Sourcecode around the MikroKopter is accessible via Subversion. You can Browse the source via Webbrowser here: http://svn.mikrokopter.de/mikrowebsvn/ . Or you can check out the Repository with a client of your choice and the following URLs.
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http://svnbook.red-bean.com ( free book about Subversion )
Repository Index
- avrdude-mk/
C-OSD Leverages MK hardware and sensors to produce OSD Video
DUBwise Allows mobile phone interaction with the MK
FollowMe An electronic leash for your MK, using added hardware to "tether" the MK to a sender.
FollowMe4Mobile Same as FollowMe but for Java enabled phones.
GroundStation Same as QMK GroundStation?
MikroBlink DIY add-on board for custom LED lighting effects.
MissionCockpit Another UAV groundstation and logging application.
MoteCtrl Allows you to control the MK with a Wii remote.
Multi-OSD Another OSD using the MK hardware.
- OSD and Video Transmitter/
QMK-Groundstation UAV waypoint navigation application working with added telemetry hardware for the MK. Also provides an alternative to MK-Tools as a MK file and settings manager.
- RC-Expander
- Riddim Enable control of the MK via HID devices, such as PC joysticks.
- Spektrum-Expander
- Transportables_Koptertool
VibrationTest Application enabling testing of MK motor vibrations. Forum