|| {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} Seite in [[R16|deutsch]] || <> = Graupner R16 Scan - PPM Sum signal = [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/R16_Top.jpg.html|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=88792}}]] Link zum Hersteller [[https://shop.graupner.de/webuerp/servlet/AI?ARTN=7052|Graupner R16Scan]] == Conversion to PPM sum signal == The channel 8 are beside the battery connection and is connecting with a 1kOhm resistor on pin 8 of the processor .<
> The needed PPM sum signal are diagonally opposite on pin 25. <
> {{http://www.u4u.de/Mikrokopter/R16ScanMOD1.JPG}} So resolder the resistor and extend it. Now solder it on the pin 25. That's it. {{http://www.u4u.de/Mikrokopter/R16ScanMOD2.JPG}} The level is not perfect 5V, but it works perfect with the FlightCtrl. Scale: 1V/cm 2ms/cm {{http://www.mk.heissum.info/mk2u3/r16summeklein.JPG}} PPM sum signal after resoldering the resistor: [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/SummenSignalR16scan.bmp.html|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=24015}}]] <
> Über diesen Umbau hinaus schlägt DJCopter eine relativ einfache Modifikation vor, um das Signal noch "Konform" zu machen. Siehe: http://forum.mikrokopter.de/topic-3686.html = connection of the receiver cable = Now you have the PPM sum signal on "connection 8". There you can connect the cable.<
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/R16_Side_sumsignal.jpg.html|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=88804}}]] <
> The receiver cable can be connected to the FlightCtrl as you can see below:<
> [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/FC21_PPM_1.jpg.html|{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=62762}}]] = how to connect the receiver with the transmitter: = First, insert the desired crystal in the transmitter or set the channel on the transmitter.<
> Now switch on the transmitter, then supplied the receiver with power.<
> On the receiver then the (blue) LED lights.<
> start the Scan mode of the receiver: 1. The transmitter should be on, the antenna complete open and lying near the receiver.<
> 2. With e.g. a pen push for about 3 seconds the "SCAN" button on the receiver until the (blue) LED goes out.<
> 3. Immediately if the (blue) LED is out, push the "SCAN" button again. Now the (blue) LED should be blinking rapidly.<
> The rapid flashing indicates the "scan" process.<
> When the transmitter (the frequency) is found, the LED will turn permanent. The channel is now stored in the receiver.<
> Info: If the LED is still flashing slowly after a few seconds, the transmitter (the frequency) is not found.<
> Please check then the correct function of the transmitter (the crystal). If all is OK repeated step 1 to 3. <
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