||This page as an '''PDF-Document'''? Click on that Symbol and wait a little moment... ---> ||<>|| {{{#!wiki MK_Nav ||||||[[en/WaypointGenerator|WaypointGenerator]]|| ||||'''Circle'''|||| ||||<>|||| }}} {{{#!wiki MK_select1 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} [[WaypointGenerator/Kreis|deutsch]] * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif}} [[fr/WaypointGenerator/Circle|français]] }}} <
> <> = Circle = In the '''!MikroKopter-OSD''' you will get with a "click" in the tab '''"!WayPoints"''' to '''"Generator..."''' into the !WayPoint-Generator.<
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100814&g2_serialNumber=2}} <
> Here you can choose now the tab '''"Circle"'''. <
> With this function you are able to create a circle of any size with !WayPoints (WP) and a '''"POI"''' ('''__P__'''oint '''__O__'''f '''__I__'''nterest) located in the center. <
> The '''"POI"''' is marking here a spot which should be flown around by the Kopter.<
> The Kopter and the camera will be automatically aligned to the '''"POI"''' and can take photos/images at each !WayPoint. <
> ||<|18 (width= 220px>{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100085&g2_serialNumber=3}}||||<-2:#FFAD47 height= 40px>'''Description of the function:'''|| ||<-2(height= 30px #FAD165>'''Circle'''|| ||<(width= 200px #FFFFAA>'''Radius [m]:'''||<(height= 30px>Radius of the circle|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''#WPs''' ||<(height= 30px>Numbers of !WayPoints inside the circle|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Circle Rotation [°]''' ||<(height= 30px>Orientation of the grid|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Direction''' ||<(height= 30px>Flown !WayPoints clockwise or counter-clockwise|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Add point to close circle'''||<(height= 30px>An activation will add an WP to close the circle|| ||<-2(height= 30px #FAD165>'''Waypoint''' || ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Radius [m]''' ||<(height= 30px>Radius around the !WayPoint|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Altitude [m]''' ||<(height= 30px>Height of the !WayPoint|| ||<(#FFFFAA> ||<(height= 30px>|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Speed [0.1m/s]''' ||<(height= 30px>Speed flown to each !WayPoint|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Climb rate [0.1m/s]''' ||<(height= 30px>Speed in which the Kopter climbs/falls between the !WayPoints|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Delay Time [s]''' ||<(height= 30px>Waiting time per !WayPoint. If you enter a "0" the Kopter will not stop at the !WayPoint and flies directly to the next one instead|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''WP event''' ||<(height= 30px>Here you can enter the trigger time i.e. for triggering a camera|| ||<(#FFFFAA> ||<(height= 30px>|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Delete existing WPs''' ||<(height= 30px>Creating new !WayPoints will delete the existing ones|| ||<(#FFFFAA>'''Generate''' ||<(height= 30px>Creates !WayPoints with the set up values|| = Example 1 - Fly around a POI + Trigger camera per WP = In this example we want to fly around a sight on the ground with a height of 20mtr. and a radius of 50mtr.<
> Out of 10 different directions we want to take photos/images.<
> '''Step 1''' <
> First at all you need to mark the spot on the map where the '''"POI"''' is. That is the center-point where the circle with the !WayPoints builts up.<
> Here you need to make a "Left click" with your mouse on the appropriate location in the map. <
> At this point appears a marking point {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100161&g2_serialNumber=1}}.<
> '''Step 2''' <
> In the next step you need to enter the numbers of !WayPoints where a photo should be taken.<
> The rotation determines the direction from where the Kopter begins the flight.<
> * '''Radius [m]''' = 50 * '''#WPs''' = 10 * '''"Grid Rotation [°]"''' = 0°. <
> '''INFO:''' <
> If you want to fly a complete closed circle you can activate '''''Add point to close circle'''''.<
> In this case an extra waypoint is placed to the first waypoint.<
> '''Step 3''' <
> If you want you can also determine the direction (counter-clockwise ('''CCW''') or clockwise ('''CW''')) the !WayPoints should be flown.<
> '''Step 4''' <
> Now we need to set up the height for the !WayPoints. <
> * '''Altitude [m]''' = 20 <
> The radius you can set on 10. <
> * '''Radius[m]''' = 10 => * In order to reach the !WayPoint even in windy weather you should not set a too small radius. * As soon as the Kopter reaches the radius of the !WayPoint the "Delay Time" starts to count down for the !WayPoint. '''Step 5''' <
> Now you need to set the speed in which the Kopter flies to the !WayPoints, the Delay Time per !WayPoint <
> and the WP-Event to trigger the camera at the !WayPoint.<
> * '''Speed[0.1m/s]''' = 5 * '''Climb rate[0.1m/s]''' = 30 * Has right now no influence because all WP's are in the same height. * '''Delay Time:[s]''' = 10 * '''WP event''' = 100 '''Step 6''' <
> Those set up !WayPoints need to be created. For that just simply "click" on '''"Generate"'''. <
> (!) '''__Hint__'''<
> Is '''"Delete existing WPs"''' marked the already existing !WayPoints on the map will be deleted with a "click" on "Generate".<
> If you take the checkmark out of the box several circles can be placed over each other at various points on the map.<
> '''Example View:''' <
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100860&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100862&g2_serialNumber=2}}]] <
> After a "click" on the button '''"Generate"''' those !WayPoints with the settings will be entered automatically into the '''!WayPoint-Editor''': <
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100855&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100857&g2_serialNumber=2}}]] <
> In the editor you can see that the first entry is the '''"POI"''' and the following ones the !WayPoints (No. 2-11). <
> After that you enter the '''"POI"''' and the !WayPoints into the map. The '''"POI"''' is here the "blue point" (P1) in the map: <
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100485&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100488&g2_serialNumber=2}}]] <
> == Align camera == With the generator "Circle" the Kopter will be aligned automatically in that way that the camrea points always to the "POI".<
> The camera points with the camera tilt on the pre-set height of the "POI". For that reason that in this example the "POI" is on the ground and not in a height of 20mtr. it need to be adjusted. <
> '''__Modification in the Editor__'''<
> How alignes the camera? Each !WayPoint has a settings: <
> * '''Altitude''' = 20 * This is the altitude of the Kopter at the !WayPoint * '''Heading''' = P1 * The Kopter rotates with this settings automatically and always to the first "POI" (P1). * '''CAM-Nick''' = AUTO * The camera mount points automatically on the pre-set height of the "POI". In the '''"Editor"''' the same height of 20mtr for the '''"POI"''' is entered like for the !WayPoints. <
> But our "POI" is located on the ground. So that the camera is pointing downwards to the "POI" the desired height need to be adjusted.<
> Here you need to mark with a "mouse-click" the POI-Value "20" in the editor.<
> With "F2" you are able now to edit and modify the value. In this example we assume a height for the "POI" of 1mtr. <
> This will be entered and confirmed with a "click" on "Enter".<
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100846&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100849&g2_serialNumber=2}}]] <
> (!) '''HINT'''<
> So that the camera can align itself correctly, the camera tilt should be aligned horizontally during a start. <
> Now the !WayPoints can be transferred to the Kopter and be flown. How this works is explained under [[#Wegpunkteflug|"The WayPoint Flight"]]. <
> = Example 2 - POI-Flight in different heights + Trigger camera per WP = In this example a tower should be flown around automatically in two different heights. Those captured photos/images can be merged i.e. into a panorama. <
> Also here we want to take a radius of 50mtr. and photos should be taken out of 10 different directions.<
> The first height for the flight around the tower should be 20mtr and the second one should be 40mtr. <
> '''First circle'''<
> The settings for the first flight are the same like explained in '''Example 1''' and entered into the map.<
> '''Second Circle'''<
> The second flight has the same settings. Only the height is different and need to be changed under "Altitude" to 40mtr.<
> For that reason that the Kopter should do both flights together you must place the second circle over the first one.<
> Here you need to remove the check mark in '''"Delete existing WPs"'''. <
> '''INFO:''' <
> If you want to fly a complete closed circle you can activate '''''Add point to close circle'''''.<
> In this case an extra waypoint is placed to the first waypoint.<
> Into the '''Climb rate''' you can enter 30 (or a different value). Here will be determined how fast the Kopter will climb between the !WayPoints. <
> In this case it concerns the rise between the last !WayPoint of the lower circle and the first !WayPoint of the top circle. <
> '''Example View:''' <
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100865&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100867&g2_serialNumber=2}}]] <
> After a "click" on '''"Generate"''' (6) the first !WayPoints (No. 2-11) with the first "POI" will be entered into the Editor. <
> After the change of the altitude (7) and the removing of the check mark in "Delete existing WP's" (8) and a "click" on '''"Generate"''' (9) the new !WayPoints (No. 13-22) are appearing with the second "POI" in the editor under the already existing ones: <
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100850&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100852&g2_serialNumber=2}}]] <
> In the map the second circle with "POI" will be placed over the existing one: <
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100489&g2_serialNumber=1|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100492&g2_serialNumber=2}}]] <
> == Align camera == With the generator "Circle" the Kopter will be aligned automatically in that way that the camrea points always to the "POI".<
> The camera points with the camera tilt on the pre-set height of the "POI". For that reason that in this example a tower should be photographed several times the camera can point always straight forward. <
> (!) '''__HINT__'''<
> In this example we just have only two heights. To take photos/images of a building or a tower you can place several circles (as described in "Example 2")over each other.<
> The camera tilt will align automatically to the appropriate height at the certain "POI".<
> So that the camrera can align itself correctly the camera tilt should be aligned horizontally during a start. <
> Now the !WayPoints can be transfered to the Kopter and flown by. How this works is explained under [[#Wegpunkteflug|"The WayPoint Flight"]]. <
> = Settings to trigger camera = In the '''Examples 1+2''' the Kopter stops at each !WayPoint and triggers the camera at each !WayPoint. Here the time was set to trigger the camera under '''WP event'''.<
> <> Those settings are described here: [[en/WaypointEvent|WP-Event Trigger camera]]<
> If you want to fly the circle without stops per !WayPoint you can set the '''"Delay Time: [s]"''' for the !WayPoints to "0".<
> This makes it possible for a continuous video flight.<
> <> = The WayPoint Flight = The settings are made and the !WayPoints created.<
> Now the !WayPoints will be transfered to the Kopter. (Link: [[en/MikroKopterTool-OSD#Transfer_WayPoints_to_the_Kopter|See transfered WayPoints]])<
> The camera mount will be aligned in that way that the camera points straight (horizontal) forward. <
> You can start the Kopter and "park" it in the air. Here you need to activate the function '''"Hold Height"''' and '''"!PositionHold"'''. <
> To self-align the Kopter and the camera (Kopter should point southward) you need to activate the function '''"!CareFree"'''. <
> So that you can start now with the !WayPoint-Flight the GPS-Switch must be set to '''"!ComingHome"'''.<
> Direct after switching the Kopter starts with the !WayPoint-Flight.<
> Is the !WayPoint-Flight done, the Kopter will stop at the last !WayPoint. Now the Kopter can be flown manually back and also been landed.<
> Of course you can set the GPS-Switch to "OFF" and after that to again to "!ComingHome". Then the Kopter will fly automatically back to the start-point.