} [[Redundant|deutsch]]

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/Features/200px/Features-Redundanz.jpg?m=1500880086 }}

Zeile 15: Zeile 27:

[[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=844|Shoplink Okto XL V3 - Combi - Redundanz]]<<BR>>

[[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=843|Shoplink Doppel Quadro V3 - Cool Redundanz]]<<BR>><<BR>>

= Download =
Here you can download the latest redundant firmware: '''[[http://mikrocontroller.com/files/Redundant/|Download]]'''

= Redundant system =

In some countries copter are allowed only with redundant configuration. <<BR>>
Since 01.01.2014 Austria has a law that requiring more stringent requirements about the reliability of a copter. <<BR>>
We developed and tested a concept, that allows a redundant MikroKopter's.<<BR>><<BR>>

'''With this concept the Austro Control gave a the MikroKopter the highest approval "D" !'''<<BR>><<BR>>

Redundancy means, that important components have to be replaced in case of a fault and the MK should not crash if there is a failure of a (single) component (eg, motor, receiver, Flight Control, etc.). <<BR>>
The MikroKopter have been continuously developed and improved in terms of safety and reliability,<BR>>
A significant contribution to safety brought the introduction of the OktoKopter with 8 motors.


= Video =

Here you can see how the redundant system work:



= Installation of a redundant FlightCtrl =

== You need ==

 * Redundant BL-Regler V3.5
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=844|Okto XL V3 - Combi - Redundanz]] or
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=843|Doppel Quadro V3 - Cool Redundanz]]
 * a second [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=802|FlightControl]] (FC 2.1 or higher)
 * Redundant connector set
  *(include the Set "Double Quadro V3 - Cool Redundanz" or "Okto XL V3 - Combi - Redundance")

== Redundant configuration ==

The system is extended with a redundant !FlightCtrl. The second !FlightCtrl (Slave) is connected via the 10-pol connector with the UART of the BL-Ctrl V3.5. To power up the second !FlightCtrl you connect it directly with the BL-Ctrl V3.5 (See pictures).

'''Connect with Okto-BL-V3.5'''


'''Connect with !DoubleQuadro-Cool V3.5'''


'''Principle of operation:'''
 * The second !FlightCtrl is connected with the serial interface (UART) of the BL-Ctrl V3 - Redundancy.
 * The new data bus (UART) is decoupled at each regulator by resistance and / or diode. So in case of a fault a single regulator of the BL-Ctrl V3.5 can not shut down the whole PCB.
  * INFO: Since the distribution version 3.5 of the redundant data bus is already integrated.
 * During flight, the slave !FlightCtrl continuously sends data to the BL-controller.
 * The BL-controller reports to the Master-!FlightCtrl that that they receive additional data. In the HoTT or Jeti Display you see this with an "R".
 * If there is a fault on the I2C bus or if they get no data from the Master !FlightCtrl, the second !FlightCtrl will immediately turn on and controll the function.
 * Normally you will not note that the second !FlightCtrl takes over the controlling.
 * The second !FlightCtrl will also automatically control the copter if e.g. the Master !FlightCtrl resets lost the supply.
 * The second !FlightCtrl can also be equipped with the Set Navigation.

/!\ '''Note:''' <<BR>>
If you have an older BL-Ctrl V3 you can see here how to install the resistors / diodes yourself: [[Redundant_old|Redundanz]]


= Wiring diagram =

[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/tech/Redundant_Schema_V1.pdf?m=1409759019 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/tech/Redundant_Schema_V1.jpg?m=1410816509 }} ]]
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/tech/Redundant_MK_V1.gif?m=1409713031 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/tech/Redundant_MK_V1.gif?m=1410809480 }} ]]

/!\ '''Note:''' the circuit of the redundant UART data bus is integrated with V3.5 distributors already in the PCB


= Firmware =

If you use the redundant System you need a special software for the second !FlightCtrl (Slave).<<BR>>
Here you can download the redundant Software: '''[[http://mikrocontroller.com/files/Redundant/|Download]]'''

== Settings ==

IMPORTANT: Both FlightCtrl needs the same settings.

 * The Mixer must be the same.
 * The channel assignment of both FCs must be the same.
 * The second !FlightCtrl use the same stick positions.
'''Settings''' <<BR>>
 * Set the Master-!FlightCtrl complete (Channels, Mixer etc.).
 * Save this in all 5 Parameterset's (Settings).
 * Save this setting on your PC / Laptop.

 * connect now the MK-USB directly with the 10-pin connector of the Slave-!FlightCtrl.
 * install the same settings of the Master !FlightCtrl (you have saved before on your PC / Laptop) on all 5 Parameterset's of the Slave-!FlightCtrl.

 * Remove the MK-USB and connect the UART connector on the Slave-!FlightCtrl.
 * Calibrate the ACC with your transmitter (Throttle up + Yaw right).
  * Here the copter must be absolutly horizontal. In this step you calibrate both !FlightCtrl together!
 * Calibrate the compass ([[NaviCtrl_2.0#MK3Mag.Kompass_kalibrieren|Link]]).

Ready. If you use a Graupner HoTT or Jeti transmitter you should see now an "R" in the display if you start the motors.


= Redundancy at the MikroKopter =

In some countries, only copters with redundant design are allowed ~-(e.g. Austria)-~. <<BR>>
Our electronics allow the redundant design of a !MikroKopter.

Redundancy means, that important components have to be replaced in case of a fault and the MK should not crash if there is a failure of a (single) component (eg, motor, receiver, Flight Control, etc.).<<BR>>

To increase safety, the master- and slave- !FlightCtrl V3 are connected to each other via CAN bus. This is used to monitor all functions and detect faults quickly in the event of a fault. <<BR>>

Should the master flight control fail, the control is transferred to the slave unit and the copter can be safely flown back.<<BR>>

'''With this concept the Austro Control gave a the !MikroKopter the highest approval "D" !'''


= Demo-Video =

 Here, the redundant system is described in a video:



= What is needed: =

== Hardware ==

For a redundant configuration is required:

 * 1x BL-Ctrl board "Redundant"
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=809|Shoplink -> Quadro V3 - Combi]]
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=831|Shoplink -> Hexa XL V3 - Combi]]
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=811|Shoplink -> Okto XL V3 - Combi]]
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=822|Shoplink -> Doppel Quadro V3 - Cool]]

 * 2x !FlightCtrl V3 (Master + Slave)
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=920|Shoplink -> Flight-Ctrl V3.0]]

 * 1x GPS-System with compass
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=972|Shoplink -> MK GNSS V4 + compass (Redundant)]]

 * 1x Cable set "Redundanz"
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=981|Shoplink -> Cable set Redundant for 2 FlightCtrl]]

 * 2x Lipo Decoupler
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=87&products_id=879|Shoplink -> Lipo Decoupler]]<<BR>>~-or-~
  * [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=87&products_id=880|Shoplink -> Lipo Decoupler XT60]]
~-INFO: With the !FlightCtrl V3.0 and the redundant MK GPS you have also a redundancy with the navigation system-~

== Software ==

If you use the redundant system you need on your master- and Slave-!FlightCtrl a special software. <<BR>>
Here you can download the latest software including the matching !KopterTool.
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"width="150px">||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"width="400px">'''Latest Software + !MikroKopter Tool <<BR>>~-(ZIP Archive)'''-~<<BR>><<BR>>~-Please use a MKUSB for a update !!!-~||<class="MK_TableNoBorder")>[[http://wiki.mikrokopter.de/Download?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Software_MikroKopter.zip|{{attachment:symbols/Download-Button.png}}]]||
For a software update connect the [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=922|MKUSB]] wit the right !FlightCtrl.<<BR>><<BR>>

 The software "REDUNDANT_MASTER" is imported into the Master-!FlightCtrl:
  * Flight-Ctrl_MEGA1284p_V2_xxx_REDUNDANT_MASTER.hex
  * Navi-Ctrl_STR9_V2_xxx.hex
 the software "REDUNDANT_Slave" is imported into the Slave-FlightCtrl:
  * Flight-Ctrl_MEGA1284p_V2_xxx_REDUNDANT_SLAVE.hex
  * Navi-Ctrl_STR9_V2_xxx.hex

 Information for '''installing the software''' can be found here: '''[[en/SoftwareUpdate|Link]]'''


= The assembling =

Here is pictorially described the assembly of the individual components.

== MK-Tower ==

[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundant.jpg?m=1520330516 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundant.jpg?m=1520330517 }} ]]


== Okto XL V3 - Combi ==

[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_OktoVerteiler.jpg?m=1520330519 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_OktoVerteiler.jpg?m=1520330520 }} ]]


== Doppel Quadro V3 - Cool ==

[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_DoppelQuadro.jpg?m=1520330517 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_DoppelQuadro.jpg?m=1520330518 }} ]]


== Hexa XL V3 - Combi ==

[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_HexaVerteiler.jpg?m=1520330518 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_HexaVerteiler.jpg?m=1520330519 }} ]]


== Quadro V3 - Combi ==

[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_Quadro.jpg?m=1520429046 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/Redundanz_FC_V3_und_Quadro.jpg?m=1520429046 }} ]]


= Settings =

To ensure that the operation is maintained in the event of a fault, the master and slave FlightCtrl must be set the same! <<BR>>

~+__Master-!FlightCtrl__+~ <<BR>>

 To setup the Master-!FlightCtrl connect the [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=922|MKUSB]] (or a wireless connection) with the Master-!FlightCtrl.<<BR>>
 The settings for the mixer and the channels can be made as usual. It is recommended to copy the settings to all 5 settings (Parameterset).

~+__Slave-!FlightCtrl__+~ <<BR>>
 To setup the Slave-!FlightCtrl connect the [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=922|MKUSB]] (or a wireless connection) with the Slave-!FlightCtrl.<<BR>>
 Copy now the settings of your Master-!FlightCtrl into the Slave-!FlightCtrl. Here it is also recommended to copy the settings to all 5 settings (Parameterset).

 In short:
  * The mixer setting in your Master- and Slave-!FlightCtrl must be the same
  * The channel settings in your Master- and Slave-!FlightCtrl must be the same
 ~-The redundant FC listens to the same stick positions and, just like the main FC, goes into the states "Calibrate", "Start", "Stop"-~

'''INFO:''' <<BR>>
If all settings / connections are right, you see in your '''Telemetry a "R"''' after you start the motors.

Zeile 144: Zeile 195:
== Test the redundant FC ==

 * If both !FlightCtrl's are connected, the green LED on the Slave-!FlightCtrl is flashing fast.
 * If you disconnect the Master-!FlightCtrl (remove the Molex cable) the green LED on the Slave-!FlightCtrl is still flashing and also the red LED is on.
 * If you remove the Master-!FlightCtrl the (disconnect the Molex cable) the red LED on each BL-Ctrl will NOT light on!

== Test the main FC ==

 * After you start the motors you see an "R" in the telemetry display of your Graupner HoTT or Jeti transmitter -> Redundancy is active.


 Jeti Display:


In the virtual display in the KopterTool you can also see an "R" (if you have a connection between copter and your PC/Laptop).


== Redundancy display in the log file ==


See also: SimpleGpxViewer

== Slave-FlightCtrl ==

 * If the __Slave__-!FlightCtrl is connected with the !KopterTool, in the virtual display you see an "S" for Slave.<<BR>>{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/KopterTool-Slave-SW.jpg?m=1520350607 }}
 * The green LED on your Slave-!FlightCtrl is flashing fast
 * If you disconnect the Master-!FlightCtrl ~-(disconnect the Molex connector)-~:
  * The green LED on your Slave-!FlightCtrl is flashing fast PLUS the red LED is ON
  * On your BL-Ctrl the green LED is still ON, the red LED is still OFF

== Master-FlightCtrl ==

 * If the __Master__-!FlightCtrl is connected with the !KopterTool, in the virtual display you see an "M" for Master.<<BR>>{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/KopterTool-Master-SW.jpg?m=1520350606 }}
== Redundancy ==

 * After starting the motors via the transmitter, in the telemetry you see an '''"R"''' <<BR>> ~--> this means that the redundancy is active-~
  * Graupner HOTT -> MK-Telemetrie<<BR>>{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/HoTT-Display_Redundanz.jpg?m=1520344543 }}
  * Jeti -> Jeti-Box<<BR>>{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/JetiBox-Redundanz.jpg?m=1520349298 }}
  * !KopterTool -> virtual display !NaviCtrl<<BR>>{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/KopterTool-Redundanz.jpg?m=1520350608 }}

== Logfile ==

 * During flight the copter record a LOG file with all telemetry data. <<BR>>
  * Here you can also see if the redundancy was active: <<BR>>

 [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/GPX-Redundant-YES.jpg?m=1520868116 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/GPX-Redundant-YES.jpg?m=1520868116 }} ]]<<BR>>
 ~-((since V2.20) at the end of the LOG - open with Text-Editor)-~

 In the LOG-File you can also see if it is from the Master- or Slave-!FlightCtrl: <<BR>>
 [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/LOG-Master.jpg?m=1520868117 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/LOG-Master.jpg?m=1520868117 }} ]]
 [[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/LOG-Slave.jpg?m=1520868118 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/LOG-Slave.jpg?m=1520868118 }} ]]<<BR>>
 ~-(since V2.20)-~

Zeile 180: Zeile 237:
Two errors can be simulated: <<BR>>
 * I2C error => Bus failure of the Master !FlightCtrl
 * motor failure
 Two errors with redundancy can be simulated: <<BR>>
  * I2C error => Bus-failure of the Master-!FlightCtrl
  * Motor failure

 /!\ <<BR>>
 If an motor fails, only the !OktoCopter (8 engines) can compensate for this safely.<<BR>>
 ~-A !HexaCopter (6 engines) can become unstable, a !QuadroCopter (4 engines) crashes.-~


## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/KT-User-Redundanz.jpg?m=1520416509 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/KT-User-Redundanz.jpg?m=1520416510 }} ]]
Zeile 186: Zeile 262:
To simulate an error you need a free channel on your transmitter (for each error one channel). This free channel you can program on a free switch on your transmitter. <<BR>>
To simulate the I2C error we set the first channel in the settings under "User" to ''Parameter 7'': [[en/MK-Parameter/User|Link]].
 * If you now use the switch on your transmitter (value > 150), the Master-!FlightCtrl simulate an I2C error.
 * Important: The FC will only do this if the motors are ON and you see the "R" in the display.

/!\ To test it let the !MikroKopter on the ground with motors ON. Then use the switch. The Master !FlightCtrl will now beep fast and the motors must turn further nonstop. Now you can also start, fly and land the copter. If this is OK you can fly the copter and use then this function. <<BR>> <<BR>>

'''Please Note''' <<BR>>
If you use a Set Navigation, this is only working with the Master !FlightCtrl. During an error when the second !FlightCtrl works you will not have the functions PositionHold, ComingHome etc. Only if you also use a second Set Navigation for the Slave !FlightCtrl you will also have this functions during a fault of the master FC.

== Motor failure ==

The second free channel we can set to ''Parameter 6'': [[en/MK-Parameter/User|Link]].<<BR>>

 * If you now use the switch on your transmitter (value > 150), Motor 1 will stop.
 * Important: The FC will only do this if the motors are ON and you see the "R" in the display.

/!\ Note:
 * If you did not use the test function set a "0" for ''Parameter 6''!
 * Test it only with an OktoKopter. A QuadroKopter or HexaKopter will crash if a motor fails!


= Covered fail-cases and reqirements =

== Point 1: Failure RC Transmitter ==
 * Failure Transmitter - Out of range, disturbances or other reasons
 * Result: The Kopter doesn't react to the RC-Commands

 * If the RC connection is lost, the MikroKopter immediately notices that and activates the '''Failsafe''' feature.
 * It waits 5 seconds to check if the signal comes back.
 * Then it goes to a predefined altitude and flies back
 * At Home Position, the Kopter descends and lands automatically
 * It the RC-Connection comes back, the MK is back under RC control
 * Here a video from 2011: https://vimeo.com/32788915 (the landing procedure is much better since 2013)

== Point 2: Failure RC Receiver ==
Same like above

== Point 3: Disturbed RC connection ==
Same like above

== Point 4: Motor failure ==
 * for example: Motor, BL-Ctrl or Propeller broken

 * In case of a defective propeller or defective motor, the !OktoKopter can still remain safe in the air (See [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvrMn4AEAD0&feature=youtu.be|Video]]).
 * The loss of thrust will be noticed by the !FlightControl and immediately compensated
 * Overload of a BL-Ctrl will be detected (Overtemperature or Overcurrent), and the BL-Ctrl will reduce the prower. The BL-Ctrl will not switch off!
 * The Poilot will be informed by a speech message "Error Motor" and a Text on the LCD of his transmitter
 * In the logfile is recorded which motor caused a problem - this one could be replaced to prevent further problems

== Point 5: Shortcut ==
 * for example in Camera or sensors.
 * Operation under rainy conditions
 * protection by a closed cover
 * Automatic selftest after switching on the MK: Sensors, Voltage, GPS and Motor Shortcut
 * Shortcut on a motor: The BL-Ctrl detects that and switchs off
 * Shortcut inside the avionic system: The avionic system (!FlightControl + !NAviControl) is redundant (See point 7)
 * Scortcut in Camera and gimbals: the supply is seperate and doesn't effect the flight safety
== Point 6: Failure in Battery ==
 * for example: defective Lipo cells or connection cables

 * Two Lipos are connected by seperate power cables
 * The voltage is permanently monitored and auto landing and coming home will be initiated in case of undervoltage

'''Different levels of undervoltage:'''

'''First Level (i.e. 30% remaining capacity):'''
 * The pilot gets a warning message on the transmitter (speech and LCD)
 * The MikroKopter's buzzer is beeping
 * The LEDs of the MK are blinking
 * usually there is 1-2 minutes left for landing

'''Second Level (i.e. 20% remaining capacity):'''
 * The MK switches automatically to '''Coming Home''' and flies back to starting point

'''Third Level (i.e. 10% remaining capacity):'''
 * The MK descends, even if the HomePosition is still not reached. That prevents for crashes from high altitudes

== Point 7: Disturbance/Blackout of the avionic system ==
 * for example: Shortcut in the !FlightControl or Shortcut on I2C-Bus


If the !FlightControl stopps operation, the redundant backup !FlightControl immediately takes over the control (See video)

'''Function principle of the redundant avionic system:'''
 * A second FC (!FlightControl) is connected 'from behind' to the serial port of each motor controller (BL-Ctrl).
 * The redundant data bus is decoupled at each regulator by resistors, so that a single faulty BL-controller can't disable or shortcut the Bus signal
 * The BL-controller report to the main FC that they receive additional (redundant) data. The transmitter display will show "redundancy ready"
 * If the BL controllers have a fault on the main I2C bus, or looses the setpoint from the main FC, they immediately turn over to the data of the second FC.
 * Switching over works so smoothly that the MK will not tilt or drop over
 * This also works when the Main-FC would make a reset in flight or the power of the FC was briefly interrupted.

== Point 8: Disturbance in global navigation system (GPS) ==
 * for example: Loss of Satefix or defective GPS-Reveiver

 * The number of satellites the GPS receiver is monitored and displayed via telemetry.
 * The strength and inclination of the earth's magnetic field is measured and used to descide if the compass signal is vaild or not.
 * A stand-alone unit (NaviControl) is responsible for GPS navigation
 * A total failure of this unit is recognized by the !FlightControl, who then switches to manual control and informs the pilot via telemetry.
'''Before starting:'''

The pilot is informed about disturbed geomagnetic field or GPS signal loss and can not start the MikroKopter in that case.

'''During Flight:'''

If the navigation system, GPS or compass are disturbed (solar storms, GPS-shadowing, etc.), the MikroKopter switches to manual mode and the pilot gets informed via the telemetry. For example, by voice message: "Error GPS"

In addition, the pilot can always turn off the GPS mode on the transmitter and use manually control.

== Point 9: Fault / failure in the telemetry ==
  * for example: Transmission error

'''!MikroKopter solution'''
 * The telemetry transmission is not relevant to the flight of the copter.
 * If the telemetry fails, this does not affect the flight characteristics of the !MikroKopter.

== Point 10: Thermal overload the battery ==
  * for Example: internal LiPo battery fault or overload due to high current / imbalance

'''!MikroKopter solution'''
  * Two sepearate Lipos are connected to the !MikroKopter with seperate connection cables
  * The second lipo will do the power supply if the first one looses power
  * Overloading of the Batteries will result in undervoltage - that is covered in point 6

== Point 11: Flight recorder/Blackbox ==
  * Investigation of faults or crashes

'''!MikroKopter solution'''


 * In the MikroKopter all flight-relevant data are logged onto SD-Card (up to 5Hz)
 * In the event of a crash, the Micro-SD card can be removed from the navigation board. The data can then be evaluated on the PC.
 * We restored flight data from a !MikroKopter that was found under water.
 * Recorded are e.g.:
  * Flight height
  * GPS location
  * voltages
  * temperatures
  * Control movements and switch positions
  * Error messages as Motor error (restarted motor)
  * Motor Currents (individual Currents)
  * Magnetic values of compass sensor
  * Number of GPS satellites

== Point 12: flight limits ==
  * Limitation of the flight altitude and distance
  * Incorrect operation of the pilot. For example, Flight out of sight
  * Drifting away in a storm

'''!MikroKopter solution'''

'''!MikroKopter flight limits can be set:'''
  * Maximum altitude (for example 100m)
  * Maximum distance (for example 250m)
  * Maximum radius for waypoint flight (for example 250m)
  * Security radius for automatic landing (eg. 300m)
The pilot can't exceed either the maximum height or distance.

If the MikroKopter would still leave the safety radius, the copter goes automatically into descend mode (fixed velocity 3m/s) and automatically switches to the Coming Home mode.
Then the descent is only canceled if the MK comes back within the safety radius. This function prevents a copter from flying too far away in a storm.

The maximum limit for the Waypoint flight prevents using too far distant points. For example, if by mistake the wrong waypoint list is loaded, which would be 100km away.
 To simulate this, a free channel on the transmitter is needed which is placed on a switch. <<BR>>
 This channel is set in the settings to the ''user parameter 7'' ~-(see Picture)-~:
  * Switch OFF => Normal operation
   * All functions are controllable as usual - no error message
  * Switch ON => The I2C-Bus of your Master-!FlightCtrl is deactivated
   * The complete control is transferred to the Slave-!FlightCtrl
   * A beep will sound at the Master-!FlightCtrl
   * In the telemetry you can see the error message "37:Redundancy test"
   * The copter can be controlled as usual
 {i} Condition: The function is only activated if there is redundancy ('R' in the display).

 /!\ <<BR>>
 For this test place your !MikroKopter (with running motors) on the ground. Now "Switch OFF -> deactivate the I2C-Bus. <<BR>>
 A beep will sound at the Master-!FlightCtrl but the Motors will still run. <<BR>>
 Lifting off and flying with the redundant FC is possible. <<BR>>
 If this is OK, the test can also be carried out in flight.<<BR>><<BR>>

 /!\ <<BR>>
 For normal operation, change the ''user parameter 7'' back to "0" !!!


## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/KT-User-Redundanz.jpg?m=1520416509 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/KT-User-Redundanz.jpg?m=1520416510 }} ]]

== Motorausfall ==

 To simulate this, a free channel on the transmitter is needed which is placed on a switch. <<BR>>
 This channel is set in the settings to the ''user parameter 6'' ~-(see Picture)-~:
  * Switch OFF => Normal operation
   * All functions are controllable as usual - no error message
  * Switch ON => Motor Nr.1 is deactivated
   * The complete control is transferred to the Slave-!FlightCtrl
   * In the telemetry you can see the error message "37:Redundancy test"
   * The copter can be controlled as usual
 {i} Condition: The function is only activated if there is redundancy ('R' in the display).<<BR>> If the I2C error was previously simulated, the motor failure will NOT be executed!

 /!\ <<BR>>
 For this test place your !MikroKopter (with running motors) on the ground. Now "Switch OFF -> deactivate the Motor. <<BR>>
 Motor Nr. 1 is off, all other motors will still run. <<BR>>
 Lifting off and flying with the redundant FC is possible. <<BR>>
 If this is OK, the test can also be carried out in flight.<<BR>><<BR>>

 /!\ <<BR>>
 For normal operation, change the ''user parameter 6'' back to "0" !!!

 /!\ <<BR>>
 If an motor fails, only the !OktoCopter (8 engines) can compensate for this safely.<<BR>>
 ~-A !HexaCopter (6 engines) can become unstable, a !QuadroCopter (4 engines) crashes.-~


= Anlage F Austro Control =

If you want to allow your MikroKopter with redundancy in Austria, we have deposited information for this purpose:
 * [[http://wiki.mikrokopter.de/Download?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=INFO-Anlage_F.txt|Anlage F]]


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Redundancy at the MikroKopter

In some countries, only copters with redundant design are allowed (e.g. Austria).
Our electronics allow the redundant design of a MikroKopter.

Redundancy means, that important components have to be replaced in case of a fault and the MK should not crash if there is a failure of a (single) component (eg, motor, receiver, Flight Control, etc.).

To increase safety, the master- and slave- FlightCtrl V3 are connected to each other via CAN bus. This is used to monitor all functions and detect faults quickly in the event of a fault.

Should the master flight control fail, the control is transferred to the slave unit and the copter can be safely flown back.

With this concept the Austro Control gave a the MikroKopter the highest approval "D" !


  • Here, the redundant system is described in a video:


What is needed:


For a redundant configuration is required:

INFO: With the FlightCtrl V3.0 and the redundant MK GPS you have also a redundancy with the navigation system


If you use the redundant system you need on your master- and Slave-FlightCtrl a special software.
Here you can download the latest software including the matching KopterTool.

Latest Software + MikroKopter Tool
(ZIP Archive)

Please use a MKUSB for a update !!!


For a software update connect the MKUSB wit the right FlightCtrl.

  • The software "REDUNDANT_MASTER" is imported into the Master-FlightCtrl:

    • Flight-Ctrl_MEGA1284p_V2_xxx_REDUNDANT_MASTER.hex
    • Navi-Ctrl_STR9_V2_xxx.hex

  • the software "REDUNDANT_Slave" is imported into the Slave-FlightCtrl:

    • Flight-Ctrl_MEGA1284p_V2_xxx_REDUNDANT_SLAVE.hex
    • Navi-Ctrl_STR9_V2_xxx.hex

  • Information for installing the software can be found here: Link

The assembling

Here is pictorially described the assembly of the individual components.



Okto XL V3 - Combi


Doppel Quadro V3 - Cool


Hexa XL V3 - Combi


Quadro V3 - Combi



To ensure that the operation is maintained in the event of a fault, the master and slave FlightCtrl must be set the same!


  • To setup the Master-FlightCtrl connect the MKUSB (or a wireless connection) with the Master-FlightCtrl.
    The settings for the mixer and the channels can be made as usual. It is recommended to copy the settings to all 5 settings (Parameterset).


  • To setup the Slave-FlightCtrl connect the MKUSB (or a wireless connection) with the Slave-FlightCtrl.
    Copy now the settings of your Master-FlightCtrl into the Slave-FlightCtrl. Here it is also recommended to copy the settings to all 5 settings (Parameterset). In short:

    • The mixer setting in your Master- and Slave-FlightCtrl must be the same

    • The channel settings in your Master- and Slave-FlightCtrl must be the same

    The redundant FC listens to the same stick positions and, just like the main FC, goes into the states "Calibrate", "Start", "Stop"

If all settings / connections are right, you see in your Telemetry a "R" after you start the motors.

Function test


  • If the Slave-FlightCtrl is connected with the KopterTool, in the virtual display you see an "S" for Slave.

  • The green LED on your Slave-FlightCtrl is flashing fast

  • If you disconnect the Master-FlightCtrl (disconnect the Molex connector):

    • The green LED on your Slave-FlightCtrl is flashing fast PLUS the red LED is ON

    • On your BL-Ctrl the green LED is still ON, the red LED is still OFF


  • If the Master-FlightCtrl is connected with the KopterTool, in the virtual display you see an "M" for Master.


  • After starting the motors via the transmitter, in the telemetry you see an "R"
    -> this means that the redundancy is active

    • Graupner HOTT -> MK-Telemetrie

    • Jeti -> Jeti-Box

    • KopterTool -> virtual display NaviCtrl


  • During flight the copter record a LOG file with all telemetry data.

    • Here you can also see if the redundancy was active:

    ((since V2.20) at the end of the LOG - open with Text-Editor)

  • In the LOG-File you can also see if it is from the Master- or Slave-FlightCtrl:
    https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/LOG-Master.jpg?m=1520868117 https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/redundanz/LOG-Slave.jpg?m=1520868118
    (since V2.20)

Fault simulation

  • Two errors with redundancy can be simulated:

    • I2C error => Bus-failure of the Master-FlightCtrl

    • Motor failure

    If an motor fails, only the OktoCopter (8 engines) can compensate for this safely.
    A HexaCopter (6 engines) can become unstable, a QuadroCopter (4 engines) crashes.


I2C error

  • To simulate this, a free channel on the transmitter is needed which is placed on a switch.
    This channel is set in the settings to the user parameter 7 (see Picture):

  • Function:

    • Switch OFF => Normal operation

      • All functions are controllable as usual - no error message
    • Switch ON => The I2C-Bus of your Master-FlightCtrl is deactivated

      • The complete control is transferred to the Slave-FlightCtrl

      • A beep will sound at the Master-FlightCtrl

      • In the telemetry you can see the error message "37:Redundancy test"
      • The copter can be controlled as usual

  • {i} Condition: The function is only activated if there is redundancy ('R' in the display).

  • /!\
    For this test place your MikroKopter (with running motors) on the ground. Now "Switch OFF -> deactivate the I2C-Bus.
    A beep will sound at the Master-FlightCtrl but the Motors will still run.
    Lifting off and flying with the redundant FC is possible.
    If this is OK, the test can also be carried out in flight.

    For normal operation, change the user parameter 7 back to "0" !!!



  • To simulate this, a free channel on the transmitter is needed which is placed on a switch.
    This channel is set in the settings to the user parameter 6 (see Picture):

  • Function:

    • Switch OFF => Normal operation

      • All functions are controllable as usual - no error message
    • Switch ON => Motor Nr.1 is deactivated

      • The complete control is transferred to the Slave-FlightCtrl

      • In the telemetry you can see the error message "37:Redundancy test"
      • The copter can be controlled as usual

  • {i} Condition: The function is only activated if there is redundancy ('R' in the display).
    If the I2C error was previously simulated, the motor failure will NOT be executed!

  • /!\
    For this test place your MikroKopter (with running motors) on the ground. Now "Switch OFF -> deactivate the Motor.
    Motor Nr. 1 is off, all other motors will still run.
    Lifting off and flying with the redundant FC is possible.
    If this is OK, the test can also be carried out in flight.

    For normal operation, change the user parameter 6 back to "0" !!!

    If an motor fails, only the OktoCopter (8 engines) can compensate for this safely.
    A HexaCopter (6 engines) can become unstable, a QuadroCopter (4 engines) crashes.

Anlage F Austro Control

If you want to allow your MikroKopter with redundancy in Austria, we have deposited information for this purpose: