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V porovnaní s QuadKopterom s 4 motormi MK-Hexa prináša tieto výhody:

Každý motor HexaKoptera je ovládaný samostatným regulátorom. Použité sú jednosmerné bezkomutátorové (BLDC) motory a regulátory.


MK-Hexa video


Návod na stavbu

Ako poskladat MK-Hexa? Pár rád, ktoré Vám môžu pomôct pri stavbe.

Všetky obrázky sú klikacie - zobrazí sa obrázok vo väcšom rozlíšení


Rám tvoria:


Orientácia stredových dosiek

Stredové dosky sú oznacené šípkou, ktorá je vždy na vrchnej strane dosky a smeruje dopredu.

Ramená sú medzi dvoma stredovými doskami - horná a spodná.


Montáž 10mm a 15mm distancných stlpikov na hornú stredovú dosku

Na tieto plastové 10mm distancné stlpiky sa neskôr upevnia regulátory s napájacou doskou. Šest stlpikov priskrutkujte na hornú stranu stredovej dosky plastovými skrutkami M3x8.

Dva gumenné distancné stlpiky sa upevnujú kovovými skrutkami M3x3mm.

Distancné stlpiky sa montujú na hornú stredovú dosku a smerujú hore.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKTopCenterPlate_10mmBolzen_15mmD__mpfer1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKTopCenterPlate_10mmBolzen_15mmD__mpfer2_001.JPG.html

Montáž 15mm distancných stlpikov na spodnú stredovú dosku

Na tieto 4 plastové distancné stlpiky sa neskôr môže namontovat držiak kamery/fotoaparátu. Priskrutkujte ich taktiež plastovými skrutkami M3x8.

Distancné stlpiky sa montujú na spodnú stredpvú dosku a smerujú dole.


Montáž motorov

Motory sa upevnujú na ramená dvoma kovovými skrutkami (sú v sácku spolu s unášacom vrtule). Použité sú otvory s roztecou 19mm. Káble z motorov musia smerovat do stredu budúceho HexaKoptera.

Prevlecenie káblov pre motory, LEDky a bzuciak

Tri káble od motora treba prevliect cez rameno.

Na zadnom ramene prevlecte 0,5mm cierny a cervený káblik pre bzuciak.

Na prednom cervenom ramene a dvoch zadných ramenách prevlecte 0,5mm cervený a cierny káblik pre napájanie LED pásikov.

{i} Tipy:

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Kabel_52cm.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Kabeldurchziehenvorbereiten2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summerledkabeldurchziehen2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summerledkabeldurchziehen3.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summerledkabeldurchziehen8.JPG.html

Pripojenie káblov na bzuciak

Cez zadné rameno HexaKoptera ide 0,5mm cervený a cierny káblik pre bzuciak.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summeranschliessen2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summereinschrumpfen1.JPG.html

Montáž a pripojenie LED pásikov

LED pásiky sú samolepiace - prilepte ich na ramená HexaKoptera. Prispájkujte na ne cervený a cierny káblik prevlecený cez rameno rámu. U RGB LED pásikoch vieme vybrat farbu pripojením cierneho káblika na pin R, G, B, prípadne na viac pinov súcasne. Cervený káblik prispájkujte na pin (+) LED pásika. Po prispájkovaní ochránite LED pásik transparentnou zmrštovackou.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDaufkleben1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDaufkleben5.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDeinschrumpfen1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDeinschrumpfen5.JPG.html

Montáž ramien

Šest ramien HexaKoptera namontujeme medzi hornú a spodnú stredovú dosku. Cervené rameno smeruje dopredu (šípka na stredovej doske) Na montáž použite dvanást kovových skrutiek M3x16 so samoistnými maticami na koncoch ramien. Plastovými skrutkami M3x16 a plastovými maticami po obvode stredovej dosky zafixujte ramená. Hlavy skrutiek na spodnej strane, matice na hornej.

Namiesto dvoch matíc na hornej strane použite dalšie dva gumenné 15mm distancné stlpiky. Flight-Ctrl V2.0 M dosku neskôr namontujeme na štyri gumenné distancné stlpiky.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKCenterPlates_Motorauslegerrot5.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKRahmenkpl2.JPG.html


Montáž držiakov kabíny

Kabínu (kryt elektroniky) neskôr upevníme v štyroch plastových držiakoch. Zároven vymedzujú medzeru medzi stredovými doskami.

Držiaky upevnite plastovými skrutkami M3x16 a maticami. Hlavy skrutiek sú zospodu, matice zhora.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKCenterPlates_Haubenhalter1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKCenterPlates_Haubenhalter2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKCenterPlates_Haubenhalter3.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKCenterPlates_Haubenhalter4.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKCenterPlates_Haubenhalter5.JPG.html

Zrovnanie káblov

Káble prevlecieme cez otvory v stredových doskách ako na obrázku:


Velcro pásy

Sucháce použijeme na upevnenie akumulátora (resp. akumulátorov) v HexaKopteri.

Prevlecieme ich cez pozdlžne otvory.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKRahmenkpl_Klettband.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKRahmenkpl_KlettbandDetail.JPG.html


The electronics and algorithms, running inside the microcontrollers, are the central component of a multicopter. Only through their sensors and fast adaptive controll flying is made possible.


It basically consits of:


There still are some components which have to be attatched to the preassembled PCBs. In general, the preassembled version can be identified by its (red) colour.

"FC" is the abbreviation for FlightControl.

A circuit board (PCB) before and after assmbly of all the final parts:

A circuit board (PCB) before and after assmbly of all the final parts:

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/CIMG8443_FC_Parts.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/CIMG8456_FC.JPG.html

The way and heading for the mounting of the FC is predefined:

Video about the assembly of the final parts (21,3MB)

Further information about the FC ME (MemsEdition)


The BL-Ctrl was designed especially for Mikrokopter.


Compared to common brushless controllers, the BL-Ctrl provides a fast data bus (i2c) to the FC and switches very fast to new target values. Common brushless controllers cannot be used.

The BL-Ctrls are adressed from 1-4(5+6) via jumpers (soldered).

Adress selection

Each motor requires a defined adress. That's why adresses from 1-6 are assigned.


With a BL-Ctrl V1.2, motor adresses can be set by a jumper (soldered).



Adress (motor)















General Infos about BL-Ctrl

BL-Ctrl V1.2

Adresses 5-6

Since the HexaKopter needs adresses up to 6, BL-Ctrls 5-6 need a special setup. In the set (from the shop), BL-Ctrls with special software are marked specially.

These BL-Ctrls are adressed by the following:

Adress (motor)









Power distribution board

The Hexa distributor supllies all 6 BL-Ctrls with power and connects the i2c bus for communication.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteiler3.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteiler11.JPG.html

The BL-controllers are mounted in the fitted slots and connected with cable bridges.

/!\ The TOP ist marked by a + (plus).

Arrangement of the BL-Ctrls

The BL-Ctrls are arranged as shown here.


/!\ The microcontrollers of the Bl_Ctrl are on the TOP

Here you already see the colors of the motor cables.

If the holes of the riggers are on the right side of the rigers, please use this connection: old connection

Solder Elkos on BL-Ctrl 1,3,5

The BL-Ctrls are connected via the wires of the Elko (capacitors). The Elkos are assembled from the top of teh distribution board.

There should be 2mm of air unter the Elkos (so the wire-ends are not touching the caps of the Elkos).

The Elko-wires are to be bent over and put (and soldered) through the + and - solder-pads of the BL-Ctrls.

/!\ MINUS (marked on each Elko) is on the INNER side (for inner Elkos) and on the OUTER side for outer Elkos.

/!\ a lot oh heat has to be used on the distribution board to make a perfect connection

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Kondensator2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteilerkondensator2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator4.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator6.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator7.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator8.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensatorzange2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator9.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteiler4.JPG.html

Connect the data bus (I2C) to BL-Ctrl 1,3,5

The i2c bus (C & D) is connected via 2 silver wire-bridges.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerbr__cke2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerbr__cke3.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteiler5.JPG.html

The silver wire is stuck in the holes of the distribution board and bent over. After that teh ends of the wires are soldered to the "C" and "D" connection pads of the BL-Ctrls.

Solder Elkos on BL-Ctrl 2,4,6

For BL-Ctrl the cabled are bended 90°

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Kondensator3.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteilerkondensator4.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator11.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator12.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator14.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator15.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensatorzange4.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerkondensator17.JPG.html

Connect the data bus (I2C) to BL-Ctrl 2,4,6

The i2c bus (C & D) is connected via 2 silver wire-bridges.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerbr__cke5.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteiler7.JPG.html


Assembly of the bridges

8 bridges have to be assembled on the distribution board.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerbr__cke7_001.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-ctrlverteilerbr__cke9_001.JPG.html

The distribution board shoul lokk like this now: http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BL-verteiler12_001.JPG.html

Connection wires of the power distribution board

The following wires are to be connected to the distributor:


Supply of the FlightCtrl

The power supply for the FC comes from the small + and - pads at the upper side of the power distribution board.

about 15cm 2,5mm2


Battery cable: Cable 15cm 2,5mm2

/!\ CAUTION: Ends have to be well-tinned so no tiny copper wires can stick off the strand.

attaching the electronic to the frame

The BL-Ctrls are attached to the 10mm bolts

/!\ Motor is front



connecting the LED supply to the distribution board

Front LEDs


Back LEDs


connecting he motor ales to the BL-Ctrls

The motor cables are connected to the three pady of the BL-Ctrls.

The order is as follows:

If you don't use the standart motors, the order doesn't matter for now and might have to be changed later on during the motor test phase.



Possible LED-Driving circuit

With the HExa power distribution boardit is possible to realize the driving circuit for LEDs

Description here

Connecting the FlightCtrl




Plus can be taken from behind the switch because the switch does not have to be assembled on the Okto. (it would only switch on/off the FC)

Later - the Hexa will be switched on/off just by (un-)plugging the battery

Wires should be twisted a little to eliminate compass-errors comping from interfering fields.

Connectng the buzzer


Mounting the FC

The FC is mounted in the way that the small arrow points to the front. plastic nuts can be screwed ontop of the rubber damper-threads optionally to place the FC a little higher.

The small arrow shows the front.


Connection I2C to the FC


Attatchment of the RC-receiver

Here a spectrum receiver

Instuction of using and pairing the Spectrum receiver


After binding the receiver, the cable has to be cut into two pieces. More of this cables are available in the shop, if needed

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HK_SpektrumDetail1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HK_SpektrumDetail2.JPG.html

Now the entire electronics should look like this:

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKRahmen_BL-Verteiler_Motor_Versorgung_FC_LED_I__C_Spektrumkabelangel__tet1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKRahmen_BL-Verteiler_Motor_Versorgung_FC_LED_I__C_Spektrumkabelangel__tet2.JPG.html

Battery cable

Can be mounted like shown here:

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKLiPoKabel2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HKLiPoKabel_Deans.JPG.html

The battery plug (deans male) is soldered to the wires (plus is marked on the plug) and the wires are covered again with shrinking tube for protection against shortage.

The battery might have to be (re-)configured with a female Deans-plug.

Here again - tin well for protection against short circuits.

The battry plugs are tightened with zip-ties.

/!\ DO NOT shorten the battery contacts!

Final mounting

Installing the FlexLanders (XL)

The landing gear is attatched by 20mm Screws (steel)

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HK_FlexLandermontageDetail1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HK_FlexLandermontage2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/HK_FlexLandermontage1.JPG.html

Installing the plate for a camera-mount

10mm-spacers are mounted under the lowest bolts. The pastic windinging can be shortened by a cutter for this.

Another option would be to use 8mm vibration-dampers (the threads of the 15mm spacers might have to be shortened first)



Installing the battery

The Battery is placed under the camera-plate and secured with Velcro strips


Mounting the hub


The hub is attached via some metal screws


Starting Up

Prior to flight the Flight-Ctrl has to be set up as "Octo" - otherwise only 4 motors would turn on. To do that, the ALT-Key has to be held while clicking on "Settings" in the Mikrokopter-Tool. Then, the Mixer-Configuration "HEXA.mkm" can be loaded

Informations regarding the mixer

Flight and Handling

handling - turning on - calibration etc.

MikroKopter: sk/MK-Hexa (zuletzt geändert am 24.05.2013 16:35 durch LotharF)