Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 23 und 24
Revision 23 vom 28.03.2013 13:41
Größe: 5569
Autor: LotharF
Revision 24 vom 28.03.2013 13:59
Größe: 16147
Autor: LotharF
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
<<RedBox(<<BR>>'''Attention: Ces informations en français ne sont pas à jour !<<BR>>[[en/HottUpdate|vous devriez consulter la dernière version en anglais ici !]] (à utiliser pour les non-anglophone et avec prudence donc !...)<<BR>><<BR>>)>>

Zeile 4: Zeile 8:
||||||<class="MK_Nav_Header">HoTT - Update (MX-20/MC-32)|| ||||||<class="MK_Nav_Header">HoTT - Update||
Zeile 12: Zeile 16:
<<RedBox(<<BR>>'''Attention: Ces informations en français ne sont pas à jour !<<BR>>[[en/HottUpdate|vous devriez consulter la dernière version en anglais ici !]] (à utiliser pour les non-anglophone et avec prudence donc !...)<<BR>><<BR>>)>>
See also: [[en/HoTT|HoTT]]

Zeile 16: Zeile 23:
Voir aussi: [[fr/HoTT | HoTT]]

= Mise à jour du Récepteur =
Lorsqu'une mise à jour du firmware du récepteur est nécessaire, vous pouvez le faire via la FlightControl. <<BR>>
/!\ Si la mise à jour échoue et que vous n'obtenez qu'un écran vide rétroéclairé, vous devrez réinstaller le bootloader et le soft principal.<<BR>>
Les fichiers et les instructions nécessaires à une ré-installation, sont téléchargeables directement sur le site [[http://www.graupner.de/en/service/servicepoints.aspx|Graupner-Service]].
== Téléchargement des logiciels Graupner ==
Les fichiers nécessaires peuvent être téléchargés sur le site de Graupner.<<BR>><<BR>>
[[http://www.graupner.de/fr/products/1d80881f-8353-4c86-8a6d-2ebefc64e1c1/33124/product.aspx?tab=downloads|Fichiers HoTT + mises à jour]]
 {i} Veuillez vérifier la référence du produit auquel la mise à jour est destinée dans le nom du fichier<<BR>>
 Exemple: Le récepteur ''' GR-16 ''' (ref ''' 33508''' ) a besoin du fichier «''' 33508 '''_gr_rx8_4a90_f9.bin »

== Suite à la FC2.1 ==

{i} Le MK-USB doit être connecté directement à la FlightCtrl!

Depuis la version 0.86 du firmware FC, vous pouvez mettre à niveau un récepteur HoTT relié à une FlightCtrl v2.1. Via la liaison MKUSB!


= Software for the Update =

The necessary software '''V4''' for the Graupner Transmitter/Receiver as well as the necessary language files you can download direct from the Graupner Homepage: <<BR>>

Graupner HoTT MX-20: [[http://www.graupner.de/en/products/8e2f4776-e25b-42a9-96bb-fadcdda2afa9/33124.EN/product.aspx?tab=downloads|Link]]<<BR>>
Graupner HoTT MC-20: [[http://www.graupner.de/en/products/8e2f4776-e25b-42a9-96bb-fadcdda2afa9/33020/product.aspx?tab=downloads|Link]]<<BR>>
Graupner HoTT MC-32: [[http://www.graupner.de/en/products/8e2f4776-e25b-42a9-96bb-fadcdda2afa9/33032/product.aspx?tab=downloads|Link]]<<BR>><<BR>>

<!> Veuillez vérifier la référence du produit auquel la mise à jour est destinée dans le nom du fichier<<BR>>
'''Exemple:''' Le récepteur GR-16 (ref '''33508''') a besoin du fichier '''33508'''_gr_rx8_4a90_f9.bin.

== Voice file ==
The !MikroKopter needs a !MikroKopter-specific voice-file for the HoTT-Transmitter. The name for e.g. the english File is ''English_Mikrokopter_V2.vdf''.<<BR>>
There some speech-samples are substituted by MikroKopter-specific samples.<<BR>>
If you would use the old file, the Transmitter would speak "maximum voltage" instead of "Calibrating".<<BR>><<BR>>

If you also use a 'normal' RC-Plane, and you need also the original voices, you could put both onto the SD-Card in the Transmitter and load the right file before startin (needs about 1-2 minutes)


= Video =

= Update the transmitter =

In order to provide the latest software to the transmitter you have two opportunities: <<BR>><<BR>>

 * Either way you use a Micro-SD-Card which can be insert into the transmitter to download the needed software into the transmitter.
 * Or - the transmitter will be connected via an USB-cable to the PC. Via the Graupner Program "grStudio" you can download the new software.

<!> '''INFO: An update of the transmitter via a Micro-SD-Card is only possible since "V4"! <<BR>>
Transmitter with the firmware "V3" need to download the new firmware via the program "grStudio".'''<<BR>><<BR>>


= Update transmitter - Opportunity 1: Micro-SD-Card =

The needed files you can copy in an appropriate folder on the Micro-SD-Card. <<BR>>
This Micro-SD-Card you insert into the transmitter and import the software via the "Hidden Mode".<<BR>>
(Actual instructions => MX-20 = page 22+28 / MC-32 = page 23+32).<<BR>><<BR>>

== Prepare Micro-SD-Card ==

To import the software via the Micro-SD-Card there must be certain directories on the Micro-SD-Card.<<BR>>
The necessary directories (folder) can be done automatically from the transmitter to the Micro-SD-Karte.<<BR>><<BR>>

For that you need to:
 * open the battery box from the transmitter and
 * insert an empty Micro-SD-Card into the den Micro-SD-Card-Slot.
 * Now you switch ON the transmitter.
 * After the complete boot of the transmitter you can switch the transmitter OFF.
 * Remove the Micro-SD-Card.

Now you can insert the Micro-SD-Card into an appropriate slot at your PC.<<BR>>
Here you will find now the following directories: <<BR>><<BR>>


If you have downloaded the needed firmware or language files you can copy them now into the appropriate folder on the Micro-SD-Card.<<BR>><<BR>>

Here i.e. you copy the needed firmware file for the MX-20 in English (mx-20_1v119_English.bin) into the folder '''''Firmware''''' on the Micro-SD-Card.<<BR>><<BR>>

== The Update via Micro-SD-Card ==

If you have prepared the Micro-SD-Card in that way you continue as follows: <<BR>>
(Example: Fimware Update)<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Insert Micro-SD-Card into the transmitter.
 1. Switch ON the transmitter.
 1. With the key combination "left Touch-Pad '''UP/DOWN''' and the "Right Touch-Pad '''SET'''" (press to the same time) you will get into the menu '''''Hidden Mode'''''.
 1. In the menu "Hidden Mode" you need to select the entry "FIRMWARE UPDATE".
 1. Now you can choose the needed Firmware.
 1. After confirming with '''SET''' the firmware will be installed.

After a successful installation the transmitter will boot new and you can use now the transmitter.<<BR>><<BR>>

If you want to install a language file into your transmitter you do it in the same way. But - you need to select '''''VOICE TRIG''''' under Point 4.


= Update transmitter - Opportunity 2: Program grStudio =

{{{{#!wiki important

To update the transmitter with the program '''Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe''' you must install the COM-Port Driver '''CP210x - Silicon Labs''' before!<<BR>>

This driver you can download directly from the homepage of Graupner [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/8e2f4776-e25b-42a9-96bb-fadcdda2afa9/33124/product.aspx?tab=downloads|(Link)]].
If you download there the current "V4" you will find the driver in the folder "USB Driver".<<BR>>

(Instruction => MX-20 page 39 / MC-32 page 44)

== Update via grStudio ==

To update the transmitter with the program '''Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe''' you need to continue in that way: <<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Pour la mise à jour l'émetteur est connecté à l'ordinateur via USB.
 ||<class="MK_TableNoBorder":>Example: MX-20||<class="MK_TableNoBorder":>Example: MC-32||

 1. Open program '''Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe''' and select the COM-Port for the '''CP210x - Silicon Labs'''.<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Now you select under '''Transmitter''' the ''' Firmware Upgrade'''.<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Via the button '''File Browse''' you select the appropriate Firmware.<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Now you can start the update via the button '''Download Start'''.
 1. It appears here now an information window which will be confirmed after reading. <<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Now the update is in process.<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. The update will be also displayed on your transmitter.<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. After a successful installation the transmitter will boot new and you can use now the transmitter.<<BR>><<BR>>

== Blue screen ==

/!\ If the update was unsuccessful and you will see only an empty illuminated display you need to download the Bootloader and the Software again. <<BR>>
In the Graupner Program "Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-x.x.exe" is help provided in the left menu bar under '''Transmitter''' and '''Emergency'''.<<BR>>
The download of the software ist pretty much similar to the Update.

 * Select with the button '''File Browse''' the necessary Firmware.
 * Start with the button ''' Download Start''' the recovery of the transmitter.
 * Switch ON the transmitter (if the transmitter will not switch ON - just disconnect the battery on time).<<BR>><<BR>>



= Update Receiver with the Program grStudio =

If you want to make an Firmware-Update with your receiver you can do it either way via the Graupner "USB-Adapter" [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/ad5bb423-3174-4c1b-aad2-6920ad769c15/7168.6/product.aspx|(Link)]] or the !FlightControl.<<BR>><<BR>>

If you want to do the Update via the !FlightCtrl there __must__ be a software version installed V0.86 or higher.<<BR>><<BR>>

'''__IMPORTANT__:''' Updating via the !FlightCtrl the MK-USB __must__ be connected __direct__ to the !FlightCtrl (not via the Navi!).<<BR>>
The Graupner receiver is here as usual connected to the !FlightCtrl via the PPM-cable and also the telemetry cable.<<BR>><<BR>>

||<class="MK_TableNoBorder":>(Example image) To enlarge -> Click on the image||

== Download the required software ==

Before you can start the Update on your receiver you need to download the appropriate "Update-File".<<BR>><<BR>>

Infos you will find under: '''[[#Software|Software for the Update]]'''

Zeile 38: Zeile 209:
 * Note: Le récepteur "Hott" doit déjà être sélectionné dans MKTool .
 * Dans la fenêtre « Mise à jour firmware & terminal » Faire un clic droit de la souris dans la zone grise à côté du bouton « Mise à jour firmware » et cliquez sur l'option: "Activate HoTT update mode".


 * à La fermeture du message d'avertissement, le MKTool ouvre une connexion directe entre le MKUSB et le récepteur HoTT, et (le MKTool) se ferme.

 * Déconnecter la nappe trois-conducteurs reliant le récepteur PPM (ne conserver que la liaison data).

The following requirements must be met: <<BR>>
 * The jumper "JET" on the Flight is closed. <<BR>>
 * The cable for the telemetry is soldered on the "RX" Pad .
 * The !FlightCtrl is __direct__ connected with the MK-USB and supplied with voltage.<<BR>><<BR>>

In the KopterTool open via the button '''Firmware Update & Terminal...''' the terminal window.<<BR>>

 <!> '''__Note__:''' Le récepteur "Hott" doit déjà être sélectionné dans KopterTool (menu channels).<<BR>><<BR>>

Dans la fenêtre ''Mise à jour firmware & terminal'' Faire un clic droit de la souris dans la zone grise à côté du bouton ''Mise à jour firmware'' et cliquez sur l'option: "Activate HoTT update mode...".<<BR>><<BR>>

à La fermeture du message d'avertissement, le MKTool ouvre une connexion directe entre le MKUSB et le récepteur HoTT, et (le MKTool) se ferme: <<BR>><<BR>>


After you confirmed the note window the !KopterTool will close and a data channel to the HoTT receiver will open to the same time.<<BR>><<BR>>

'''__IMPORTANT__:''' Déconnecter la nappe trois-conducteurs reliant le récepteur PPM (ne conserver que la liaison data).<<BR>><<BR>>

Zeile 49: Zeile 236:
 * Ensuite, vous pouvez effectuer la mise à jour pour du récepteur, avec l'utilitaire « Graupner_Firmware_Update_Utility_Ver1.18.exe »
 * Lien vers [[http://mikrocontroller.com/files/HoTT/Graupner_Firmware_Update_Utility_Ver1.18.exe|l'utilitaire]]

Lancer le programme:
 1. Régler l'interface: « 1: Signal 2: Vcc 3: masse ».
 2. Baud rate: 19200
 3. Sélectionnez le port com (même port que le MKUSB)
 4. Sélectionnez le fichier de votre récepteur: <<BR>>
 - pour l'usage GR-16: [[http://mikrocontroller.com/files/HoTT/33508_gr_rx8_4a80_f9.zip|33508_gr_rx8_4a80_f9.bin]]<<BR>>
 - Pour un récepteur GR-12: [[http://mikrocontroller.com/files/HoTT/33506_gr_rx6_amp_2a20_e9.zip|33506_gr_rx6_amp_2a20_e9.bin]] <<BR>>
 - pour le GR-24: [[http://mikrocontroller.com/files/HoTT/33512_gr_rx12_2a40_bf.zip|33512_gr_rx12_2a40_bf.bin]] <<BR>>
 5. Cliquez sur "Program" -> le programme recherche alors pendant quelques secondes le récepteur .


 * Seul le câble data doit être connecté.
 * A présent, maintenez enfoncé le bouton sur le récepteur et branchez la nappe à 3 fils (mise sous tension du récepteur)
 * Liaison avec le récepteur et début de la mise à jour
 * Vous pouvez relâcher le bouton maintenant
 * Après la mise à jour le récepteur devra être à nouveau [[http://www.mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/HoTT?highlight=%28HoTT%29#Binden| jumelé]] (bind) à l'émetteur.

= Mise à jour de l'émetteur =
Cela nécessite l'utilitaire Graupner [[http://mikrocontroller.com/files/HoTT/Firmware/|Radio_grStudio]]


Pour la mise à jour l'émetteur est connecté à l'ordinateur via USB.

== Choisir un port ==


== Mise à jour ==


Sélectionnez un fichier et commencer le téléchargement:


To update now the receiver you can open the program '''Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe'''. You do that as follows: <<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Open program '''Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe''' and select under "Device" the entry '''HoTT Receiver'''.<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Via the button '''File Browse''' you select the appropriate Firmware for the receiver.
   . For GR-12 i.e. the file '''33506_gr_rx6_amp_XaXX_e9.bin'''
   . For GR-16 i.e. the file '''33508_gr_rx8_XaXX_f9.bin'''
   . For GR-24 i.e. the file '''33512_gr_rx12_XaXX_bf.bin'''
   . (XaXX => Version number)<<BR>><<BR>>

 (Example: Software for the receiver GR-16)<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. Now you can start the update via the button '''Download Start'''. <<BR>><<BR>>
 1. Direct after you have clicked the button '''Download Start''' you need to press __and__ hold the '''SET'''-button on the receiver and you connect the PPM-cable also to the same time.<<BR>><<BR>>

 1. If the receiver will be detected the update will start automatically.<<BR>>
 (If it will not work the first time - back to step 3)<<BR>><<BR>>


 1. After a successful update the following info window appears: <<BR>><<BR>>


 . '''__IMPORTANT__:''' After the receiver has been initialized, as descibed in the info window, the PPM-sum-signal need to be set new via your transmitter.<<BR>><<BR>>

Attention: Ces informations en français ne sont pas à jour !
vous devriez consulter la dernière version en anglais ici ! (à utiliser pour les non-anglophone et avec prudence donc !...)

This page as a PDF-Document? Simply click on the symbol and wait a few seconds... --->

HoTT - Update

See also: HoTT

Software for the Update

The necessary software V4 for the Graupner Transmitter/Receiver as well as the necessary language files you can download direct from the Graupner Homepage:

Graupner HoTT MX-20: Link
Graupner HoTT MC-20: Link
Graupner HoTT MC-32: Link

<!> Veuillez vérifier la référence du produit auquel la mise à jour est destinée dans le nom du fichier
Exemple: Le récepteur GR-16 (ref 33508) a besoin du fichier 33508_gr_rx8_4a90_f9.bin.

Voice file

The MikroKopter needs a MikroKopter-specific voice-file for the HoTT-Transmitter. The name for e.g. the english File is English_Mikrokopter_V2.vdf.
There some speech-samples are substituted by MikroKopter-specific samples.
If you would use the old file, the Transmitter would speak "maximum voltage" instead of "Calibrating".

If you also use a 'normal' RC-Plane, and you need also the original voices, you could put both onto the SD-Card in the Transmitter and load the right file before startin (needs about 1-2 minutes)


Update the transmitter

In order to provide the latest software to the transmitter you have two opportunities:

  • Either way you use a Micro-SD-Card which can be insert into the transmitter to download the needed software into the transmitter.
  • Or - the transmitter will be connected via an USB-cable to the PC. Via the Graupner Program "grStudio" you can download the new software.

<!> INFO: An update of the transmitter via a Micro-SD-Card is only possible since "V4"!
Transmitter with the firmware "V3" need to download the new firmware via the program "grStudio".

Update transmitter - Opportunity 1: Micro-SD-Card

The needed files you can copy in an appropriate folder on the Micro-SD-Card.
This Micro-SD-Card you insert into the transmitter and import the software via the "Hidden Mode".
(Actual instructions => MX-20 = page 22+28 / MC-32 = page 23+32).

Prepare Micro-SD-Card

To import the software via the Micro-SD-Card there must be certain directories on the Micro-SD-Card.
The necessary directories (folder) can be done automatically from the transmitter to the Micro-SD-Karte.

For that you need to:

  • open the battery box from the transmitter and
  • insert an empty Micro-SD-Card into the den Micro-SD-Card-Slot.
  • Now you switch ON the transmitter.
  • After the complete boot of the transmitter you can switch the transmitter OFF.
  • Remove the Micro-SD-Card.

Now you can insert the Micro-SD-Card into an appropriate slot at your PC.
Here you will find now the following directories:


If you have downloaded the needed firmware or language files you can copy them now into the appropriate folder on the Micro-SD-Card.

Here i.e. you copy the needed firmware file for the MX-20 in English (mx-20_1v119_English.bin) into the folder Firmware on the Micro-SD-Card.

The Update via Micro-SD-Card

If you have prepared the Micro-SD-Card in that way you continue as follows:
(Example: Fimware Update)

  1. Insert Micro-SD-Card into the transmitter.
  2. Switch ON the transmitter.
  3. With the key combination "left Touch-Pad UP/DOWN and the "Right Touch-Pad SET" (press to the same time) you will get into the menu Hidden Mode.

    • https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113036&g2_serialNumber=2

  4. In the menu "Hidden Mode" you need to select the entry "FIRMWARE UPDATE".
    • https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113223&g2_serialNumber=2

  5. Now you can choose the needed Firmware.
    • https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113229&g2_serialNumber=2

  6. After confirming with SET the firmware will be installed.

    • https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113060&g2_serialNumber=2

After a successful installation the transmitter will boot new and you can use now the transmitter.

If you want to install a language file into your transmitter you do it in the same way. But - you need to select VOICE TRIG under Point 4.

Update transmitter - Opportunity 2: Program grStudio


To update the transmitter with the program Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe you must install the COM-Port Driver CP210x - Silicon Labs before!

This driver you can download directly from the homepage of Graupner (Link). If you download there the current "V4" you will find the driver in the folder "USB Driver".

(Instruction => MX-20 page 39 / MC-32 page 44)

Update via grStudio

To update the transmitter with the program Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe you need to continue in that way:

  1. Pour la mise à jour l'émetteur est connecté à l'ordinateur via USB.



    Example: MX-20

    Example: MC-32

  2. Open program Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe and select the COM-Port for the CP210x - Silicon Labs.

    https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113061&g2_serialNumber=1 https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113064&g2_serialNumber=1

  3. Now you select under Transmitter the Firmware Upgrade.


  4. Via the button File Browse you select the appropriate Firmware.


  5. Now you can start the update via the button Download Start.

  6. It appears here now an information window which will be confirmed after reading.


  7. Now the update is in process.


  8. The update will be also displayed on your transmitter.


  9. After a successful installation the transmitter will boot new and you can use now the transmitter.


Blue screen

/!\ If the update was unsuccessful and you will see only an empty illuminated display you need to download the Bootloader and the Software again.
In the Graupner Program "Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-x.x.exe" is help provided in the left menu bar under Transmitter and Emergency.
The download of the software ist pretty much similar to the Update.

  • Select with the button File Browse the necessary Firmware.

  • Start with the button Download Start the recovery of the transmitter.

  • Switch ON the transmitter (if the transmitter will not switch ON - just disconnect the battery on time).

    https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113071&g2_serialNumber=2 https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113014&g2_serialNumber=2

Update Receiver with the Program grStudio

If you want to make an Firmware-Update with your receiver you can do it either way via the Graupner "USB-Adapter" (Link) or the FlightControl.

If you want to do the Update via the FlightCtrl there must be a software version installed V0.86 or higher.

IMPORTANT: Updating via the FlightCtrl the MK-USB must be connected direct to the FlightCtrl (not via the Navi!).
The Graupner receiver is here as usual connected to the FlightCtrl via the PPM-cable and also the telemetry cable.


(Example image) To enlarge -> Click on the image

Download the required software

Before you can start the Update on your receiver you need to download the appropriate "Update-File".

Infos you will find under: Software for the Update

Configurer la FC en mode mise à jour

The following requirements must be met:

  • The jumper "JET" on the Flight is closed.

  • The cable for the telemetry is soldered on the "RX" Pad .
  • The FlightCtrl is direct connected with the MK-USB and supplied with voltage.

In the KopterTool open via the button Firmware Update & Terminal... the terminal window.

  • <!> Note: Le récepteur "Hott" doit déjà être sélectionné dans KopterTool (menu channels).

Dans la fenêtre Mise à jour firmware & terminal Faire un clic droit de la souris dans la zone grise à côté du bouton Mise à jour firmware et cliquez sur l'option: "Activate HoTT update mode...".


à La fermeture du message d'avertissement, le MKTool ouvre une connexion directe entre le MKUSB et le récepteur HoTT, et (le MKTool) se ferme:


After you confirmed the note window the KopterTool will close and a data channel to the HoTT receiver will open to the same time.

IMPORTANT: Déconnecter la nappe trois-conducteurs reliant le récepteur PPM (ne conserver que la liaison data).

Mise à jour avec l'outil Graupner

To update now the receiver you can open the program Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe. You do that as follows:

  1. Open program Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-X.X.exe and select under "Device" the entry HoTT Receiver.


  2. Via the button File Browse you select the appropriate Firmware for the receiver.

    • For GR-12 i.e. the file 33506_gr_rx6_amp_XaXX_e9.bin

    • For GR-16 i.e. the file 33508_gr_rx8_XaXX_f9.bin

    • For GR-24 i.e. the file 33512_gr_rx12_XaXX_bf.bin

    • (XaXX => Version number)

    (Example: Software for the receiver GR-16)

  3. Now you can start the update via the button Download Start.

  4. Direct after you have clicked the button Download Start you need to press and hold the SET-button on the receiver and you connect the PPM-cable also to the same time.


  5. If the receiver will be detected the update will start automatically.
    (If it will not work the first time - back to step 3)


  6. After a successful update the following info window appears:


  7. IMPORTANT: After the receiver has been initialized, as descibed in the info window, the PPM-sum-signal need to be set new via your transmitter.

Impressum: Traduction française: MK-FR•info