#acl AdminGroup:read,write,revert EditorsGroup:read,write,revert All:read ||This page as an '''PDF-Document'''? Click on that Symbol and wait a little moment... ---> ||<>|| {{{#!wiki MK_Nav ||'''!NaviCtrl V1.1'''|| }}} {{{#!wiki MK_select1 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} [[NaviCtrl_1.1|deutsch]] * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/fra.gif}} [[fr/NaviCtrl_1.1|français]] }}} <
> See also: [[en/NaviCtrl|NaviCtrl]] <
> See also: [[MK3Mag]], [[MKGPS]] <
> <> = General = {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=94259&g2_serialNumber=2}}<
> The '''NaviCtrl V1.1''' expands with the compass module '''MK3Mag''' and the '''MKGPS''' the ability of the !MikroKopter <
> Throughout the use of those modules you will get a powerful '''GPS-System'''. <
> With this '''GPS-System''' you can use the function like '''!PositionHold, !ComingHome, !CareFree''' the '''Waypoint-flight''' as well as the '''FollowMe'''-function.<
> For the waypoint-flight you can set up to 30 waypoints in the '''[[MikroKopterTool-OSD|OSD]]''' !KopterTool. <
> The waypoint-flight (and that of the FollowMe) is than in a '''Radius of 250mtr. around the startpoint''' of the Kopter possible.<
> Users with a commercial license can also use a bigger range.<
> (Questions about the license please wrote to: [[mailto:support@hisystems.de?subject=Lizenzanfrage|HiSystem]])<
> (!) All other functions (!PositionHold, !ComingHome, !CareFree, etc.) are usable in the full range of the transmitter / receiver.<
> (The !NaviCtrl could be also used individually with the compass (MK3Mag) and the !FlightCtrl. But here would be only the function "CareFree" possible.)<
> The !NaviCtrl-PCB has got besides the ARM9-Micro-Controller and the Micro-SD-Card-Socket two additional extension plugs.<
> The first extension plug is used on the !NaviCtrl V1.1 for the compass module '''MK3Mag''', the second one is free usable for future developments.<
> You can use also the !NaviCtrl in connection with the MKGPS as a separate '''!FollowMe-Transmitter'''. This is explained here: [[FollowMe]] = Connections = ||!NaviCtrl V1.1 - '''Top-Side'''||<:>!NaviCtrl V1.1 - '''Bottom-Side'''|| ||{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=94278&g2_serialNumber=2}}||{{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=94287&g2_serialNumber=2}}|| = Placement = On the !NaviCtrl V1.1 you necessarally need to solder a pin-header to the interfaces of the '''!FlightCtrl, SPI''' and '''Debug'''.<
> In addition you need to solder a capacitor / Elko (330µF/16V) to the solder spot '''C1'''. = Connection MK3Mag and MKGPS = For the installation of the MK3Mag and the MKGPS please note the information under [[MK3Mag]] and [[MKGPS]].<
> How to connect the NaviCtrl, the [[MK3Mag]] and the [[MKGPS]] with the FlightCtrl you can find here: '''[[MK-Tower]]'''<
> ## include start => Anzeige in NaviCtrl2.0 ##Navi_Start = Settings = == Activate the GPS-System and assign channel == To use the !NaviCtrl with the compass module MK3Mag and the MKGPS you must activate the function '''GPS''' in your settings. <
> In addition you need to have a channel for the mode control to switch between the functions (Free, !PositionHold, !ComingHome)<
> (pre-set is Poti2 => channel6). This channel must be assigned to a 3-way switch at the transmitter.<
> (How a channel at the transmitter will be assigned to a switch you will find in the appropriate instruction manual of the transmitter.)<
> == Activate CareFree and assign channel == If the function '''CareFree''' is used you must assign an additional channel to that function.<
> This function is set up to "0" = Deactivated by default.<
> If here an appropriate channel is set you must assign a switch at the transmitter.<
> (How a channel at the transmitter will be assigned to a switch you will find in the appropriate instruction manual of the transmitter.)<
> {i} <
> How the function '''!CareFree''' and the additional activated '''Teachable !CareFree''' can be used,<
> you can find here: [[CareFree]]<
> The easiest way to set up/activate the functions is over the menu-point '''EasySetup'''. <
> Here you can activate the '''GPS''' and set up the channels to switch for GPS/CareFree.<
> Pre-set is already '''POTI2 => channel6''' for the function of the GPS. !CareFree is in the pre-settings on "0" = OFF.<
> ''' Settings in EasySetup''' <
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=95037&g2_serialNumber=1}} <
> {{{#!wiki tip '''INFO''' On the page '''EasySetup''' all important settings are summerized.<
> All settings made here are automatically transferred to the corresponding sub-sites.<
> }}} <
> The settings in '''EasySetup''' can be made directly in the different sub-sites.<
> The '''GPS''' can be switched ON/OFF in the tab '''Configuration''': <
> {i} <
> If you use only the !NaviCtrl with the compass module (MK3Mag) it can be activated here individually.<
> An additional function like '''Fixed alignment''' can be given. Is that function activated you can yaw the Kopter during the flight<
> If you release the yaw-stick the Kopter automatically aligns itself into the direction<
> in which the Kopter was at the start. <
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=95042&g2_serialNumber=2}}<
> In the tab '''Navi-Ctrl''' you can switch also the '''GPS''' ON- and OFF. <
> Also, you can set up here the '''channel''' to switch the function:<
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=95045&g2_serialNumber=2}}<
> Under the tab '''Misc''' you can set up the '''CareFree control''' <
> and the '''Teachable !CareFree''':<
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=95048&g2_serialNumber=2}}<
> = GPS-Mode control = A total of three modes can be switched with the '''GPS mode control'''. <
> Those functions are: <
> * GPS_MODE_Free '''(Free)''' * GPS_MODE_Position Hold '''(PH)''' * GPS_MODE_Coming Home '''(CH)''' <
> As described is this function already pre-set on '''Channel 6 (POTI2)'''. This channel can also be changed as desired. <
> (!) To use the function a 3-way switch of the transmitter should be set to that channel and also been used.<
> (!) The [[http://mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/MK-Parameter/Altitude|Height switch]] should be switched ON while using this function. <
> (!) '''TIPP:''' The height switch i.e. can be set to the same channel like the '''GPS Mode Control'''.<
> This saves you not only a channel-switch on the transmitter. As soon as the function '''PH''' or '''CH''' is switched ON automatically the function to keep the height is switched ON. <
> {{{#!wiki comment Expert function: <
> The functions are active at a certain value. Those are as follows: <
> * GPS_MODE_'''Free''' => Value <20 * GPS_MODE_'''Position Hold''' => Value between 20 and 200 * GPS_MODE_'''Coming Home''' => Value >200 }}} {{{#!wiki tip '''Info''' For the function of PH/CH a Sat-Fix is '''mandatory''' necessary. <
> If this is not there it can be selected via a switch, but has no function.<
> You must still manually control the Kopter. <
> In the function !PositionHold '''(PH)''' the Kopter remains with the support of the GPS on that position at which the function was activated.<
> If you switch to the function !ComingHome '''(CH)''' the MikroKopter returns automatically back to the start point with the support of the GPS.<
> A switch-back to '''Free''' turns the functions off.<
> '''Tipp:''' <
> If the Kopter circles in PH Mode around the activation point (a small radius is pretty much normal) a new calibration of the compass can help. <
> Also to determine a better and more accurate position the mount of the GPS-Shield1.1 to the MKGPS helps alot. <
> }}} == Dynamic PositionHold == Either in the '''EasySetup''' (see picture above) or under the tab '''Navi-Ctrl2''' the function '''Dynamic !PositionHold''' can be activated. <
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=95051&g2_serialNumber=2}}<
> The function of the mode !PositionHold '''(PH)''' is different if '''Dynamic !PositionHold''' is enabled or disabled : <
> Function '''OFF''': <
> The Kopter will be throughout moving the Nick- / Rollstick __directly__ controlled.<
> The function !PositionHold (PH) will be switched off if you move the sticks.<
> At the new position and after you release the sticks the function PH will be switched on again.<
> Function '''ON''':<
> Also here you can fly the Kopter through moves with the Nick- / Rollstick to a new position.<
> In that way PH will be not disabled/enabled but the nominal values of the GPS-coordinates will be moved. <
> An more accurate and exact positioning of the Kopter is possible even in windy conditions. <
> The Kopter will fly a little bit slower to the position, moves more sluggish. <
> = Signal beeps = If the !NaviCtrl (with Compass/MKGPS) is properly connected the !FlightCtrl beeps more often. The beeps tell you as follows: * If the switch for the GPS function will be switched from '''free''' to GPS_MODE_'''!PositionHold''' or GPS_MODE_'''!ComingHome''' <
> and there is '''no''' Sat-Fix (LED on the MK-GPS is not flashing) it will beep 1 time per second.<
> The Kopter beeps as long as a minimum number of satellites was found and a Sat-Fix was reached. (See also Paramter "Min Sat"). <
> Exception: The beeping will be more quiet if a Sat-Fix is available but a sufficient number of satellites wasn't found. <
> '''Notes:''' <
> This beep takes place even if GPS is disabled.<
> (If GPS is deactivated set also the value for "GPS Mode Control" to Zero (0).)<
> * 1x beep *beep* - when changing the GPS-Modes (free - PH - CH) * 1x beep *beep* - when logging new target-coordinates = LED-indication = On the NaviCtrl you can find 2 LEDs, 1x red and 1x green. The red LED indicates you a failure. <
> To show you the respective failures the NaviCtrl '''must''' be hooked up to the MK-Tool. The failure will be shown there. <
> (!) The red LED stays on also if the compass is not calibrated! A failure message is displayed as "error6".<
> = Functional test = Here you need to open the Terminal Window in the KopterTool. If the NaviCtrl is hooked up single over the connector '''Debug''' and connected with the MK-USB and a closed jumper on the MK-USB<
> you should see the following initializing sequence of the NaviCtrl: <
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=90168&g2_serialNumber=2}} <
> {{{#!wiki tipp '''TIPP''' Is the !NaviCtrl on the Kopter mounted with the !FlightCtrl, the MK3Mag and the MKGPS, those assemblies should be also seen during initializing.<
> Here the jumper shouldn't be on the MK-USB and the Kopter should be supplied with power over a Lipo or an external power-supply.<
> }}} = How do you start? = ## include_start Calibrate compass <> ## include_end Calibrate compass == First Start == If you want to try out those functions you need to have a lot of space and a bunch of open sky.<
> 1. As discribed above activate the GPS-Function (and CareFree) and assign the switch(es) at the transmitter. 1. Switch ON the !MikroKopter and ensure a radio contact between transmitter and receiver. 1. Wait for the first Sat-Fix. * LED at the MKGPS glows as long as there is no Sat-Fix and '''flashes''' if a Sat-Fix is available. * If the GPS-Switch on the transmitter is on PH or CH the Kopter beeps as long as required in a tact of a second until the minimum of numbers of satellites has been found''.'' * Beeps are more quiet if the Fix is there but not all 6 satellites were found''.'' * With a confirmation beep the beeping stops as soon as the Sat-Fix is there''.'' 1. Control of the communication between !NaviCtrl and !FlightCtrl. * The Kopter beeps in intervals as long as the GPS has no Fix ''(it beeps only if you are on '''PH''' or '''CH''', in the FREE-Mode it will not beep).'' * if the GPS-Switch at the transmitter will be switched it must beep short each time''.'' 1. Wait until the GPS has a Sat-Fix and the LED on the MKGPS flashes. 1. Switch to '''GPS_MODE_Free'''! 1. Start engines. * Hover some seconds and (if necessary) fine-adjust the MikroKopter at the transmitter so that the Kopter can hold the position by itself. * Now bring the Kopter into your desired height and activate the height control. 1. Switch to the GPS_MODE '''!PositionHold (PH)'''. * Position will be logged ''(will be acknowleged through a beep)''. * GPS should work now and the Kopter should hover with a difference of a few meter on its position''.'' = MicroSD-Card = Into the NaviCtrl you can place a '''Micro SD-Card''' in the size up to '''2GB''' (in '''FAT16''' formatted).<
> Here you can save the flight-route and other datas of the Kopter in KML-Format and GPS-Format. <
> The SD-Card will be plugged in as you can find under '''Connections''' into the NaviCtrl.<
> A detected and initialized Micro SD-Card you can see in the initialization of the NaviCtrl.<
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=94433&g2_serialNumber=2}} <
> If you want to read or change the data on the Micro SD-card, it must be removed from the NaviCtrl and plugged into an appropriate card slot on the PC.<
> == SETTINGS.INI == ## include start => Anzeige in NaviCtrl2.0 ##Settings_Start On the SD-Card from the NaviCtrl there will be automatically a file generated named '''Settings.ini''' with the following content: <
> ## (Only users with a license have the license.ini on the SD-Card) <
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=104204&g2_serialNumber=2}} * '''KMLLOGGING = 500''' (Interval (in ms) the logging of the KML-Datas. Default = 500.) * '''GPXLOGGING = 1000''' (Interval (in ms) the logging of the GPX-Datas. Default = 1000.) * '''MAX_FLYING_ALT = 0''' (Input of the max. flight-altitude. Default = 0. '''See INFO''') * '''MAX_FLYING_RANGE = 0''' (Input of the max. flight-radius. Default = 0. '''See INFO''') * '''DESCEND_RANGE = 0''' (Input of the safety-radius for the max flying range. Default = 0. '''See INFO''') * '''GPS_SBAS_DGPS_ON = 1''' (Switch on/off DGPS receiving. Default = 0.) * '''MIN_EVENT_TIME = 2''' (Adjustable trigger. See: [[en/MikroKopterTool-OSD#Wartezeit|Delay Time]]) * '''GPSAUTOCONFIG = 1''' (1 = the NC writes its own GPS-Configuration (temporary) into the MKGPS. Default = 1.) <
> {{{#!wiki tip '''INFO'''<
> '''Important settings for license user!''' <
> '''MAX_FLYING_ALT''' Here you can enter a maximum altitude which is required for i.e. a special license for the commercial use. <
> If the Kopter reaches that set up altitude mnessage 29 "ERR:Max Altitude" appears over the telemetry display.<
> If you do not react to this message and you climb further up, 10mtr. above the set up max. altitude the Kopter will switch __automatically__ to the set emergency-throttle/gas [[MK-Parameter/Misc|Link]] and sink.<
> After reaching the regular set up altitude again the Kopter will switch automatically back from emergency-throttle/gas to normal operation.<
> User without a license get also after reaching the max. altitude the same message but they are able to climb further up. <
> More informations about this you will find here: [[en/MK-Parameter/Altitude|Max.Altitude - Example]]<
> '''MAX_FLYING_RANGE''' Here you can enter a max. flight-radius which is required for the special license and commercial use.<
> '''INFO:''' This value should be smaller as the under "DESCEND_RANGE" entered radius!!!<
> If the Kopter reaches this radius GPS will be automatically activated. The Kopter will be flown back automatically over the function "!ComingHome" into the set up flight-radius.<
> Here you will see an appropriate message over the telemetry display.<
> '''DESCEND_RANGE''' Here byou can enter a max. flight-radius which is required for the special license and commercial use.<
> If the Kopter is leaving this radius it will turn automatically with 80% hovering-throttle/gas into a descent flight. <
> '''INFO:'''<
> The Kopter should not reach that radius with a small set up "MAX_FLYING_RANGE" under normal circumstances.<
> {{http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=106116&g2_serialNumber=2}} <
> For user without a license is the setting "DESCEND_RANGE" with no function. <
> '''TIP:''' To change those values you should insert and open the SD-Card directly in ab appropriate slot on your PC. Here you can do the adjustment with an editor. <
> '''TIP:''' License User should activate in the Settings "Miscellaneous (Misc)" the function "SD card missing". <
> (For your convenient information: In France, i.e., with the beginning of 2012 are those settings now __obligation__ for commercial user and the Kopter __MUST__ come down if it is out of a 150mtr. radius!) }}} <
> {{{#!wiki warning '''Attention''' 1. If you need to change those datas please '''do not use''' Logging-times under __500ms__ - that can affect the navigation and lead to failures!<
> 2. '''After an Update of the !NaviCtrl''' please clear the '''SETTINGS.INI''' on the SD-Card. <
> The new Software will set a new file with the needed values.<
> }}} == stored data - folder "LOG" == During flight the Kopter will create once a folder "LOG" and save some informations (for each flight) on the micro-SD-card in a .KML and a .GPX file.<
> These are: <
> * ele__ * time__ * sat__ * Altimeter__ * Variometer__ * Course__ * Groundspeed__ * !VerticalSpeed__ * !FlightTime__ * Voltage__ * Current__ * Capacity__ * RCQuality__ * RCRSSI__ * Compass__ * !NickAngle__ * !RollAngle__ * NCFlag__ * !ErrorCode__ * !TargetBearing__ * !TargetDistance__ * RCSticks__ * GPSSticks__ * Actual Waypoint__ * Value of the WP-Event__ * Nick- and Roll-Servo-Value__ You can take a look on this informations with the programm '''"GPX-Viewer"''' or '''"MK_GPX''' ([[http://forum.mikrokopter.de/topic-29145.html|Link]]) <
> == Presentation of the flight data in Google Earth == In Google Earth you can display and see the saved flight-datas of the Kopter. In the actual Google Earth Version (>6.1) you can display the flight-route <
> by loading the .KML or the .GPX-file. <
> '''Tipp'''<
> If you open a .KML file with "Google Earth" and see only red stripes, you have to edit the .KML file.<
> Here in this file you can change the coordinates like you see here: <
> '''Example:''' <
> * Wrong: +7.1234567,+53.1234567, 0.000 * Right: +7.1234567,+53.1234567,0.000 Since software version v0.26g (NaviCtrl) the changes are already included in the KML-log.<
> (The flight-route will be also displayed in the height if you set up in the properties of the file the '''Height''' to '''Relativ to ground'''.) <
> ##Settings_Ende = Parameter = The practice has shown that the default parameters (settings) are already sufficient for almost all MikroKopter. <
> Who wants to do a little bit fine-tuning that can be done in the settings. You can do that in the tabs [[MK-Parameter/Navi-Ctrl|NaviCtrl]] and [[MK-Parameter/Navi-Ctrl 2|NaviCtrl2]]. = Debug-Interface = To the '''Debug'''-Interface the MK-USB will be hooked up there. Here you can set up the NaviCtrl, download new software or you can get failure information over the KopterTool.<
> For the data transfer between the Kopter and the PC you can use also a '''Bluetooth-Module''' or a '''Wi232-Module'''.<
> The module will be hooked up also to the '''Debug'''-Interface of the NaviCtrl. A second module (Bluetooth or Wi232) to receive the datas will be connected to the MK-USB.<
> == NMEA == Since the Software-Version 2.00a (for !NaviCtrl) we can also use the format '''NMEA''' (e.g. for Cameras witht Datalogging). The output is at 57600 baud. The records are sent with RMC & GGA. You can get the data on PIN9 of the ''Debug'' connection of the !NaviCtrl.<
> NOTE: To use the NMEA you need a plugged microSD card (max. 2GB/FAT16) and the entry "NMEA_INTERVAL" in the Settings.ini must have a value entered. If you already have a microSD card in! NaviCtrl used __ muss__ after a software update the existing settings.ini it are deleted so that a new one can be created with the parameters. = Upgrading software = 1. Connect the !NaviCtrl over the 10- and 6pole connection plug with the !FlightCtrl (see [[MK-Tower]]) 1. Connect the [[MK-USB]] to the '''Debug'''-Interface of the !NaviCtrl - '''DO NOT''' place the jumper on the MK-USB. 1. Now switch ON the Kopter'''.''' 1. Start the KopterTool and click in the Terminal Window (Button ''Firmware Update and Terminal'') on '''Update Software (serial)'''. Then choose the .hex-file. 1. The Update-sequence starts and should be done after approx. 1-2 minutes. At the end you can see debug-datas in the Terminal'''.''' Further information for the Update (also if an update fails) you can get here: [[SoftwareUpdate]] {{{{#!wiki important '''INFO''' For updating the software you should always use the MK-USB. <
> If you use for the data-transfer a Wi232 Module or a Bluetooth Module the update can be faulty!<
> }}}} <
> {{{{#!wiki important '''INFO''' To flash the bootloader is not necessary and also not possible. <
> If the processor is defect you can buy a new one with the appropriate bootloader in the [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/|Shop]].<
> }}}} = Error Codes = If you use the GPS-System (!NaviCtrl + Compass + MKPGS) on your Kopter and you calibrate the Gyros, you can see for a short time "error 6" + "error 3" in your Telemetry-Display. <
> This is normal. Because the connection between FlightCtrl and NaviCtrl is briefly interrupted when you calibrate the Gyros .<
> For all other Failure codes you can find here some Tipps to resolve it: ErrorCodes ##Navi_Ende = Schematic Version 1.1 = Schematic: [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=94494|Link]]<
> BOM: [[http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=94500&g2_GALLERYSID=50ad852c09df31c4a741b72213de784c|Link]] <
> ---- KategorieMK-Baugruppe/en