
Step 8 - Set receiver and transmitter

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Step 8 - Set receiver and transmitter


Set receiver

After you have set the basic settings the function of the receiver and transmitter should be checked/set.
Here we need to open the second tab: Channels


To make sure that the ways of the sticks and the switches/buttons/potentiometer from the transmitter are implemented properly in the KopterTool and also on the Kopter. You must set first the appropriate receiver:


Note for Jeti transmitter: MikroKopter messages will be transferred essentially via morse code message. In the latest Jeti-transmitter (i.e. DC-16 etc.) an own language sequence can be assigned to the messages.
For that reason that also the switch messages like “Altitude ON” are transferred, those can be deactivated with Telemetry: Speak all events in the KopterTool (older transmitter would give in this case a morse code and beep).

There are available:

  • Multisignal (PPM) Standard receiver (e.g. ACT DSL4 top, 2.4GHz-Receiver R6107SP)
    (Connection at the PPM-Input of the FlightCtrl)

  • Spektrum Satellit

    • 2.4GHz satellite receiver Spektrum
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • Spektrum Satellit (HIRES)

    • 2.4GHz satellite receiver with high resolution of Spektrum (2048) (e.g. DSX7, DX8, DSX9, DSX12)
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • Spektrum Satellit (LowRES)

    • 2.4GHz satellite-receiver with low resolution (512) (is used in some plug-in modules)
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • Jeti Satellit

    • 2.4GHz Jeti Satellit (e.g. RMK2)
      With this setting, the output of the telemetry is activated too.
      Displayed is the telemetry on the Jeti Box.
      (Connection at the PPM-Input of the FlightCtrl + connection to the 2nd serial port for telemetrie)


    • Connecting a ACT DSL-signal on the 2nd serial port on the FlightCtrl

  • Graupner HoTT

    • 2.4GHz Graupner HoTT Empfänger (e.g. GR-12, GR-16, GR-24)
      With this setting, the output of the telemetry is activated too.
      Displayed is the telemetry on the display of the transmitter.
      (Connection at the PPM-Input of the FlightCtrl + connection to the 2nd serial port for telemetrie)

  • Futaba S.BUS

    • 2.4GHz Futaba S.BUS Receiver
      To connect a S.BUS Receiver to th eFlightCtrl you need a Signal inverter (Shoplink).
      (connect to the 2nd serial port of the FlightCtrl)

  • User

    • Free for programmer

(How to connect a receiver you can see here: Receiver)

<!> If the appropriate receiver was choosen you need to save the changes into the FlightCtrl: This will be done with a "click" on the button WRITE. http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=96463&g2_serialNumber=2

INFO: The HoTT-Telemetry is supported from the FlightControl V2.1 with the current software.
More informations about the HoTT system you can find here: HoTT-transmitter

Set transmitter

To fly horizontal with the copter, you have to check the stick settings on your transmitter.
If both joysticks are in the center position, the trim of this channels 1-4 have to be in the middle in the KopterTool.

If necessary you have to set the trim on the transmitter.

(To enlarge -> Click image)

<!> If the trim is perfect a changing during flight is not needed.

Everything OK? Then it continues here: en/Erstinbetriebnahme/Step9

MikroKopter: en/Erstinbetriebnahme/Step8 (zuletzt geändert am 21.11.2012 12:39 durch LotharF)