Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 5 und 8 (über 3 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 5 vom 17.08.2011 17:24
Größe: 2635
Autor: LotharF
Revision 8 vom 17.08.2011 17:30
Größe: 2764
Autor: LotharF
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
Each page corresponds to a different section of the Settings dialog box:<<BR>><<BR>>
Zeile 7: Zeile 6:
Each side can be opened by clicking a tab from the configuration dialog: <<BR>> A general description of controllers, definitions and concepts can be found in the wiki at [[en/MK-Parameter/Zusammenfassung-Erläuterungen|Summary Explanations]].<<BR>><<BR>>

Each side can be opened by clicking on the tabs below to get more information from the configuration dialog: <<BR>>

https://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif Page in deutsch

https://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif Page en français

Configuration parameters in MikroKopterTool

In these pages are the different configuration parameters of the Mikrokopter Tool.

A general description of controllers, definitions and concepts can be found in the wiki at Summary Explanations.

Each side can be opened by clicking on the tabs below to get more information from the configuration dialog:

MK-Parameter/Navi-Ctrl 2MK-Parameter/OutputMK-Parameter/MiscMK-Parameter/GyroMK-Parameter/UserMK-Parameter/CouplingMK-Parameter/Mixer-SETUP

{i} These pages can be called directly with the "Help (Hilfe)" button from the settings configuration dialog box.