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/!\ Attention: The XL powerboards are designed for the BL-Ctrl1.2! But you can also use the BL-Ctrl2.0 on it.

Okto Power Distribution

The Okto Power distributor provides the BL controller with power and connecting the I2C bus for communication.
You can install BL-Ctrl1.2 or BL-Ctrl2.0. The assembly is identical.
The BL controllers are mounted in the recesses of the distribution board and connected by wire bonds.
/!\ The top of the distribution board is marked with "+".

Arrangement of the BL controller

The BL-controllers are arranged as shown here in the distribution board (clockwise BL-Ctrl Nr. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8).
The processors and the solder connections for the motor have to show up at all controllers.

/!\ Also the (red)BL-Ctrl1.2 can be installed in the power distribution. The BL-Ctrl1.2 for the number 5-8 have a Special Software! In the shop, the BL-Ctrl with the special software have a white dot on it.

  • {i} The capacitors for the regulator 6 and 8 can be attached to the underside of the distributor. Then the 10+6-pin connector to the NaviCtrl can be inserted easily.

Assembly of the Molex connector

For this purpose you should use a fine tip. The first one is a solder pad on the distribution board and solder then Molexbuchse fixed thereto. This is to cater to the remaining contacts are soldered.

/!\ The contacts may have no connection with each other!

  • The FlightCtrl is connected over the Molex socket with power, I2C-bus and the Buzzer.

{i} Tip: Excess solder can be removed perfectly with solder wick. If the mounting of the Molex socket fails, the PCB can be gently heated from the bottom with a heat gun and the socket be released.

Assembly of the bridges

8 bridges have to be assembled on the distribution board.

check for shortcut

The bridges may not have contact against each other or against plus or minus.
Measure with a multimeter: against each other and against plus and minus it must have high resistance.

/!\ If the current distribution completely soldered incl. Bl-Ctrl, you should make the same measurement again! Be sure that no short circuit exist.

Solder Elkos

The BL-Ctrls are connected via the wires of the Elko (capacitors). The Elkos are assembled from the top of teh distribution board.
The Elko-wires are to be bent over and put (and soldered) through the + and - solder-pads of the BL-Ctrls.
Solder these pads from both sides of the distributor!

/!\ MINUS (marked on each Elko) goes to the outer sides - do not mix plus and minus here!
/!\ a lot of heat has to be used on the distribution board to make a perfect connection

I2C connections

connect C & D to the BL-Ctrls

Connect the batterie cable

On the large "+" and "-" solder pads connect the cable for the Lipo. With a cable tie the cable can be fixed to the power distributor.

  • plus = red
  • minus = black

/!\ do not mix plus and minus here!

Supply and Buzzer

Connect the batterie cable

On the large "+" and "-" solder pads connect the cable for the Lipo. With a cable tie the cable can be fixed to the power distributor.

  • plus = red
  • minus = black

/!\ do not mix plus and minus here!

Connect the Buzzer

/!\ The buzzer is sold through a cable and, for example mounted on the end of a rigger. If you mount the buzzer to close to the FlightCtrl (or on the FlightCtrl), the function of the MK3Mag can be disturbed!

  • Buzzer plus = red cable = "Buzz"
  • Buzzer Minus = black cable = "minus"


By connecting with an Lipo e.g. 3S (11,1 V) or 4S (14,8 V), can the lighting (LED) directly to any "+" and "-" pad to be soldered.

Lighting shiftable

If you want to switch the lights, the optional ExtensionPCB can be used for this purpose.
The connection is described here: ExtensionPCB

connect the FC

The FlightCtrl2.1 can connected later with the Molex-cable.