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With a Waypoint-Event, the NC can trigger an output of the FC (digital output or Servo) on a Waypoint Position.
auto distance trigger
If the Option in the FC is used "Auto trigger every x meter", that WP-Event value is also used - in that case the value of the Waypoint will be fix set to 6
WP-Event Value on the Waypoint
When the MK is flying Waypoints, and it reaches the Waypoint, the Value "WP-Event" will be sent to the FlightControl.
In the points between the waypoints, the value is zero.
duration of the WP-Event
The duration of the active WP-Event value is the duration of the Waypoint-Waiting time.
Also there is a setting on the SD-card of the NC (SETTINGS.INI), that sets the minimul time:
- MIN_EVENT_TIME = 2 (Default is 2 seconds)
- that can be used if wou don't want to wait on the waypoints, but the WP-Event must be active a longer time
Assign an output on the FC
There are two possibilities.
- Channel assignment
- Output pattern timing on digital Output 1
Option 1: Channel assignment
- You can use the WP-Event as an Channel input and assign it to a Poti
- This Poti can be used for a Servo Output for example
- So, the Servo would move into a specific position on the waypoint and will stay in that position as long as the WP-Event value is active
Option 2: Output pattern timing
- You can directly assign it to the output as timing for the blinking pattern
- The Option "combine with WP-Event" must be selected
- If you also assign a Swich there (Poti6 in this picture), that switch would dominate the output:
Switch in 'on' Position (100%) -> the output is in active ON state and not affected by the WP-Event
Switch in 'of' Position (0%) -> the output is in active OFF state and not affected by the WP-Event
Switch in 'middle' position -> the output timing is set by the WP-Event value (for example WP-Event = 6 means, the ouput pattern will have a timing of 0.06sec per bit)
showing the WP-Events in the logfile
- The WP-Event value is recorded in the logfile.
you can show it with the SimpleGpxViewer
Testing the WP-Event value
There is a "hidden feature" fo a test purpose of the WP-Event (in your case the field with the name of that parameter would remain empty - please don't care)
You can simulate the WP-Event-Value on your desk without flying on the field.
in the MAP-Window of the KopterTool make a right-click on the word "Mode"
- a small window will appear there you can select an ID and a value
use the ID 6 with a Parameter -> that will simulate a singe WP-Event; just as if the WP-Duration (and the Setting on the SD-card) would be zero
use the ID 7 with a parameter -> the WP event will be active until you would send the value "0" or zse the ID 6 to clear that simulated WP-Event value
please don't use the other IDs - they have different options for testing purpose
We want to trigger a camera by a mechanical servo or a ShutterCable 4 times on the waypoint
- We want to use the blinking pattern
- We want to simulate that on the ground
settings FC
Simulate the WP-Event
- connect a
mechanical servo on the ServoOutput 3 of the FC
a ShutterCable to OUT1 of the FC
- Use the ID6 to simulate the WP-Event with different values
- See what happens to the Servo
- If the waypoint duration in flight is longer than the Blinking pattern needs for one turn, the blinking pattern starts again from the beginning.
- If you just want one singe turn, choose the Waypoint time (and MIN-Time-Setting on the SD-Card) short enough
- Example1: select only the first bit of the blinking pattern and set the WP-Event value to "100" - the Output will be only active for one seconds (in the next 7 seconds the blinking pattern will output just the LOW-Signal without affect)
- Example2: select 11001100 of the blinking pattern and set the WP-Event value to "50" - the Output will be active for one second - waits a second and will be again active for 1 second
Flight simulation
We implemented a physical model in the NC that behaves like it would fly. Now it is possible to simulate a flight path. It works in manual flight as well as with Waypoints.
Why do we need that
1st for Training
- how to control the MK with the transmitter
try CareFree
- how to start waypoint flight
2nd for Testing
- Simulation of waypoint flights
- camera angle test on Flights with POI
- Triggering the camera
- create and test logfiles
3rd for Development tool for 3rd party Software-Tools
- the vitual MK acts on the serial interface as it would really fly
How to use
- connect the MK to the PC
- load a map
- click into the map to select the starting point - that will be the Home-Position
- press "start motors" (the don't really start) to start the virtual flight