Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 3 und 10 (über 7 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 3 vom 17.10.2009 22:58
Größe: 1041
Autor: SteveG
Kommentar: Translation to English
Revision 10 vom 18.08.2011 11:15
Größe: 495
Autor: LotharF
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
||<tablewidth="520px" tablestyle="TEXT-ALIGN: center"bgcolor="#ffffa0"> http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif Page in [:MK-Parameter/Channels:deutsch] ||<bgcolor="#ffffa0"> http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif Page en [:fr/MK-Parameter/Channels:français] ||<bgcolor="#ffffa0"> http://mikrokopter.de/images/ita.gif Pagina in [:it/MK-Parameter/Channels:italiano] || ||<tablewidth="520px" tablestyle="TEXT-ALIGN: center"bgcolor="#ffffa0"> {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} Page in [[MK-Parameter/Channels|deutsch]] ||<bgcolor="#ffffa0"> {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif}} Page en [[fr/MK-Parameter/Channels|français]] ||
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
= Assigning the Basic Channels =
The Transmitter will transmit to the Mikrocopter on the assigned 4 channels [[BR]]
needed by the Mikrocopter: GAS, GIER, NICK, ROLL[[BR]]
= Using the other channels =
The other 4 Channels can be assigned to POTI 1,2,3 or 4[[BR]]
On each of the POTI a channel can be assigned to control various functions from a switch or potentiometer to control height, camera panning, tilt etc.
= Display of the Channels =
The display above shows the current value of the individual channels.
||<tablewidth="520px" tablestyle="TEXT-ALIGN: center"bgcolor="#FACC2E"> [[en/MK-Parameter|Back to back to mainview]]||

<<Include(include/KopterTool/Settings-Channels, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>


https://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif Page in deutsch

https://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif Page en français



The FlightCtrl can handle up to 12 channels from the transmitter, and up to 12 channels via a serial input.
These serially transmitted channels from the transmitter can be checked in this view and the MikroKopter functions can be assigned.
To control the copter 4 channels are required: GAS, YAW, NICK, ROLL


from the transmitter

Depending on the transmitter / receiver, a different number of channels are used. (See Sender)
If the receiver is connected properly and the the transmitter hooked up right to the FlightCtrl, you can check on the function of each channel.


Below is shown the channel 1-12. Above the current values ​​of each channel is displayed: 0 (down) / 127 (middle) / 254 (above).
The bar graph also shows you the values ​​of each channel.


If you move the Sticks for throttle, yaw, nick, roll, or you use a switch / poti at your transmitter, the bar graph
and the numbers above it should move from "0" to "254".

If you use a stick / switch / poti at your transmitter and the values doesn't go down to "0" and up to "254", you have to set the servo travel on your transmitter.
This is normally at 100%. Change the servo travel until you will have "0" to "254".

This is necessary to ensure a proper function of the Kopter-functions and the "switch-outputs".

Serial Channels

The FlightCtrl can also analyze up to 12 channels via serial communication (e.g. from a joystick).
These can be used like normal transmission channels, so the POTI functions (POTI1 - POTI8) are assigned.
Over here, for example, you could control a camara mount.

{i} Only the control functions (GAS, YAW, PITCH, ROLL) can not be assigned to these serial channels.


To use these additional channels you must have a connection between Kopter and PC.
These connection you can set up with the Bluetoothmodul or the Wi232 for your use.
The KopterTool must be open for use! For the control at your PC a joystick should be installed.

The joystick must be connected and assigned to the channels.
Here you need to click in the KopterTool on Serial Channels


Now you can assign the individual functions.
So that the functions are transferred to the copter it must have a hook at the bottom" sending the serial channels are active " to be set.


Function / Channels

To each channel now a FUNCTION / POTI can be assigned. The first 4 channels are for GAS (1), YAW (Yaw) (4), NICK (3), ROLL (2) set.
The remaining channels / serial channels you can freely assign to POTI1-8.

The allocation is also shown in the lower POTI bar.

By clicking on the downward triangle the channel, serial channel or a waypoint event(WP Event) will be selected.
(The WP Event is listed under OSD


The motors of the MikroKopter you can switch them ON via the stick position "Gas down + Yaw right" and switch them OFF via the stick position "Gas down + Yaw left".

In the past it happened that the pilot turned OFF the MikroKopter during a flight accidentally throughout moving the Gas-Yaw Stick into the lower left corner.
Especially during a fast descent and yawing to the same time that mishap happened.

Via the MotorSafetySwitch you are able to prevent the unwanted switching ON/OFF of the motors.

To switch ON- or OFF the motors you can use three opportunities:
(From Software Version V0.88m)

Opportunity 1

Without MotorSafetySwitch you can switch the motors via stick positions:

Switch ON the motors:

  • "Gas down + Yaw right"

Switch OFF the motors:

  • "Gas down + Yaw left"

Opportunity 2

To switch ON-/OFF the motors via the stick position will be released with a switch or button on the transmitter.

For this purpose a switch (or button) at the transmitter need to be set with an extra channel and assigned to the MotorSafetySwitch.


To switch ON-/OFF the motors is then NOT possible if the value of the channel is >35 (=> the switch ON is).
(Info: If a button is used it must be in normal position (without operation) "switched ON". In the menu of the transmitter you may change the switching direction of that channel.)

Switch ON the motors:

  • Switch the switch to "OFF" (or push button).
  • "Gas down + Yaw right" => Motors will start

  • Switch the switch to "ON" (or release button).
  • (An unwanted switching OFF the motors is now not possible.)

Switch OFFthe motors:

  • Switch the switch to "OFF" (or push button).
  • "Gas down + Yaw left" => The motors will stop

  • Switch the switch to "ON" (or release button).
  • (An unwanted switching ON the motors is now not possible.)

Opportunity 3

To switch ON-/OFF the motors will be done via a switch. That is only possible if the Gas-Stick is on "0", so... completely down.

For this purpose a switch (or button) at the transmitter need to be set with an extra channel and assigned to the MotorSafetySwitch...


... and the mode Motor start/stop -> Gas 0 & Motor-Switch ON/OFF should be activated.


So in that way the motors can be only switched ON/OFF, if the Gas-Stick is down (on "0") and the switch been switched ON or OFF.
While the Gas-Stick is in use (so not down to "0") you can operate the switch without turning ON or OFF the motors.

Switch ON the motors:

  • Gas-Stick down to "0"
  • Switch the switch to "ON" => Motors will start.

  • Gas-Stick in use => Switch has no function.

Switch OFF the motors:

  • Gas-Stick down to "0"
  • Switch the switch to "OFF" => Motors will stop.

  • Gas-Stick in use => Switch has no function.

Advanced signal reception test

The "Advanced signal reception test" was especially installed for the 35/40MHz-Systems. There at the range limit (or disorders) it caused undefined values​​ since there is no backup of the data by a similar protocol.

  • Erweiterte Empfangssignalprüfung (Advanced receiver signal validation)

    • RC-routine: reception loss is safely recognized
      • It is checked whether the numbers of channels changes in flight -> this should never happen in the error-free operation

      • in the first 500ms at a disorder an old receiving data packet (the penultimate) is used instead of the last
      • it is switched to a minimum of 1 second on "faulty reception"

The "Advanced receiver signal validation" checks on the receiving signal more detailed. Thus, for example "suspect status" (such as changing the number of detected channels or disturbance / removal of the timing of packets) would be immediately recognized as irregular and assumes the same as a loss of receiving and the data packet would be discarded.

With the 2.4 GHz digital transmission is the transmission of false values ​​(as described above) no longer present.
If the "Advanced signal reception test" is switched off an error will be detected. This does not lead immediately to the receiving failure, but to the fact that the reception quality is counted down.
For the use with the MK it is unproblematical to discard a packet from time to time (the data rate from the receiver is high enough). An actual loss of the receiver signal always leads to the detection of a receive failure.

{i} Not every receiver provides a receive signal failure! Some receiver keep receiving errors in the last received value which means that the receiving failure is not detected.
This can for example lead to a fly-away of the copter during a receiving failure. Therefore, you should check first whether the receiver uses failure supports.

Checking for receiving failure:
While the Kopter and transmitter are powered on the red LED at the Flight-Ctrl. should be off and the buzzer should be silent.
If the transmitter will be switched off the red LED will be on and buzzer will be beeping in intervals.
Now the loss of receiving is detected and the emergency throttle set up (Notgas) is active (Notgas = Set up under Misc).

Receiver Selection

Here you can choose the receiver.


Note for Jeti transmitter: MikroKopter messages will be transferred essentially via morse code message. In the latest Jeti-transmitter (i.e. DC-16 etc.) an own language sequence can be assigned to the messages.
For that reason that also the switch messages like “Altitude ON” are transferred, those can be deactivated with Telemetry: Speak all events in the KopterTool (older transmitter would give in this case a morse code and beep).

There are available:

  • Multisignal (PPM) Standard receiver (e.g. ACT DSL4 top, 2.4GHz-Receiver R6107SP)
    (Connection at the PPM-Input of the FlightCtrl)

  • Spektrum Satellit

    • 2.4GHz satellite receiver Spektrum
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • Spektrum Satellit (HIRES)

    • 2.4GHz satellite receiver with high resolution of Spektrum (2048) (e.g. DSX7, DX8, DSX9, DSX12)
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • Spektrum Satellit (LowRES)

    • 2.4GHz satellite-receiver with low resolution (512) (is used in some plug-in modules)
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • Jeti Satellit

    • 2.4GHz Jeti Satellit (e.g. RMK2)
      With this setting, the output of the telemetry is activated too.
      Displayed is the telemetry on the Jeti Box.
      (Connection at the PPM-Input of the FlightCtrl + connection to the 2nd serial port for telemetrie)


    • Connecting a ACT DSL-signal on the 2nd serial port on the FlightCtrl

  • Graupner HoTT

    • 2.4GHz Graupner HoTT Empfänger (e.g. GR-12, GR-16, GR-24)
      With this setting, the output of the telemetry is activated too.
      Displayed is the telemetry on the display of the transmitter.
      (Connection at the PPM-Input of the FlightCtrl + connection to the 2nd serial port for telemetrie)

  • Futaba S.BUS

    • 2.4GHz Futaba S.BUS Receiver
      To connect a S.BUS Receiver to th eFlightCtrl you need a Signal inverter (Shoplink).
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • User

    • Free for programmer

(How to connect a receiver you can see here: Receiver)