Step 2 - Prepare PC
Step1 has been read.
Prepare the PC
To check and to adjust the Kopter right after the power-up the KopterTool has to be installed on your PC/Laptop.
To make all your settings with the KopterTool to your Kopter you need to have a connection between the Kopter and your PC/Laptop. This requires the MK-USB.
First at all you need to solder the both 10-pole pin-header and the 2-pole pin-header for the jumper to the MK-USB board:
(Please make sure you solder properly!)
After that the required Windows-driver can be downloaded here: VCP-Treiber
(Who is using a Linux-PC or a MAC can also download here the appropriate drivers)
If the MK-USB is connected to the PC/Laptop it can be installed with the driver.
After the installation you can check in the Windows device manager which COM-Port has been asigned for the MK-USB.
That COM-Port must be entered later on in the KopterTool.
Into the device manager you can switch also over the control-panel or you enter under >Start >Execute "devmgmt.msc".
(More information about the MK-USB you can read here: MK-USB)
2. KopterTool
Is the MK-USB now installed and connected to your PC/Laptop you can download the KopterTool.
The actual version you can get here: MikroKopter-Tool
If you are not able to download the file with a "Left-click" of your mouse you should open the context menu with a "Right-click"
and there click on "SAVE Target as...".
The KopterTool is a Windows-based program.
If you want to use this program on a Linux computer or a MAC you need to have Windows-compatible runtime enviroment
like i.e. Wine, Darwine or WineBottler. (Detailed describtion you can get from the appropriate program.)
The downloaded file is packed in a ZIP-file and need to be unzipped. This you can do i.e. with a packing-program like 7-zip or WinRAR.
After unpacking the file you have a folder named Kopter_Tool_Vx_xxx (the "x" is asigned for the version-No.!).
In this folder you can find the file MikroKopter-Tool.exe. If you open the file by double-clicking on it you will start the KopterTool.
At the first start you see the license window:
This window displays the license agreement to use the tool MikroKopter. Also you can chose the language and the COM-port.
The COM port should be set to the MK-USB.
(Which COM port is assigned to the MK-USB, you can control in the Windows Device Manager under COM and LPT ports.)
With a "click" on Akzeptieren / Accept you accepted the license conditions, the default language setting and the COM port.
Now you see the start window of the KopterTool:
(View without attached board)
(Further information about the KopterTool you can find here: KopterTool)