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{i} Important: To get to this settings-tab, the Alt-key must be pressed when clicking on Settings in MK-tool.

  • Arrows: Loops in the corresponding direction. Looping will only be possible in the red-arrowed directions.

  • Gas Limit: This throttle-value (K=) will set through loop (as an upper limit).

  • Response threshold: Defines the roll/nick stick-value at which the loop is initiated.

  • Hysteresis: Stick-Hysteresis for Response Threshold. Usually always lower than Response Threshold. External article on Hysterisis.

    • Important: Response Threshold - Hysteresis should always be between 20-40 , else wise the MK will bank to the current stick-input very quickly (especially true if setup for acrobatics and touchy controls), when the looping-function is completed (potentially requiring a large stick-input, that could initiate another loop).

  • TurnOver Nick: Defines how many degrees the MK should rotate during a loop in the backwards/forwards direction. 100 means 360 degrees. If the MK rotates too far, this value must be decreased. 1 = 3,6 degrees.

  • TurnOver Roll: same as TurnOver Nick, but for the roll-axis.

Note: The looping-functionality is only used when flying using the accelerometers (no tick in "Heading Hold").