License |
Shoplink: License
License info
The license is linked to the used hardware.
The basic requirement is the "Standard license". For an extension the "standard license" plus extension is needed.
With the license and the extensions an autonomous flight is possible.
Please note: in some countries it is not allowed to fly autonomously and/or autonomously out of sight!
Information about flight -bans / -rules is provided by the flight authority responsible for your flight location.
Standard license 1000m
With this "Standard license" the following functions are possible:
- Commercial use of flight control / software is allowed
Range for autonomous GPS navigation is increased to 1000m around the starting point
(without license max. 250m aroung the starting point)Up to 100 waypoints for waypoint flight / navigation possible
(up to 200 waypoints in map planning)Save up to 99 SinglePoints and/or Fix-/Relativ-list in your copter (SD-card) and load them via transmitter
Function "DESCEND_RANGE" with adjustable range enabled
(a forced landing is possible if the copter moves too far around the starting point)
Extension - GPS Range plus 1000m
With this "Extension" the following functions are possible:
- Extension of the "Standard license" range by another 1000m
With this extension, the range for autonomous GPS navigation can be
increased up to 7000m around the starting point.
If you want to extend the "Standard License" to 2000m, you need this extension 1x.
For an extension to 7000m you need this license 6x.
("Standard license 1000m + 6x extension 1000m => 7000m)
Please note:
With this extension, waypoints can be set outside the remote control range.
If you lost the connection beween transmitter/receiver during flight, the function "FailSafe" is automatically activated and the copter is flying back to the start position.
If you want to continue the waypoint flight despite loss of reception, the extension "Ignore RC Lost" must be purchased additionally.
Please note here the information in the info box.
Extension - GPS Range unlimited
With this "Extension" the following functions are possible:
- Extension of the "Standard License" range to "Unlimited"
With this extension, the range for an autonomous GPS navigation can be used indefinitely.
So you can fly waypoints in any set range.
Please note:
With this extension, waypoints can be set outside the remote control range.
If you lost the connection beween transmitter/receiver during flight, the function "FailSafe" is automatically activated and the copter is flying back to the start position.
If you want to continue the waypoint flight despite loss of reception, the extension "Ignore RC Lost" must be purchased additionally.
Please note here the information in the info box.
Extension - Ignore RC Lost
Use this feature only with great care !!!
In the event of a reception failure, a waypoint flight will continue. In this case, NO intervention via the remote control is possible !!!
Plan for a waypoint flight emergency landing points along the route.
(e.g. for emergency landing in case of undervoltage)
Please check the legal requirements, if such a function / a fully autonomous flight at the place of flight is allowed!
With this "Extension" the following functions are possible:
- With this extension the copter ignore a receiving failure during a waypoint flight
During a waypoint flight and if a receiving failure happen, the flight will be continued
If you fly manually (with or without GPS) and a receiving failure happen, the function FailSafe will automatically run.
Extension - Parachute sensor input
With this "Extension" the following functions are possible:
immediate engine stop during parachute activation
(Parachute contact or emergency button must be connected to the "IO1" contact on your FlightCtrl V3)
This feature is designed for use with a parachute.
In this case, either a closing contact from the parachute or an external radio-controlled closing contact is required. Connect this contact with the "IO1" contact of your FlightCtrl V3. In addition, the function must be activated on the SD card (Settings.ini -> IO1_FUNCTION = 9).
When the switch input is activated, the motors are immediately stopped to prevent damage to the parachute.
Extension - OEM Name
With this "Extension" the following functions are possible:
- Display your own (company-)name
With this extension the own name can be displayed in the telemetry and KopterTool (instead of MikroKopter).
Extension - Lib-Link
With this "Extension" the following functions are possible:
Programming / compiling own software for the NaviCtrl
This extension is for programmers with "C" knowledge.
If you would like to make your own extensions to the NaviCtrl firmware, you will need a special library.
This library contains third-party property rights and other non-public parts of the firmware.