Quadro Power Distribution
Assembly of the Molex connector
Assembly of the bridges
8 bridges have to be assembled on the distribution board.
check for shortcut
The bridges may not have contact against each other or against plus or minus
Measure with a multimeter: against each other and against plus and minus it must have high resistance
Solder Elkos
The BL-Ctrls are connected via the wires of the Elko (capacitors). The Elkos are assembled from the top of teh distribution board.
The Elko-wires are to be bent over and put (and soldered) through the + and - solder-pads of the BL-Ctrls.
MINUS (marked on each Elko) goes to the outer sides - do not mix plus and minus here!
a lot of heat has to be used on the distribution board to make a perfect connection
Solder these pads from both sides of the distributor!
I2C connections
connect C & D to the BL-Ctrls
Power and Buzzer
Connect the batterie cable
- plus = red
- minus = black
do not mix plus and minus here!
Connect the Buzzer
- Buzzer plus = red cable = "Buzz"
- Buzzer Minus = black cable = "minus"
connect the FC