
Stick Setup

With the transmitter you can not only control the MikroKopter and its function Throttle (Gas), Yaw, Nick and Roll.
Also different functions i.e. the calibration of the sensor can be done on certain positions of the control stick.

Which functions that are and via which stick-positions that can be done, is written here.


Selecting the functions is in all modes 1-4 in which the transmitter can be set, the same. Most of the descriptions of a MikroKopter
go with an assignment of the transmitter in Mode 2 . That is, especially for beginners the simplest mode to control a MikroKopter.

However - who is flying fixed wing models over years now mostly uses for the control the Mode 1. Maybe those pilots could try also Mode 3 .
The throttle remains on the right side, Yaw is in Mode 3 but than right at the throttle and not left on the control stick. This makes it easier for the Mode 1 pilot to control the Kopter.

MikroKopter: en/StickSetup (zuletzt geändert am 22.03.2013 17:53 durch LotharF)