
Magnet Error

See also

Magnet Error

Since the firmware version 0.86 the value of the magnetic compass sensor is carefully checked.

These are the different cases:

  1. Error during calibration
  2. Error before the start
  3. Errors in flight

Reason for the error message

{i} The NC simply needs needs a compass value with significantly less than 30° error.


Then you should take a look to this error message:


If the calibarion fails

(compass still reports "invalid compass value)

When you rotate the MK in different directions (like you would do in the new calibration), you should have magnetic curves like this. The min and max-values of the magnet sensor must be bigger than +/-300 6 we had this case in the Betatest - there an iron plate (as heatsink) was the problem. He was not able to calibrate either. After removing the plate - everything was fine

FC installed rotated

Error right at the start

If, you get the message even before the start (or in the moment when the motors get started), probably iron or magnetic material are involved. Maybe iron is in the ground or close to the MK.

These are the two values, which are reviewed by the NC:


/!\ The error message would also prevented from starting.

Error in flight


The magnetic value may not differ more than 20% in flight. So it must be between 80% and 120%.

In flight, the incorrect inclination is not reported. Only the 20% deviation of the magnetic field.

In the GPX data log on the SD card, these values ​​are recorded:


(Tool for viewing the log data: MK_GPX

resolve the current errors

checking magnet values

In the transmitter telemetry (Jeti + HoTT) and in the Koptertool, the values can also be monitored. (since FC0.86c)


Press (SET) in that menu



Disable the error message


{i} This only deactivates the error message. If the compass value is wrong because of magnetic disturbances, the MK will not fly good in GPS-Mode - no matter of this setting


How magnetic fields arise and what implications these have for, you can see in these videos:

MikroKopter: en/MagnetError (zuletzt geändert am 18.10.2013 17:00 durch LotharF)