Over the SVN all versions of software for the MK-assemblies can be downloaded here.
In addition you will find files for other projects from the forum and files for self-programmers.
Open SVN
You can get the access to the SVN over the Wiki or over the Forum .
In both cases you'll find the access in the top bar:
Choosing Software
After a click on "SVN" the SVN-page will open up. Here you can choose now the appropriate assembly
for that you can download the software.
In this example we want to download the software for the FlightCtrl:
First choose and open FlightCtrl.
It opens up a view which is pretty similar to the Windows-Explorer.
First you choose the folder tags .
Now you can look for the desired version. We take in this view the actual version 0.84a.
Now you can choose in the folder Hex-Files the appropriate version for your used FlightCtrl.
Here we take the version for a FlightCtrl2.1 with the Atmega1284 - FlightCtrl_MEGA1284p_V0_84a.hex.
To download the software normally a click with the left mouse button on the right file is enough.
After that (depending on the used browser) a download window opens which you confirm with OK :
It could be also possible that after the click with the left mouse-button the following window opens up:
This depends on which Explorer is used for the Internet. In that case you should switch back to the last window and do as follows:
With the mouse a right-click on the desired file.
It opens up a context menu
In this context-menu you choose Save target as... and you click it with the left mouse-button.
Another window opens in which you can determine the location of the file.
Choose the location and confirm with OK .
- KategorieExpert/en
Over the SVN all versions of software for the MK-assemblies can be downloaded here.
In addition you will find files for other projects from the forum and files for self-programmers.
Open SVN
You can get the access to the SVN over the Wiki or over the Forum .
In both cases you'll find the access in the top bar:
Choosing Software
After a click on "SVN" the SVN-page will open up. Here you can choose now the appropriate assembly
for that you can download the software.
In this example we want to download the software for the FlightCtrl:
First choose and open FlightCtrl.
It opens up a view which is pretty similar to the Windows-Explorer.
First you choose the folder tags .
Now you can look for the desired version. We take in this view the actual version 0.84a.
Now you can choose in the folder Hex-Files the appropriate version for your used FlightCtrl.
Here we take the version for a FlightCtrl2.1 with the Atmega1284 - FlightCtrl_MEGA1284p_V0_84a.hex.
To download the software normally a click with the left mouse button on the right file is enough.
After that (depending on the used browser) a download window opens which you confirm with OK :
It could be also possible that after the click with the left mouse-button the following window opens up:
This depends on which Explorer is used for the Internet. In that case you should switch back to the last window and do as follows:
With the mouse a right-click on the desired file.
It opens up a context menu
In this context-menu you choose Save target as... and you click it with the left mouse-button.
Another window opens in which you can determine the location of the file.
Choose the location and confirm with OK .
- KategorieExpert/en