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Revision 3 vom 30.03.2010 05:12
Größe: 1956
Autor: smokytyrz
Revision 8 vom 30.03.2010 05:26
Größe: 2097
Autor: smokytyrz
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
siehe auch: (evtl. Links zu anderen verwandten Seiten einfügen...)
Zeile 5: Zeile 4:
XBee Pro 900 RPSMA - This is the one most folks will use.
 * XBee Pro 900 RPSMA - '''''This is the one most folks will use.'''''
Zeile 8: Zeile 7:
XBee Pro 900 wire
 * XBee Pro 900 wire
Zeile 11: Zeile 10:
XBee Pro 900 U.FL
 * XBee Pro 900 U.FL
Zeile 14: Zeile 13:
U.FL to SMA adapter

U.FL to SMA adapter
Zeile 23: Zeile 24:
XBee USB Adapter
 * XBee USB Adapter
Zeile 26: Zeile 27:
XBee "Regulated" Adapter
 * XBee "Regulated" Adapter
Zeile 29: Zeile 30:
Zeile 31: Zeile 33:
MK FC or Navi-board.....- XBee
Zeile 33: Zeile 34:
Pin 1..........................- Pin 2 (DOUT) '''MK FC or Navi-board'''.....- ''XBee''
Zeile 35: Zeile 36:
Pin 2..........................- 5V connection on XBee USB adapter board '''Pin 1'''..........................- ''Pin 2 (DOUT)''
Zeile 37: Zeile 38:
Pin 7..........................- Pin 10 (GND) '''Pin 2'''..........................- ''5V connection on XBee USB adapter board''
Zeile 39: Zeile 40:
Pin 9..........................- Pin 3 (DIN) '''Pin 7'''..........................- ''Pin 10 (GND)''

'''Pin 9'''..........................- ''
Pin 3 (DIN)''
Zeile 48: Zeile 51:
http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/pro...oducts_id=8535 http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8535
Zeile 50: Zeile 53:
Zeile 52: Zeile 56:
http://www.digi.com/support/productd...=57&s=316&tp=5 http://www.digi.com/support/productdetl.jsp?pid=3352&osvid=57&s=316&tp=5

TableOfContents You'll need two XBee modems. They come in 3 different antenna flavors.

  • XBee Pro 900 RPSMA - This is the one most folks will use.


  • XBee Pro 900 wire


  • XBee Pro 900 U.FL


  • U.FL to SMA adapter


You need two XBee adapters. One needs to the the USB version, because you just plug that into your computer, and fire up MK-Tool.

You can also use the USB version for the MK end, though it's more expensive, and slightly heavier than the "regulated" version which lacks the USB and FTDI stuff. You might have to jumper across a diode on the board as well, since it doesn't play nice with the diode in place.

If you're only going to buy two adapters, I'd recommend getting two of the USB versions, since you can use them to test the XBee modems on your computer. If you want more than 2 adapters, then you could get the cheaper ones.

  • XBee USB Adapter


  • XBee "Regulated" Adapter


BR The connection to the MK :

MK FC or Navi-board.....- XBee

Pin 1..........................- Pin 2 (DOUT)

Pin 2..........................- 5V connection on XBee USB adapter board

Pin 7..........................- Pin 10 (GND)

Pin 9..........................- Pin 3 (DIN)


Configure XBee for 57600 baud.

If you don't have spare ribbon cable, you can add one of these to your order:


BR Use the XCTU program to do any configuration you need, as well as testing the XBees.


/!\ ToDo: