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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
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Zeile 8: Zeile 7:
||||||<class="MK_Nav_Header">MC-20 HoTT||

{{{#!wiki MK_select1
 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} [[MC-20|deutsch]]
 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif}} [[fr/MC-20|français]]
||<class="MK_Nav_Header">Graupner MC-20 HoTT||

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/Button-Baugruppe/Button350x150/Button_MC-20_350x150.jpg?m=1497604845 }}
'''Shoplink: [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=86|Graupner MC-20 HoTT]]'''

Zeile 17: Zeile 30:

Zeile 22: Zeile 34:
The described settings and procedures are related to the current '''V4''' from Graupner. <<BR>><<BR>>

All references to pages of the instruction manual refer to the current manual "33020_mc20_HoTT" [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/8e2f4776-e25b-42a9-96bb-fadcdda2afa9/33020/product.aspx?tab=downloads|(Link)]].<<BR>><<BR>>

A working model memory for the MC-20 and a setting for the !FlightCtrl you can find and download under [[#download|"Example: Setting - Download"]].<<BR>><<BR>>

'''See also: [[en/HottUpdate|HoTT-Update]] '''


{{{{#!wiki important
If you buy the transmitter directly from '''''!MikroKopter''''', all on the transmitter and receiver is already set.

If you buy the transmitter somewhere else you have to to all settings on the transmitter and receiver.

See: [[#Sprung2|Settings]]


Zeile 34: Zeile 54:
'''Shoplink: [[---|Graupner MC-20 HoTT]]'''

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/MC-20/MC-20_Belegung_MK-Easy.jpg?m=1507212361 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/MC-20/MC-20_Belegung_MK-Easy.jpg?m=1507212361 }} ]]<<BR>>

The Graupner MC-20 HoTT is a perfect 12-channel transmitter for the !MikroKopter.

Include labeling plates to see where the functions are and ready set you can buy this transmitter in an 'MK-Edition' in our

A suitable setting for the ''!MikroKopter'' can be found under '''[[#Sprung1|Download]]'''
Zeile 37: Zeile 78:
The MC-20 HoTT is an ideal transmitter for the !MikroKopter. With its function you are able to use all 12 channels of the !FlightCtrl.

The data: <<BR>>
The Data: <<BR>>
Zeile 45: Zeile 83:
 * Display of the !MikroKopter-Telemetry on the built-in and illuminated 8x21 character LCD__  * Display of the !MikroKopter-Telemetry on the built-in and illuminated LCD__
Zeile 47: Zeile 85:
 * 12 switches (3 three-way switches, 5 two-way switches, 2 pushbutton, 2 two-way switches with lock)__
 * 2 INC/DEC-switches
 * 12 switches(3 three-way switches, 5 two-way switches, 2 pushbutton, 2 two-way switches with lock)__
 * 2 INC/DEC-pushbutton
Zeile 50: Zeile 88:
 * Built-in DSC-socket for the connection of flight simulators (AeroSim) or a [[en/TrainerMode|TrainerMode]]__
 * More than 200 systems can be used simultaneously -> No agreements on channels like 2 or 3 years ago__
 * Future-proofed with update capability via USB Interface (HoTT-Update)__
 * Different menu-languages for the transmitter (i.e. Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)__
 * Built-in DSC-socket for the connection of flight simulators (AeroSim) or a [[en/TrainerMode|Trainer Mode]]__


= Download =

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"width="20%">||<-2 class="MK_TableNoBorder">'''model memory for MC-20 <<BR>>+ MK-voice file DE/EN'''<<BR>>~-(From Graupner SW version 2v017)-~<<BR>><<BR>>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/MC-20/MC-20_Belegung_MK-Easy.jpg?m=1507212361 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/MC-20/MC-20_Belegung_MK-Easy.jpg?m=1507212361 }} ]]||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">[[http://wiki.mikrokopter.de/Download?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=MC-20.zip|{{attachment:symbols/Download-Button.png}}]]||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"width="30%">||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"width="20%">||<-2 class="MK_TableNoBorder">'''Setting "MK-Easy" for !MikroKopter'''<<BR>><<BR>>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/sonstiges/Settings/MK-Setting-Easy.pdf?m=1521552882 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/Settings/MK-Setting-Easy.jpg?m=1521552884 }} ]]||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">[[http://wiki.mikrokopter.de/Download?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=MK-Easy.mkp|{{attachment:symbols/Download-Button.png}}]]||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"width="30%">||


= Settings =

For "do it yourself" user. In the following steps we show you how to import the model memory in you transmitter and how to bind and set the receiver

How to import the setting in your ''!MikroKopter'' is described here: [[#Sprung5|Import setting (copter)]]
Zeile 57: Zeile 119:
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder":>Graupner MC-20 HoTT||

<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;">

== Copy model memory + MK-voice file ==
<div style="float: right; margin: 10px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Copy-PC-SD_MC-20.jpg?m=1499263674 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Copy-PC-SD_MC-20.jpg?m=1499263674 }} ]]

 In the first step we have to download the model memory, where we already have <<BR>>
 set all 12 channels for the transmitter and the needed "MK-voice" file for your !MikroKopter <<BR>>
 -> [[#Sprung1|Download]]<<BR>>

 After we downloaded it we have to unzip the folder and copy model memory and the <<BR>>
 voice file into the right folders on the microSD-Card (see picture). <<BR>>
 After this id done put the microSD-card back into the transmitter.

<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;">

== Import model memory ==

 In the next step we can import the model memory in the transmitter.<<BR>><<BR>>

 The steps are:
  * Switch ON the transmitter
   * ~-If you see "Please select RF on/off?" -> select "OFF"-~
  * With the right "four-way button" select the middle button '''SET''' to open the Menu
  * Go down to '''Copy/Erase''' and press '''SET'''
  * Choose '''Import from SD''' and press '''SET'''
  * In the next window select "MK-Easy" and press '''SET''' again
  * Under "import to model" select the first place 01 and confirm with '''SET'''
  * We confirm the question "import?" with '''YES''' and '''SET'''

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Modell-Import.jpg?m=1498641452 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Modell-Import-en.jpg?m=1498641453 }} ]]||

<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;">

== Import MK-voice file ==

 Only with the '''MK-voice file''' you can get the right announce for your !MikroKopter via the transmitter <<BR>><<BR>>

 To install the voice file you have to open the "hidden mode":
  * On the left "four-way button" (ESC) press the buttons '''UP''' and '''DOWN''' at the same time and hold it
  * Now press at the right "four-way button" the center button '''SET'''
  * In the "hidden mode" choose '''VOICE''' and open it with '''SET'''
  * Select the MK-voice file you need (DE/EN) and start the import with '''SET'''

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-MK-Sprachfile-Import.jpg?m=1498210592 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-MK-Sprachfile-Import-en.jpg?m=1498210592 }} ]]||


<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;">

== Bind receiver ==

 Now we can bind the receiver to the model memory ''MK-Easy''. <<BR>>
 To do this the receiver must be connected inthe right way with your copter and the copter must be powered ON with a Lipo. <<BR>>
 ~-(See also: [[#Sprung3|Connect receiver]])-~<<BR>><<BR>>

 The steps are:
  * With the right "four-way button" select the middle button '''SET''' to open the Menu
  * Go down to '''Base setup model''' and press '''SET'''
  * Go down to "module HoTT" and select the '''left n/a'''
  * Now press at the receiver the "SET" button for ~3-4 seconds until the red LED is flashing red/green
  * Then pres the '''SET''' button on your transmitter
  * In the window you see now '''Finding...'''
  * When the receiver is properly bound, you see '''bind''' instead of n/a

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Empf-Binden.jpg?m=1498215001 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Empf-Binden-en.jpg?m=1498215002 }} ]]||

 '''INFO:''' <<BR>>
 The copter will maybe "beep" for the whole time. This will stop when all settings on the receiver are done.


<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;">

== Deactivate receiver-FS ==

 In the basic settings the receiver use his own "fail safe". This we have to deactivate.<<BR>>
 ~-(When we not deactivate it and the copter lost the signal, he will fly away with the last received stick positions.)-~<<BR>><<BR>>

 That the copter always flies back to the "home position" (when he lost the signal) we have to use the !MikroKopter [[en/FailSafe|FailSafe]].<<BR>><<BR>>

 To deactivate it we have to do:
  * With the right "four-way button" select the middle button '''SET''' to open the Menu
  * Go down to '''Telemetry''' and press '''SET'''
  * In the telemetry window choose '''setting & data view''' and press '''SET'''
  * In the next menu press the '''right''' button to open '''RX FAIL SAFE'''
  * Here change '''MODE''' from "HOLD" to '''OFF'''...<<BR>>

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Empf-Einstellen1-en.jpg?m=1499070906 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Empf-Einstellen1-en.jpg?m=1499070906 }} ]]||


<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;">

== Activate PPM-Sum signal ==

 For the !FlightCtrl we need a ppm sum signal. This we can set now.<<BR>>
 As long as this is not set we get fron the copter an error messag ~-("err7: RC Signal lost")-~ and the copter is<<BR>>
 beeping the whole time.<<BR>>
 Directly after activating the sum signal the beeping stop and you can use the channels on the copter.<<BR>><<BR>>
 The steps are:
  * With the right "four-way button" select the middle button '''SET''' to open the Menu
  * Go down to '''Telemetry''' and press '''SET'''
  * In the telemetry window choose '''setting & data view''' and press '''SET'''
  * In the next menu press the '''right''' button to open '''RX SERVO TEST'''
  * Here change '''CH OUT TYPE''' from "ONCE" to '''SUMO 16'''...<<BR>>

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Empf-Einstellen2-en.jpg?m=1499070907 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Empf-Einstellen2-en.jpg?m=1499070908 }} ]]||


= Connect receiver =

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/MK-Baugruppen/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl-V3.0/FC_V3_0_Empf%C3%A4nger-PPM-GraupnerHoTT-GR-16.png?m=1453730298 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/MK-Baugruppen/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl-V3.0/FC_V3_0_Empf%C3%A4nger-PPM-GraupnerHoTT-GR-16.png?m=1453730297 }} ]]<<BR>>
~-(Anschluss an !FlighCtrl V3.0)-~

The !FlightCtrl offers two cables to connect the Graupner HoTT receiver. <<BR>>
The 3-wire PPM-cabel is for the channels and to power up the receiver.<<BR>>
The gray cable is for the telemetry.

You can get different HoTT receivers you can use with the !MikroKopter.<<BR>>
Following we describe how to connect the receiver GR-16 and GR-24. <<BR>>
Both receivers can send up to 16 channels via the ppm sum signal.<<BR>><<BR>>


== Receiver GR-16 ==

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Empf%C3%A4nger/GR-16-Anschluss.jpg?m=1498564246 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Empf%C3%A4nger/GR-16-Anschluss.jpg?m=1498564245 }} ]]

The GR-16 HoTT offers 8 servo connections. Via servo out #8 we can get the needed ppm sum signal. Depending on the used transmitter you can grap here up to 16 channels.<<BR>>
The range is specified by the [[https://www.graupner.de/Empfaenger-GR-16-HoTT-2-4-GHz-8-Kanal/33508/|manufacturer]] with up to 4000m.

  * Servo out #8 => PPM sum signal ~-(see [[#Sprung4|Activate PPM-Sum signal]])-~
  * Telemetry connection "T" => Connection for gray cable from !FlightCtrl


== Receiver GR-24 ==

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Empf%C3%A4nger/GR-24-Anschluss.jpg?m=1498564248 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Empf%C3%A4nger/GR-24-Anschluss.jpg?m=1498564247 }} ]]

The GR-24 HoTT offers 12 servo connections. Via servo out #8 we can get the needed ppm sum signal. Depending on the used transmitter you can grap here up to 16 channels.<<BR>>
The range is specified by the [[https://www.graupner.de/Empfaenger-GR-24-HoTT-12-Kanal/33512/|manufacturer]] with up to 4000m.

  * Servo out #8 => PPM sum signal ~-(see [[#Sprung4|Activate PPM-Sum signal]])-~
  * Telemetry connection "T" => Connection for gray cable from !FlightCtrl


= Check function of receiver and channels =

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Channels/DE_Channels_1.jpg?m=1499940364 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/MK-Tool/Setting/Channels/DE_Channels_1.jpg?m=1499940364 }} ]]

If the copter is connected with the computer you can start the KopterTool. With this tool you can check
the function of the single channels ~-(under "Channels")-~. Move a stick, switch etc on your transmitter
to see if the channel is acting in the bar. <<BR>><<BR>>

 * Choose as receiver ''Graupner HoTT''
 * Activate "Telemetrie: Speak all events" to hear all messages
 * If you move a stick, switch etc., the number above the bar must reach from "0" to "254" and in center position "127"-~


= MK Telemetry-Window =

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
Zeile 60: Zeile 483:

{{{#!wiki caution

The HoTT-Telemetry is supported from '''!FlightControl V2.1'''.<<BR>><<BR>>

'''NEW:''' Support of the Graupner '''V4''' version.<<BR>><<BR>>

'''The needed software for the Graupner transmitter/receiver and the needed voice file you can download here: [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/8e2f4776-e25b-42a9-96bb-fadcdda2afa9/33020/product.aspx?tab=downloads|Download]]'''<<BR>><<BR>>

Now with the '''V4''' you can display the telemetry data in a new menu. The display in the text-telemetry is also still possible.<<BR>>
In addition customized voice messages can be played to the same time.<<BR>><<BR>>

That is possible since the following software versions: <<BR>>
 At the Kopter: <<BR>>
 !FlightCtrl V 0.88'''m''' + !NaviCtrl V 0.28'''m''' [[en/SoftwareDownload|(Link)]] <<BR>><<BR>>
 Graupner transmitter/receiver: <<BR>>
 Transmitter MC-20 HoTT '''(V4) V 1.016'''<<BR>>
 Receiver GR-16 '''V 5a70''' / GR-24 '''V 3a40''' <<BR>>
 Soundfiles => Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish



== Instruction for the MC-20 ==
The instruction of the appropriate and actual version you can download directly from Graupner: [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/8e2f4776-e25b-42a9-96bb-fadcdda2afa9/33020/product.aspx?tab=downloads|MC-20 HoTT Instruction Manual]]


= Configure the transmitter + bind receiver =

== Spring in the transmitter ==

By default there is a spring at the gas stick which keeps it always in the center position.<<BR>>
Normally this spring of the gas-stick is without function to move the stick infinitely variable.
(Instruction of the transmitter - page 21)<<BR>><<BR>>

If you have already a little bit experience and if you want to fly with vario-height control all the time, you don't need to remove the spring.<<BR>>
If you leave the spring in function so that the Gas-Stick is always in a middle-position you need to enter in the setting [[en/MK-Parameter/Easy-SETUP|(Link)]] at "Stick neutral point" the middle-position => 127: <<BR>><<BR>>



== Set Stick Mode ==

The easiest way (also for beginners) is to fly the !MikroKopter in '''Mode2'''. <<BR>>
Here you have the function "Gas" and "Yaw" on the left control stick, "Nick" and "Roll" on the right control stick.<<BR>>
(Instruction of the transmitter - page 84)<<BR>><<BR>>

If you fly a different mode over years you can also use it here.<<BR>>
The stick arrangement for the different modes (1-4) and how the various functions of the !MikroKopter can be set via the transmitter is described here: [[en/StickSetup|Stick-Setup]]<<BR>><<BR>>

'''Adjust transmitter to Stick-Mode2 (or a different mode):'''

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter you need to press on '''''SET''''' to enter the settings.
 * With the arrow keys UP/DOWN you choose the entry '''Base setup model''' and with the key '''''SET''''' you open it.
 * Here you switch to the entry '''Stick mode''' and choose it with the '''''SET''''' button (The displayed number is now a dark background).
 * With the arrow keys you can set now the desired mode (1-4) and save it with "SET".
 * Via the button "ESC" you can switch back.
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display2/MK-Telemetrie.jpg?m=1498571110 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Display2/MK-Telemetrie.jpg?m=1498571110 }} ]]

In the upper display of your transmitter you can see the !MikroKopter-Telemetry. Here you can see:

 * Top left
  * "V" -> Lipo voltage
  * "0:00" -> Flight time
  * "mAh" -> Already used capacity
 * Top right
  * "Alt:" -> Altitude
  * "Dir:" -> Orientation of the copter
  * "I:" -> Current consumption
 * Center left
  * Number of reached satellites
  * Airspeed
 * Center right
  * Distance to "Homeposition"
  * Direction to "Homeposition"
 * Below
  * Status and error messages
Zeile 129: Zeile 509:

Channel assignment of the control sticks in Mode2:

 * Channel 1 = Gas
 * Channel 2 = Roll
 * Channel 3 = Nick
 * Channel 4 = Yaw


== Bind the receiver ==

Transmitter and receiver have to be bound together, so that the receiver only reacts to that transmitter.<<BR>>
(Instruction of the transmitter - page 69)<<BR>><<BR>>
To bind the receiver you do as follows:
 * When turning on the transmitter you see the message RF ON / OFF. Choose OFF.
 * The receiver has to be supplied with 5V (i.e via 3-core-wire from the !FlightCtrl).
 * Press "SET" in the opening screen to get into the settings.
 * Select "Base setup model" with Up / Down and open it with the button '''''SET'''''.
 * In that menu pull down with the arrow key to the entry '''Base Setup Model'''.
  * <!> Only if there is already a "BIND", press once '''''SET''''' to get a "n/v".
 * At the __receiver__ now press and hold down the button "SET":
  * Receiver GR-12 => hold down "SET" button.
  * Receiver GR-16 => hold down "SET" button until the red and green LEDs light together (maybe difficult to see that clearly).
  * Receiver GR-24 => hold down "SET" button until the red and green LEDs light together (maybe difficult to see that clearly).
 * Press "SET" within 3 seconds at the transmitter (in the row "RF BIND)
 * "Finding" appears in the display for a short time.
 * "RF BIND [bind]" appears in the display at success and the green LED lights continously at the receiver.



== Set the receiver to sum-signal ==

The !Mikrokopter needs a so-called !sum-signal. All channels of the receiver are included in it. This makes the wireing a lot easier compared to normal servo-receivers. <<BR>><<BR>>

After the receiver has been ''bound'' to the transmitter you can set the PPM sum-signal: <<BR>>
(Instruction of the transmitter - ''CH OUTPUT TYPE'' - page 238)<<BR>><<BR>>

 * The receiver has to be supplied with 5V (i.e via 3-core-wire from the !FlightCtrl).
 * Hold down "ESC" at the transmitter for about 2 seconds -> You get into the menu "Telemetry".
 * Select '''SETTING & DATA VIEW''' and open it via the button '''''SET'''''.
 * The menu '''RX SERVO TEST''' will open.
 * Switch to the menu "RX SERVO TEST" by pressing "right" 5 times.
  * INFO: If you have clicked to far and you see the MK-Menu you can remove the 1-core telemetry plug from the FC to get back to the page "RX SERVO TEST".
 * In the menu "RX SERVO TEST" you switch to the lower entry '''CH OUT TYPE'''.
 * With the button '''''SET''''' you open that entry and you change from "ONCE" to '''SUMO''' (with the arrow keys UP/DOWN).
 * Confirm with SET.
 * You get to the data field with the number of channels in the sum-signal. Set this to "12" with Up/Down (for 12 channels).


{{{{#!wiki important

If you hold down the button (accidentially) at the receiver while connecting, the "SUMO 12" setting will be deleted. This can be also happen if you connect the receiver with a powered up Mikrokopter and hold down the button. In this case you have to set this setting again.

{{{{#!wiki important

If you __doesn't__ have a number behind '''SUMO''' an older software version is installed in the receiver! <<BR>>
You have to update the receiver. How to update the receiver you can see here: [[en/HottUpdate|Update]]


== Set servo adjustment ==

To run the functions on the !MikroKopter properly the servo adjustment of the 12 individual channels must reach a range of "0" to "254" (See also later in the [[en/MikroKopterTool|KopterTool]]).<<BR>>
The servo adjustments at the transmitter are pre-set to 100% for all channels. If you leave it in that way you are not able to reach the full servo adjustment.<<BR>>
For that reason you need to set all servo adjustments to '''103%'''.<<BR>><<BR>>

To set the servo adjustments we proceed as follows: <<BR>><<BR>>

 * Press '''''SET''''' in the opening screen to get into the settings.
 * Select '''servo adjustment''' with UP/DOWN and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * Switch to the channel (S1-S12) which need to be changed. Use the arrow-key to the right on the percentages for "- travel +" and select '''''SET'''''.
 . (Both percentage values are selected at the same time (dark background))
  * INFO: If only one percentage value is selected you can toggle/turn through the appropriate switch/potentiometer to the second percentage
 * Change the percentage value with UP/DOWN to "103%" and press '''''SET''''' to confirm.

In that way you set all 12 channels.

(Instruction of the transmitter - page 90)




In your transmitter the first four channels are already assigned to the control sticks for the function ''Gas, Yaw, Nick und Roll''.<<BR>>
The remaining channels (5-12) you can assign freely to switches, buttons and potentiometer on your transmitter.<<BR>>
With those channels you can control the functions of the MikroKopter.<<BR>>
(Instruction of the transmitter - page 71)<<BR>><<BR>>

Before starting with the assignment of the channels you should establish memory for that at your transmitter.<<BR>>
This memory need to be created as ''Winged Model''. The first memory is usually already set as a Winged Model and can be used.<<BR>>
Is that not the case or you need an additional model memory (because you operate more than one Kopter or other models with one transmitter) you can set it as a new Winged Model.<<BR>><<BR>>

'''__Setting of the channels:__''' <<BR>><<BR>>

To assign the channels you proceed as follows: <<BR>><<BR>>

First at all switch all switches to an "OFF"-position (away from you).

 * Press '''''SET''''' in the opening screen to get into the settings.
 * Select '''Control adjust''' with UP/DOWN and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * Choose desired channel with UP/DOWN (i.e. channel 5 => ''|Input. 5|GL|---| 0%|'').
 * Here now switch with LEFT/RIGHT to the three bars (---) and push '''''SET'''''.
 * A display appears "Move desired switch or control adj.".
 * Now switch the desired switch (or turn potentiometer).
 * Instead of the three bars you will see now the operated switchn.

Repeat now the operations for the remaining channels.



'''__Examples for the channel assignment:__''' <<BR>><<BR>>

This is an example for the channel assignment. Any other assignment is also possible.<<BR>>
(The first 4 channels for the control are already pre-assigned.) <<BR>><<BR>>

||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 5||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti1)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Function altitude hold||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 6||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti2)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Function GPS ([[en/PositionHold|PositionHold]] / [[en/ComingHome|ComingHome]])||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 7||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti3)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Free||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 8||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti4)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Function [[en/CareFree|CareFree]]||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 9||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti5)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Camera tilt (Nick)||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 10||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti6)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Camera tilt (Roll)||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 11||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti7)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Trigger camera & LED on/off||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">-||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Channel 12||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">(Poti8)||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">=>||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">Function Motor Protection||


= Connect receiver =

The HoTT-System offeres different receiver which can be used on the !MikroKopter.<<BR>>
The connection of the receiver GR-12, GR-16 and GR-24 are described below. <<BR>>
All of the three receiver are able to provide 12 channels via the PPM-Sum-signal.<<BR>><<BR>>

Each receiver need to be connected with a PPM-Connection-cable and a JR-Data-cable (for the telemetry transfer) ([[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=111&products_id=652|Link]]) to the !FlightCtrl.


== Connection of the receiver to the FlightCtrl2.1 ==

The PPM-cable as well as the JR-Data-cable for the telemetry will be connected to the !FlightCtrl as follows: <<BR>><<BR>>

 * PPM-cable - Black on "GND" (Ground/Minus)
 * PPM-cable - Red on "+5" (Plus)
 * PPM-cable - Orange on "PPM" (PPM-Data-wire)
 . +
 * Solder JR-Data-cable (for the HoTT-Backchannel) to "RX".
 . (Connected will be this cable to the sensor connector labeled with "T" on the HoTT-Receiver.)
 . +
 * Jumper "JET" on the !FlightCtrl has to be bridged.

||<class="MK_TableNoBorder":>To enlarge -> click on the image||


== Receiver GR-12 ==

The GR-12 HoTT is a 6-channel receiver and is able to provide up to 16 channels throughout the sum-signal (depends on the transmitter). <<BR>>
The range with this receiver is according [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/d3601541-a7a0-4f5f-8f0a-a624d262d28f/33506/product.aspx|Graupner]]: 2000mtr.

'''__Output for the sum-signal GR-12:__''' <<BR>><<BR>>


 * The receiver has to be bound to the transmitter (see: "Binding").
 * The !Sum-Signal must be activated (see: [[#Summensignal|"Set receiver to sum-signal"]]).
 * The !Sum-signal is on output 6.


'''__Telemetry connection GR-12:__''' <<BR>><<BR>>

The receiver has a separate data channel at output 5 for the MikroKopter telemetry:


<!> '''ATTENTION:''' <<BR>>
'''The following setting is __only__ for the receiver GR-12!'''<<BR>><<BR>>

To receive the telemetry here you need to change the servo-output 5 first. <<BR>>

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter press '''''ESC''''' to switch into the telemetry.
 * With UP/DOWN choose '''Setting & Data View''' and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * With the arrow-keys LEFT/RIGHT switch to '''RX CURVE'''.
 * Choose '''5CH FUNCTION''' and change it to '''SENSOR'''.



== Receiver GR-16 ==
The GR-12 HoTT is a 8-channel receiver and is able to provide up to 16 channels throughout the sum-signal (depends on the transmitter).<<BR>>
The range with this receiver is according [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/d3601541-a7a0-4f5f-8f0a-a624d262d28f/33508/product.aspx|Graupner]]: 4000mtr.

'''__Output for the sum-signal GR-16__''' <<BR>><<BR>>

 * The receiver has to be bound to the transmitter (see: "Binding").
 * The !Sum-signal must be activated (see: [[#Summensignal|"Set receiver to sum-signal"]]).
 * The !Sum-signal is on output 8.

'''__Telemetry connection GR-16__''' <<BR>><<BR>>
The receiver has a separate data channel on the other side of the receiver for the MikroKopter-Telemetry:

{{http://mikrocontroller.com/files/HoTT/GR16_b.gif}} <<BR>><<BR>>


== Receiver GR-24 ==
The GR-12 HoTT is a 12-channel receiver and is able to provide up to 16 channels throughout the sum-signal (depends on the transmitter).<<BR>>
The range with this receiver is according [[http://www.graupner.de/de/products/d3601541-a7a0-4f5f-8f0a-a624d262d28f/33512/product.aspx|Graupner]]: 4000mtr.

'''__Output for the sum-signal GR-24__''' <<BR>><<BR>>

 * The receiver has to be bound to the transmitter (see: "Binding").
 * The !Sum-Signal must be activated (see: [[#Summensignal|"Set receiver to sum-signal"]]).
 * The !Sum-signal is on output 8.

'''__Telemetry connection GR-24__''' <<BR>><<BR>>
The receiver has a separate data channel on the other side of the receiver for the MikroKopter-Telemetry:

{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=93854&g2_serialNumber=2}} <<BR>><<BR>>


= Check function receiver and channels in the KopterTool =

If the receiver is connected to the !FlightCtrl and the transmitter is switched on you can check in the !KopterTool the channel assignment.<<BR>>
By operating the appropriate control on the transmitter you can see the peaks of the signal. <<BR>><<BR>>


 * As a type of the receiver you '''__must__''' set "Graupner HoTT".
 . Therefor the telemetry will be activated and set to the correct channel-offset (Otherwise the zero value would be 133 instead of ca. 128 )
 . {i} If you change the type of the receiver you need to save the setting first in the MK (Write) so that the changfe will be active.
 * The peaks of the sticks (Nick/Roll/Gas/Yaw) need to have in the middle-position 127 or 128. You can adjust it with the trim button (next to the sticks).


= Telemetry settings =

Via the telemetry screen you can display different values over different menus:

 * Current [[en/LiPo|LiPo]] voltage
 * Current consumption
 * Consumed Lipo-capacity
 * Height / Altitude
 * Direction
 * Number of satellites and !SatFix
 * Flight speed
 * Distance and direction to the "Homeposition"
 * Error messages
 * Magnet value and in clination
 * Temperature of the BL-Ctrl's
 * [[en/FailSafe|FailSafe]] value
 * Home Altitude
 * Used Setting

== Select Sensor ==

So that the telemetry data can be displayed you need to set the appropriate sensors on the transmitter. <<BR>>

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter press '''''ESC''''' for around ~2 seconds to switch into the telemetry.
 * With UP/DOWN choose '''SENSOR SELECT''' and open it with "SET".
 * Here you can select all sensors.
If the MK-Telemetrie is not to see in the upper window you can open it as described here:
  * With the right "four-way button" select the '''upper''' button to see the "sensor window"
  * Go ''''down'''' and select the sensor '''GPS''' and press '''SET'''
  * The Graupner telemetry window is now open
  * Pres one time the '''right''' button to open the "MK-Telemetry"

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display2/HoTT-MK-Menu_oeffnen.jpg?m=1498817034 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display2/HoTT-MK-Menu_oeffnen.jpg?m=1498817034 }} ]]||


= Text-Telemetry =

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/Text-Telemetrie.jpg?m=1498652598 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Display1/Text-Telemetrie.jpg?m=1498652598 }} ]]

<!> '''Please note:''' <<BR>>
If the ''Text-Telemetry'' is active there is no voice output and the logging is interrupted!<<BR>><<BR>><<BR>>

The "Text telemetry" can be opened via the menu "Telemetry". <<BR>>
In this window you can see more informationsHierüber können mehr Telemetriewerte abgefragt werden.<<BR>><<BR>>

 * Top left
  * "V" -> Lipo voltage
  * "0:00" -> Flight time
  * "10" -> Already used capacity
 * Top right
  * "Alt:" ->Altitude
  * "Dir:" -> Orientation of the copter
  * "I:" -> Current consumption
 * Center left
  * "SAT" -> Number of reached satellites
  * "m/S" -> airspeed
 * Center right
  * "DIST:" -> Distance to "Homeposition"
  * "HM:" -> Direction to "Homeposition"
 * Below
  * Status and error messages
Zeile 462: Zeile 566:


= Telemetry display =

On your transmitter you have the opportunity to display the telemetry in two different menues:<<BR>><<BR>>

Summarized you can find the values of the telemetry in the'''!MikroKopter-Menu''': <<BR>><<BR>>

Or with more and detailed information on several pages in the '''Text-Telemetry''': <<BR>><<BR>>

<!> '''__Please note__:''' An audio output as well as logging the GPS position on your transmitter is __only__ with the '''!MikroKopter-Menu''' to the same time possible.<<BR>>
If you are in the '''Text-Telemetry''' the voice output and the GPS-Logging to the Micro-SD-Card in your transmitter is during that time __not__ possible!


== MikroKopter-Menu ==

/!\ '''So that the "!MikroKopter-Menu" displays the right values you need to select the sensor "GPS".'''<<BR>><<BR>>

On your transmitter you will find an extra '''!MikroKopter-Menu''' which displays you summarized the most important telemetry values.<<BR>>
Out of the main menu you will get into the telemetry display by pressing UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT of the transmitter.<<BR>>
You can browse it with the LEFT/RIGHT button to get into the '''!MikroKopter-Menu'''.<<BR>><<BR>>


You can select the GPS-Sensor if you press the UP/DOWN button in the "!MikroKopter-Menu".<<BR>><<BR>>

The following values are displayed in the '''!MikroKopter-Menu''':

 * Lipo voltage
 * Flight Time
 * Consumed Lipo-capacity
 * Height / Altitude
 * Direction of the Kopter
 * Actual power consumption
 * Numbers of satellites
 * Flight Speed
 * Distance and direction to the "Homeposition"

If everything is "OK" at your Kopter that will be displayed under "!MikroKopter". If you have an error a message will be displayed.


== MikroKopter Text-Telemetry ==

<!> '''Please note:''' If you are in the '''Text-Telemetry''' the audio output and the GPS-Logging to the Micro-SD-Card in your transmitter is during that time __not__ possible!<<BR>><<BR>><<BR>>

The "Text-Telemetry" you can open via the menu "Telemetry". With the "Text-Telemetry" you are able to display more telemetry values.<<BR>><<BR>>

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter press '''''ESC''''' for around ~2 seconds to switch into the telemetry.
 * With UP/DOWN select '''Setting & Data View''' and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * Now either way click 1x arrow "UP" or 6x arrow "RIGHT".
 * The Text-Telemetry will open.


Here the following values will be displayed:

 * Lipo voltage
 * Flight Time
 * Consumed Lipo-capacity
 * Height / Altitude
 * Direction of the Kopter
 * Actual power consumption
 * Numbers of satellites
 * Flight Speed
 * Distance and direction to the "Homeposition"

If everything is "OK" at your Kopter that will be displayed under "!MikroKopter". If you have an error a message will be displayed.

If you press one time the '''''SET''''' button you can display the magnet value and the inclination: <<BR>><<BR>>


With the arrow keys LEFT/RIGHT you can open two additional displays in the "Text-Telemetrie": <<BR>><<BR>>


 * Flight Time
 * Lipo voltage
 * Consumed Lipo-capacity
 * Direction of the Kopter
 * Height / Altitude
 * Direction to the Homeposition
 * Distance to the Homeposition
 * Power consumption
 * Flight Speed
 * Numbers of satellites + Fix
 * Temperature of each BL-Ctrl

and <<BR>><<BR>>



 * Used Setting
 * Min. voltage for low-voltage warning (battery)
 * The set Kopter-Type
 * Mode and switch status "Altitude switch"
 * Mode and switch status "!CareFree"
 * Mode and switch status "GPS" + !FailSafe Time
 * The set !FailSafe Height
 * Position of the control sticks (Ni=Nick, Ro=Roll, GS=Gas, Ya=Yaw, C=Nick camera mount)


== Telemetry - additional Info ==

 How to open it: <<BR>>
  * With the right "four-way button" select the middle button '''SET''' to open the Menu
  * Go down to '''Telemetry''' and press '''SET'''
  * In the telemetry window choose '''setting & data view''' and press '''SET'''
  * In the next menu press the '''right''' button until you see the "Text-telemetry"

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Text-Telemetrie_oeffnen-en.jpg?m=1498817835 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Text-Telemetrie_oeffnen-en.jpg?m=1498817835 }} ]]||


If the Text-Telemetry is open you can see more telemetry windows. <<BR>>
To see this windows "click" the Button "left".

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-TextTelem_Fenster.jpg?m=1498818188 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-TextTelem_Fenster.jpg?m=1498818188 }} ]]||


= Telemetry - additional Info =
Zeile 614: Zeile 604:


= Set voice output and Vario =

With the integrated speaker or with headphones you can hear the chosen telemetry values.<<BR>><<BR>>

== Selection of announcements ==

In the settings you can choose which telemetry values should be issued:

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter press '''''ESC''''' for around ~2 seconds to switch into the telemetry.
 * With UP/DOWN select '''Voice Trigger''' and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * Select here the appropriate sensor (i.e. "ELECTRIC AIR-MODUL" and "GPS") and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * In the opening window you can select the desired menu points for the voice output.
{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=113346&g2_serialNumber=2}} <<BR>><<BR>>

Browse down to "ELECTRIC AIR-MODUL": <<BR>>

= Lock the four-way-buttons =

Wit´h the "four-way-buttons" you can change the displays or open the transmitter menu. When you will not do this you can lock the buttons.<<BR>>
To lock the buttons press the buttons SET and ESC at the same time. You hear then a beep from the transmitter and in the <<BR>>
lower display a key symbol. To unlock the buttons press SET and ESC again at the same time.

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/Display2/HoTT-Button-Sperren.jpg?m=1498816713 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display2/HoTT-Button-Sperren.jpg?m=1498816714 }} ]]||


= Logfile in the transmitter =

## Bild rechts

<div style="float: right; margin: 15px;">
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Start-Uhr.jpg?m=1498643919 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/Display1/HoTT-Start-Uhr.jpg?m=1498643919 }} ]]
Zeile 639: Zeile 635:

And the settings on "GPS": <<BR>>
[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/HoTT/grStudio/Upgrade_grStudio.jpg?m=1498648733 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/HoTT/grStudio/Upgrade_grStudio.jpg?m=1498648733 }} ]]

The telemetry data of the transmitter and also the position data of the copter are stored<<BR>>
on a sd card in the transmitter.<<BR>>
The recording of this data will start with starting of the "flight timer". With our model memory "MK-Easy"<<BR>>
this will start automatically when you start the copter ~-(see picture)-~.

Just in case you would loose your copter you can see the last position in this LOG. <<BR>><<BR>><<BR>>

In this case you can remove the card from your transmitter and put them in the computer.
With the Graupner "''PC Software''" you can open the LOG and see the last position of the copter.

Download: [[https://www.graupner.de/UBlog/PCSoftware/Apps|Firmware Upgrade grStudio]]


'''!!! IMPORTANT: If your copter will fly away NEVER switch off the transmitter !!!'''

As long as telemetry data from the Kopter are received, the flight route = position of the Kopter can be followed.


= Import setting (copter) =

The setting is adapted to the model memory of the transmitter. So you can start directly with your !MikroKopter and have not to do the settings manually.

The single steps are:
 * Download the MK-Setting ~-([[#Sprung1|Download]])-~
 * Connect your !MikroKopter with your Computer
 * Start the !MikroKopter-Tool and open the ''Settings''
 * Via the button ''Load'' you can open the setting ''MK-Easy''
 * The settings are now automatically set and you can see the changes
 * If not done -> Choose the right copter type in the ''MixerSETUP''
 * Now save this setting with the button ''Write'' in your copter<<BR>>
 ~-(Do the same for all five storage locations in copter)-~

||<-5 class="MK_TableNoBorder" tablewidth="99%" :>[[ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/HoTT-Setting-Speichern.jpg?m=1498728764 | {{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/resizes/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/HoTT-Setting-Speichern.jpg?m=1498728764 }} ]]||

{{{{#!wiki important

If the copter is new and this is the first setup you have also to calibrate the

 * ACC ([[en/CalibrateACC|Link]])

and the

 * Compass ([[en/CalibrateCompass|Link]])


Zeile 644: Zeile 701:


== Voice output set to a button ==

To get the selected values one after the other to the voice output you can use here a button on your transmitter.<<BR>><<BR>>

That need to be set also in the menu "Telemetry": <<BR>>

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter press '''''ESC''''' for around ~2 seconds to switch into the telemetry.
 * With UP/DOWN select '''Voice Trigger''' and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * Here switch to '''TRIG''' and activate it with '''''SET'''''.
 * An information opens up: "Desired switch to ON Position (Ext. Switch: SET)"
 * Push now the desired button on your transmitter.



== VARIO-Altitude regulator via loudspeaker ==

Like the voice output a tone can be issued for the climb and the fall via the switched-on altitude regulator on your transmitter.<<BR>>
It is recommended for that function to use that switch which is used to switch ON/OFF the "Altitude hold".<<BR>><<BR>>

We switch again into the menu "Telemetry": <<BR>>

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter press '''''ESC''''' for around ~2 seconds to switch into the telemetry.
 * With UP/DOWN select '''Voice Trigger''' and open it with '''''SET'''''.
 * Switch here to '''VARIO''' and activate it with '''''SET'''''.
 * An information opens up: "Desired switch to ON Position (Ext. Switch: SET)"
 * Push now the desired button on your transmitter.


= Logfile in the Transmitter =

The HoTT Telemetry data can be logged on a SD card in the HoTT-Transmitter. Just in case you would loose a MikroKopter, you could see the last GPS Position in the Logfile of the Transmitter.
Zeile 690: Zeile 702:

(Graupner HoTT Manager) <<BR>><<BR>><<BR>>

(Graupner grStudio => Log View) <<BR>>

== Starting the SD-Logging in the Transmitter ==
 * to start the logging, the "flight time counter" in the transmitter must be started
 * under "Flight timers" in the menu of the transmitter you can assign a switch to start the flight timer (see the manual of the Transmitter)
 * A small SD-card-Symbol will appear on the LCD when the logging runs

{i} You can start the "flight time counter" with a switch or a stick, but you can not stop it with the same. For this you have to press "ESC".<<BR>>


= Setting for a flight simulator or trainer mode =

You can also use the transmitter with an flight simulator or for the trainer mode. To use all channels of this transmitter you should change the '''''DSC Output''''' to '''PPM24'''.<<BR>>
If you do not change this you can only use the first 5 channels of this transmitter with an flight simulator or for the trainer mode.<<BR>><<BR>>

 * In the opening screen of the transmitter you need to press on '''''SET''''' to enter the settings.
 * With the arrow keys UP/DOWN you choose the entry '''Base setup model''' and with the key '''''SET''''' you open it.
 * Here you switch to the entry '''DSC Output''' and choose it with the '''''SET''''' button.
 * With the arrow keys you can set now "PPM24" and save it with "SET". <<BR>><<BR>>



= Example: Setting - Download =

== Modell memory for transmitter ==

(!) A "ready to use"-setting like above you can download here. <<BR>>
The memory model differ only in the use of the camera triggering (3-way switch for LANC or pushbutton for Shuttercable). All other functions are the same. <<BR>><<BR>>

||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">[[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=124077&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=124080&g2_serialNumber=2}}]]||<class="MK_TableNoBorder" >[[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=124091&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=124094&g2_serialNumber=2}}]]||
||<class="MK_TableNoBorder":>'''[[http://www.mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/MC-20?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=aARF-MK-01.mdl|Example modell memory 1 (for MC-20)]]'''||<class="MK_TableNoBorder":>'''[[http://www.mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/MC-20?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=aARF-MK-02.mdl|Example modell memory 2 (for MC-20)]]'''||


After downloading the file (aARF-MK-01.mdl or aARF-MK-02.mdl) you can copy it directly into a folder "Models/mc-20" on a Micro-SD-Card.<<BR>>
If you use LANC and a shuttercable on your copter you can save booth memorys in the transmitter.<<BR>>
So you have only to switch the memory model depending of the used camera.<<BR>>
How you import model memories from the Micro-SD-Card into your transmitter can be read in the instruction on page 66 (Chapter: Import SD).<<BR>>><<BR>>

'''__INFO:__''' <<BR>>
If you insert an empty Micro-SD-Card into the transmitter and switch it on, automatically the needed directories will be created. <<BR>><<BR>>

In this model memory is the upper right '''Flight-Time counter/Flt''' active. This one is set in that way as soon as the Gas-Stick will be moved upwards the Flight-Time counter starts. <<BR>>
This Flight-Time counter is required so that the GPS position data of the Kopter can be saved on a Micro-SD-Card in your transmitter.<<BR>>
So, if the Kopter is maybe getting lost you still have then the last received coordinates of the Kopter.<<BR>><<BR>>
Is the Gas-Stick down this counter still continues! (Instruction see page 139)<<BR>>
To stop it you can push the '''''ESC''''' button.<<BR>>
To reset the Flight-Time counter you need to push the UP/DOWN (or LEFT/RIGHT) button to the same time on the right Touch-Pads.<<BR>>
(Instructions of the transmitter - page 138 + 252)<<BR>><<BR>><<BR>>

If you use a different mode rather then '''Mode 2''' you are still able to use the downloaded model memory. <<BR>>
After downloading the model memory you can set the desired mode (1,3,4) by yourself (Instruction manual page 68).<<BR>>
The control sticks have then the channels/function of the set mode. All other switches/channels remain as described in the example.

== Setting FlightCtrl ==

Here you find a setting for the !FlightCtrl. <<BR>>
The settings are adjusted with the model memory for the MC-20.<<BR>><<BR>>

The first setting is for a transmitter where the spring for the throttle stick is inoperable.<<BR>>
'''[[http://www.mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/MX-20?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ARF-Kopter-Setting-1.mkp|Setting 1 (FlightCtrl with GPS-System)]]'''<<BR>><<BR>>

The second setting is for a transmitter where the spring for the throttle stick is operable.<<BR>>
'''[[http://www.mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/MX-20?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ARF-Kopter-Setting-2.mkp|Setting 2 (FlightCtrl mit GPS-System)]]'''<<BR>><<BR>>

To load the setting into the !FlightCtrl, open the settings of the !KopterTool. <<BR>>
Here "click" the button '''Load''' in the bottom bar and open the downloaded setting.<<BR>>
After this "click" the button '''Write''' to set the setting into the !FlightCtrl.<<BR>><<BR>>

<!> Note: <<BR>>
The !FlightCtrl have 5 Settings you can save. If you wan to use the downloaded setting in all 5 settings you have to open each setting single and save the downloaded setting there.<<BR>>
After you safe the setting into the !FlightCtrl you have to set the right Mixer ([[en/MK-Parameter/Mixer-SETUP|Link]]).

See also:

 * [[Firmware-0.88]]
 * HottUpdate

 . KategorieFernsteuerung

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Graupner MC-20 HoTT



If you buy the transmitter directly from MikroKopter, all on the transmitter and receiver is already set.

If you buy the transmitter somewhere else you have to to all settings on the transmitter and receiver.

See: Settings

Graupner MC-20 HoTT


The Graupner MC-20 HoTT is a perfect 12-channel transmitter for the MikroKopter.

Include labeling plates to see where the functions are and ready set you can buy this transmitter in an 'MK-Edition' in our

A suitable setting for the MikroKopter can be found under Download

The Data:

  • 12 channels for switches, buttons and potis

  • 2,4GHz transfer technology

  • Graupner indicates a range of about 3km (with receiver GR-16 or GR-24)

  • Bidirectional communication between transmitter and receiver

  • Display of the MikroKopter-Telemetry on the built-in and illuminated LCD

  • Language edition of the telemetry values (via connected loudspeaker or head-set)

  • 12 switches(3 three-way switches, 5 two-way switches, 2 pushbutton, 2 two-way switches with lock)

  • 2 INC/DEC-pushbutton
  • 4 analog Potis

  • Built-in DSC-socket for the connection of flight simulators (AeroSim) or a Trainer Mode


model memory for MC-20
+ MK-voice file DE/EN

(From Graupner SW version 2v017)



Setting "MK-Easy" for MikroKopter




For "do it yourself" user. In the following steps we show you how to import the model memory in you transmitter and how to bind and set the receiver

How to import the setting in your MikroKopter is described here: Import setting (copter)


Copy model memory + MK-voice file


  • In the first step we have to download the model memory, where we already have
    set all 12 channels for the transmitter and the needed "MK-voice" file for your MikroKopter
    -> Download

    After we downloaded it we have to unzip the folder and copy model memory and the
    voice file into the right folders on the microSD-Card (see picture).
    After this id done put the microSD-card back into the transmitter.


Import model memory

  • In the next step we can import the model memory in the transmitter.

    The steps are:

    • Switch ON the transmitter
      • If you see "Please select RF on/off?" -> select "OFF"

    • With the right "four-way button" select the middle button SET to open the Menu

    • Go down to Copy/Erase and press SET

    • Choose Import from SD and press SET

    • In the next window select "MK-Easy" and press SET again

    • Under "import to model" select the first place 01 and confirm with SET

    • We confirm the question "import?" with YES and SET



Import MK-voice file

  • Only with the MK-voice file you can get the right announce for your MikroKopter via the transmitter

    To install the voice file you have to open the "hidden mode":

    • On the left "four-way button" (ESC) press the buttons UP and DOWN at the same time and hold it

    • Now press at the right "four-way button" the center button SET

    • In the "hidden mode" choose VOICE and open it with SET

    • Select the MK-voice file you need (DE/EN) and start the import with SET



Bind receiver

  • Now we can bind the receiver to the model memory MK-Easy.

    To do this the receiver must be connected inthe right way with your copter and the copter must be powered ON with a Lipo.
    (See also: Connect receiver)

    The steps are:

    • With the right "four-way button" select the middle button SET to open the Menu

    • Go down to Base setup model and press SET

    • Go down to "module HoTT" and select the left n/a

    • Now press at the receiver the "SET" button for ~3-4 seconds until the red LED is flashing red/green
    • Then pres the SET button on your transmitter

    • In the window you see now Finding...

    • When the receiver is properly bound, you see bind instead of n/a


  • INFO:
    The copter will maybe "beep" for the whole time. This will stop when all settings on the receiver are done.


Deactivate receiver-FS

  • In the basic settings the receiver use his own "fail safe". This we have to deactivate.
    (When we not deactivate it and the copter lost the signal, he will fly away with the last received stick positions.)

    That the copter always flies back to the "home position" (when he lost the signal) we have to use the MikroKopter FailSafe.

    To deactivate it we have to do:

    • With the right "four-way button" select the middle button SET to open the Menu

    • Go down to Telemetry and press SET

    • In the telemetry window choose setting & data view and press SET

    • In the next menu press the right button to open RX FAIL SAFE

    • Here change MODE from "HOLD" to OFF...



Activate PPM-Sum signal

  • For the FlightCtrl we need a ppm sum signal. This we can set now.
    As long as this is not set we get fron the copter an error messag ("err7: RC Signal lost") and the copter is
    beeping the whole time.
    Directly after activating the sum signal the beeping stop and you can use the channels on the copter.

    The steps are:

    • With the right "four-way button" select the middle button SET to open the Menu

    • Go down to Telemetry and press SET

    • In the telemetry window choose setting & data view and press SET

    • In the next menu press the right button to open RX SERVO TEST

    • Here change CH OUT TYPE from "ONCE" to SUMO 16...


Connect receiver

(Anschluss an FlighCtrl V3.0)

The FlightCtrl offers two cables to connect the Graupner HoTT receiver.
The 3-wire PPM-cabel is for the channels and to power up the receiver.
The gray cable is for the telemetry.

You can get different HoTT receivers you can use with the MikroKopter.
Following we describe how to connect the receiver GR-16 and GR-24.
Both receivers can send up to 16 channels via the ppm sum signal.

Receiver GR-16


The GR-16 HoTT offers 8 servo connections. Via servo out #8 we can get the needed ppm sum signal. Depending on the used transmitter you can grap here up to 16 channels.
The range is specified by the manufacturer with up to 4000m.

  • Connection
    • Servo out #8 => PPM sum signal (see Activate PPM-Sum signal)

    • Telemetry connection "T" => Connection for gray cable from FlightCtrl

Receiver GR-24


The GR-24 HoTT offers 12 servo connections. Via servo out #8 we can get the needed ppm sum signal. Depending on the used transmitter you can grap here up to 16 channels.
The range is specified by the manufacturer with up to 4000m.

  • Connection
    • Servo out #8 => PPM sum signal (see Activate PPM-Sum signal)

    • Telemetry connection "T" => Connection for gray cable from FlightCtrl

Check function of receiver and channels


If the copter is connected with the computer you can start the KopterTool. With this tool you can check the function of the single channels (under "Channels"). Move a stick, switch etc on your transmitter to see if the channel is acting in the bar.


  • Choose as receiver Graupner HoTT

  • Activate "Telemetrie: Speak all events" to hear all messages
  • If you move a stick, switch etc., the number above the bar must reach from "0" to "254" and in center position "127"

MK Telemetry-Window


In the upper display of your transmitter you can see the MikroKopter-Telemetry. Here you can see:

  • Top left
    • "V" -> Lipo voltage

    • "0:00" -> Flight time

    • "mAh" -> Already used capacity

  • Top right
    • "Alt:" -> Altitude

    • "Dir:" -> Orientation of the copter

    • "I:" -> Current consumption

  • Center left
    • Number of reached satellites
    • Airspeed
  • Center right
    • Distance to "Homeposition"
    • Direction to "Homeposition"
  • Below
    • Status and error messages

If the MK-Telemetrie is not to see in the upper window you can open it as described here:

  • With the right "four-way button" select the upper button to see the "sensor window"

  • Go 'down' and select the sensor GPS and press SET

  • The Graupner telemetry window is now open
  • Pres one time the right button to open the "MK-Telemetry"




<!> Please note:
If the Text-Telemetry is active there is no voice output and the logging is interrupted!

The "Text telemetry" can be opened via the menu "Telemetry".
In this window you can see more informationsHierüber können mehr Telemetriewerte abgefragt werden.

  • Top left
    • "V" -> Lipo voltage

    • "0:00" -> Flight time

    • "10" -> Already used capacity

  • Top right
    • "Alt:" ->Altitude

    • "Dir:" -> Orientation of the copter

    • "I:" -> Current consumption

  • Center left
    • "SAT" -> Number of reached satellites

    • "m/S" -> airspeed

  • Center right
    • "DIST:" -> Distance to "Homeposition"

    • "HM:" -> Direction to "Homeposition"

  • Below
    • Status and error messages

  • How to open it:

    • With the right "four-way button" select the middle button SET to open the Menu

    • Go down to Telemetry and press SET

    • In the telemetry window choose setting & data view and press SET

    • In the next menu press the right button until you see the "Text-telemetry"


If the Text-Telemetry is open you can see more telemetry windows.
To see this windows "click" the Button "left".


Telemetry - additional Info

In addition to the described telemetry display you can see some additional information / symbols.

These are as follows:

  • '-' = No GPS fix
  • '/' = off
  • '?' = Coming home, but home Position unknown (goes to PH then)
  • 'H' = Coming home
  • 'W' = Flying Waypoints
  • 'D' = Dynamic Position Hold
  • 'P' = Position Hold
  • 'm' = Manual controlled

Lock the four-way-buttons

Wit´h the "four-way-buttons" you can change the displays or open the transmitter menu. When you will not do this you can lock the buttons.
To lock the buttons press the buttons SET and ESC at the same time. You hear then a beep from the transmitter and in the
lower display a key symbol. To unlock the buttons press SET and ESC again at the same time.


Logfile in the transmitter



The telemetry data of the transmitter and also the position data of the copter are stored
on a sd card in the transmitter.
The recording of this data will start with starting of the "flight timer". With our model memory "MK-Easy"
this will start automatically when you start the copter (see picture).

Just in case you would loose your copter you can see the last position in this LOG.

In this case you can remove the card from your transmitter and put them in the computer. With the Graupner "PC Software" you can open the LOG and see the last position of the copter.

Download: Firmware Upgrade grStudio

!!! IMPORTANT: If your copter will fly away NEVER switch off the transmitter !!!

As long as telemetry data from the Kopter are received, the flight route = position of the Kopter can be followed.

Import setting (copter)

The setting is adapted to the model memory of the transmitter. So you can start directly with your MikroKopter and have not to do the settings manually.

The single steps are:

  • Download the MK-Setting (Download)

  • Connect your MikroKopter with your Computer

  • Start the MikroKopter-Tool and open the Settings

  • Via the button Load you can open the setting MK-Easy

  • The settings are now automatically set and you can see the changes
  • If not done -> Choose the right copter type in the MixerSETUP

  • Now save this setting with the button Write in your copter
    (Do the same for all five storage locations in copter)



If the copter is new and this is the first setup you have also to calibrate the

and the