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Revision 2 vom 15.01.2011 22:50
Größe: 851
Autor: LotharF
Revision 12 vom 18.02.2011 23:05
Größe: 1345
Autor: LotharF
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
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. <<PDFIcon>>
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||<tablewidth="100%" tablestyle="text-align: center;"bgcolor="#F5D0A9"> '''QuadroKopter-XL''' ||

Zeile 9: Zeile 14:
<<Include(include/assembling/info, , from="^-----$", to="^-----$")>> <<Include(include/assembling/info, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>
Zeile 11: Zeile 16:
<<Include(include/assembling/rigger-Motor, , from="^-----$", to="^-----$")>> <<Include(include/assembling/rigger-Motor, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>
Zeile 13: Zeile 18:
<<Include(include/assembling/rigger-Buzzer, , from="^-----$", to="^-----$")>> <<Include(include/assembling/rigger-LED, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>
Zeile 15: Zeile 20:
<<Include(include/assembling/rigger-LED, , from="^-----$", to="^-----$")>> <<Include(include/assembling/rigger-Buzzer, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>
Zeile 17: Zeile 22:
<<Include(include/assembling/Centerplate-Quadro, , from="^-----$", to="^-----$")>> <<Include(include/assembling/FlightCtrl2.1, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>
Zeile 19: Zeile 24:
<<Include(include/assembling/FlightCtrl2.1, , from="^-----$", to="^-----$")>> <<Include(include/assembling/powerboard-QuadroXL, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>
Zeile 21: Zeile 26:
<<Include(include/assembling/powerboard-Quadro, , from="^-----$", to="^-----$")>> <<Include(include/assembling/Centerplate-Quadro, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>

<<Include(include/assembling/Transparent-cover, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>

<<Include(include/assembling/quickstart, , from="^------$", to="^------$")>>

 . KategorieAnleitung


  • {i} This side as a PDF-Document? Klick on the Symbol and wait a moment... --->

https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=73600 https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=73604

https://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif Page in Deutsch


Please read this manual carefully! This can avoid misunderstandings !
Technical knowledge is recommanded! Wrong soldering can cause damage!

/!\ For the first test you should use a regulated power supply and not the Lipo (battery) !
Wrong soldering or short circuit can destroy the electronics ! Use a power supply of 12V/500mA.


Mounting the Motor

/!\ Before you mount the three motor cables into the riggers, you have to check and mount the Motor.
All motors are tested but please check if there is no short circuit between the motor cables and the motor housing.

The engines are mounted with the screws thereby. That you not lost the screws during the flight, use a little drop of Threadlocker.

/!\ ATTENTION: The screws should be screwed firmly. However, the screw thread in the motor can be overtorqued if too much power!

/!\ The threads at the engine (above/below left/right) have different distances!

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/MK3538d.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motormontage-mit-Sicherungslack.jpg.html

mount the motor-, LED-, and buzzer cables

Also mount one red and one black 0,5mm cable (in suitable length) into the riggers who obtain a LED-stripe or a buzzer.
Please be carefully by bringing in the cable.

The cables for the motor and the lighting or the Summer will be recovered by the introductions to the underside of the boom.


/!\ The cable of the Motor comes out on the left side of the rigger! (see picture)

Example picture

{i} Tips:

  • Stick or solder wires together before pulling them through.
  • if needed, attatch a string to the wires and pull it through first.

/!\ Attention: If you have stick or solder wires together, the motors are difficult to operate!

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Kabel_52cm.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Kabeldurchziehenvorbereiten2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summerledkabeldurchziehen2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summerledkabeldurchziehen3.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summerledkabeldurchziehen8.JPG.html

Propeller Mount

The three screws of the propeller should be tightened. In this case, a suitable screwdriver be used to avoid damaging the screw heads!
On the propeller mount, the propeller attached. How to assemble it, is clearly an example of the images.

Example: Robbe Motor
http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Robbe-PropHalter-1.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Robbe-PropHalter-2.jpg.html

mounting and connecting the LED-strip

/!\ COMMENT: The color of the LED-strip of the Set can vary. Here we describe it with red and blue LED!
The LED-strips of different colors can look equal. Before assembly, the color can be determined by applying a voltage. Terefore a power supply (12V) or a 9V battery that can be used.

/!\ A LED-strip consists of 6 LED's (it could be, that you have to cut a strip)

On the red rigger at the front you can put the red LED-strip. Then put the blue LED-strip on the black riggers.
Now you can solder the red and black Silicone cable (0.5mm²) in the right polarity ("+" red / "-" black) to the LED-strip .
Finally the LED-strip can be shrinked with the transparent shrink hose.

Example of the lighting





rigger 1

rigger 2,3,4


rigger 1

rigger 3,5


rigger 1

rigger 4,6

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDaufkleben1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDaufkleben5.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDeinschrumpfen1.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarz_LEDeinschrumpfen5.JPG.html

Wiring of the buzzer cable

example 1: assembly with buzzer adapter

The buzzer can also be mounted with the buzzer adapter to the Kopter. But take care that the Buzzer is not mounted too close to the FlightCtrl.
This could be the use of the compass lead to disturbances!

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/ExtencionBNR-3.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/BuzzerAdapter.jpg.html

{i} We recommend to mount the Buzzer on a 15mm plastic spacer bolt like on the picture. Do not mount it on the Lipo holder. In case of a crash it could cut the cable to the Buzzer.

How to mount the buzzer adapter: Buzzer Adapter

example 2: Buzzer on a rigger

The buzzer can be mount e.g. on a rigger without LED. On the already mounted red and the black 0.5 mm² silicon cable stuck first a short piece of shrink tube. <<BR> Then the buzzer soldered correctly on the cable (long pin "+" (red), short pin "-" (black)).
Now the shrink tube can be pushed over the solder joints of the Buzzer and shrink.
Finally, the buzzer can be shrunk on the rigger with a short piece of transparent shrink tube.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summeranschliessen2.JPG.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Motorauslegerschwarzkabel_summereinschrumpfen1.JPG.html

example 3: Buzzer and LED in one rigger (alternative)

If the buzzer is to be mounted to a rigger in addition to lighting, this can be done with three cables.
The ground (-) can used simultaneously by the lighting and the buzzer.
The rigger has so besides the three motor cable a brown wire ("-" GND) and two red wire ("+" LED / "+" Summer).


Here you see the connection.

First, the LED bar shrink with shrink wrap. Then the buzzer.
http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/LED_Buzzer3.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/LED_Buzzer4.jpg.html

Flight Ctrl. 2.1

The FlightCtrl is already fitted with all needed components.

http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/FC21-best__ckt1.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/FC21-best__ckt-2.jpg.html

{i} The FCV2.1 can be connected to the powerboard via the molex cable.

When using the Molexkabel between FlightCtrl and powerboard, you don't have to solder the I2C bus, the buzzer and the power cable to the FlightCtrl.
Only the power cable for the receiver still has to be soldered to the FlightCtrl.
The buzzer is connected directly to the appropriate solder points of the powerboard (Buzzer / -).
The I2C-bus and the voltage supply are provided from the power distribution via the Molex.
Alternatively, the FC V2.1 can be connected with individual cable to the power distributor. But then you don't have to use the Molexcable.

/!\ When mounting the FlightCtrl, the printed arrow shows to the rigger No.1 (red rigger). The PCB populated side facing up.

layout / wiring FC ME 2.1

Describes how a receiver is connected to the FlightCtrl: FlightCtrl 2.1

Assembling Centerplate

The two Centerplates are keeping the riggers and the electronics together.

/!\ The printed side of the Centerplate always shows up. The arrow always points forward.
/!\ The red arm is front. The rigger, starting with the red one, clockwise from 1-3-2-4.



At the top centerplate the four spacers (M3x8 or M3x10) are assembled first. Later, the power distributor is mounted on this spacers. Insert the four spacers with the thread into the centerplate and secured with a nut.
In the next step, the lower and the upper centerplate (with the spacers), can be mounted with the cover holder. Therefore you need 2x plastic screws (M3x16) / plastic nuts (M3).


Now you can mount the rigger. These are bolted to a metal screw in the center of the centerplate. A second metal screw is inserted from the bottom and secured with a rubber damper (M3x15). Those objectives are later attached to the FlightCtrl. On the rubber damper is still one each M3 plastic nut or a spacer (M3x10) screws to the FlightCtrl give a little more distance.
Those objectives are later attached to FlightCtrl.

On the outer ring of the centerplate, the left and right arm will be attached with two plastic screws(M3x16) / hex nut (M3).

At the front and rear rigger the FlexLander-XL can be installed with metal screws. If you want e.g. rather the HiLander-26 use, the front and rear arm can attached with plastic screw.


mount transparent cover

Put the cover over the riggers for marking. You can fix it by a tape. Please notenthat the upperpart of the cover is a square. Put one edge of this square towards rigger Nr.1

{i} Example mounting on a quadroKopter. On a HexaKopter OktoKopter the sequence is identical!

Now mark the position of the rigger with a pencil.
http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Cover2.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Cover3.jpg.html

Now it can be cut with scissors and cut the protruding edge.
http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Cover4.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Cover5.jpg.html

The transparent cover is then attached and secured with a screw. For this you can drilling with a 2mm drill to the cover and the cover holder.
http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Cover6.jpg.html http://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php/v/tech/Cover7.jpg.html

If you use the new version of the cover holder you can use the recess on it.
Attention: The recess should be shown up! A matching bolt is located on each motor.
https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=85562&g2_serialNumber=1 https://gallery.mikrokopter.de/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=85556&g2_serialNumber=2

/!\ The transparent cover should be painted in any color from the inside. This will save the light-sensitive altitude sensor from malfunction. This can happend, if sun's rays strike on the sensor directly.

Cooling hole in the cover

If you use payload > ca. 700g or you fly in high temperatures, a cooling hole (2cm) in the cover might be useful to avoid heat accumulation.


First start

Now the Kopter is ready assembled and soldered. The next step is now to check and set the Kopter and the function of the transmitter.
For this we use the KopterTool.

Where you can get the KopterTool and what you have to check/set is explained in simple steps.

Here we go to the easy "steps": Initial startup


A Kopter can be dangerous. Safety comes first, so read carefully: