
Step 6 - Open the settings

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Step 6 - Open the settings


Open the settings

To set up the Kopter (in example the mixer) and to check on the functions of the transmitter you need to switch in the KopterTool to the http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=80239&g2_serialNumber=1 .

After a click on the button "Settings..." the following window should appear:



If after a "click" on https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=80239&g2_serialNumber=1 this window appears....


... is the software version on the FlightCtrl/NaviCtrl NOT compatible with the used KopterTool.

In that case the software of the FlightCtrl and the NaviCtrl should be updated.

Hints for that you can find here: fr/Erstinbetriebnahme/Help#Step6

Everything OK? Then it continues here: fr/Erstinbetriebnahme/Step7

MikroKopter: fr/Erstinbetriebnahme/Step6 (zuletzt geändert am 15.12.2011 15:23 durch LotharF)