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<<BR> It is possible to store 5 sets of parameters in the copter, which can be accessed via the sticks of the transmitter. Each set can be given a representative name. Useful for various payloads, sports tickets or Camera flight, etc. <<BR> If a setting is created, it must be stored under his number in the MK (Write) - the MK acknowledges the corresponding to the set number Number of short beeps. <<BR> {i} Each set must be saved individually! <<BR> Withreada parameter set from the copter can be read. <<BR> Parameter sets can also be viewed with a text editor.

  • Altitude control: Selection if the altitude control shall be used

  • GPS: selection if the GPS shall be used

  • Compass: selection if the compass shall be used

    • Orientiation fixed: The MK goes always back into the compass direction that the MK had during start. So if this is selected and the MK is yawe manually, the Mk always goes back into that direction after moving the stick into the neutral position.

  • Sensitive receiver signal validation: This is for MHz-Receicers. The loss of signal will be recognised more reliable and an old datapacket will be used in case of signal loss.

  • Axis-(de-)-Coupling: Enables the axis-(de)coupling - should be always on

  • Rotationrate limiter: Makes extremly slow movements of the MK.

  • Heading Hold (Nick/Roll): In this mode the MK doesn't go back to horizontal attitude if the Nick/Roll-sticks are in neutral position. It is a heli-like flying (3D). Not for beginners!

    • --> If you want to fly HH, please increase the Main-I-Part to 30 and switch off Axis-decoupling

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