#format wiki
'''~+SOZOKOPTER MK+~'''<
= Technical Data =
* Final flying weight: 800gr<
* Battery: 2600mAh 3s akku<
* Motors: WAYPOINT 2208-34 1120 rpm/V<
* Props: EP1045<
= Electronics =
* Flight Ctrl v1.0 (self assembled)<
* Brushless Ctrl v1.0 (self assembled) with upgraded FETS<
* NaviCTRL v1.1 <
* MK3Mag v1.0 <
* MKGPS1 <
= Frame =
Classic 40 cm aluminum frame with centerplates from the Mikrokopter shop.<
= Accessories =
ZigBee downlink
= Videos =
none available yet :-)
= MK building log =
= Current flight settings =
[Setup] <
Name=Diggest <
IniVersion=1 <
GlobalConfig=107 <
[Channels] <
Nick=3 <
Roll=2 <
Gas=1 <
Gier=4 <
Poti_1=7 <
Poti_2=6 <
Poti_3=5 <
Poti_4=8 <
[Stick] <
Nick_Roll-P=10 <
Nick_Roll-D=10 <
Gier-P=16 <
ExternalControl=0 <
[Altitude] <
Setpoint=252 <
MinGas=25 <
P=20 <
Barometric-D=154 <
Z-ACC-Effect=43 <
Gain=3 <
[Gyro] <
P=45 <
I=90 <
DynamicStability=100 <
ACC_Gyro-Factor=40 <
ACC_Gyro-Compensation=40 <
DriftCompensation=1 <
Main-I=16 <
[Others] <
MinGas=15 <
MaxGas=250 <
Compass-Effect=150 <
UnderVoltage=90 <
NotGas=100 <
NotGasTime=5 <
[User] <
Parameter_1=251 <
Parameter_2=100 <
Parameter_3=90 <
Parameter_4=90 <
Parameter_5=90 <
Parameter_6=90 <
Parameter_7=0 <
Parameter_8=0 <
[Camera] <
ServoNickControl=100 <
ServoNickCompensation=40 <
ServoNickInvert=0 <
ServoNickMin=50 <
ServoNickMax=150 <
ServoNickRefreshRate=5 <
[Loop] <
Config=0 <
GasLimit=50 <
StickThreshold=90 <
LoopHysteresis=50 <
TurnOverNick=100 <
TurnOverRoll=100 <
[Coupling] <
YawPosFeedback=90 <
YawNegFeedback=5 <
[Output] <
J16_Bitmask=170 <
J16_Timing=10 <
J17_Bitmask=170 <
J17_Timing=10 <
[NaviCtrl] <
GPS_ModeControl=251 <
GPS_Gain=95 <
GPS_P=109 <
GPS_I=15 <
GPS_D=65 <
GPS_Acc=5 <
GPS_MinSat=6 <
GPS_StickThreshold=0 <
. KategorieNachbauten