Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 38 und 40 (über 2 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 38 vom 23.06.2015 13:04
Größe: 10175
Autor: LotharF
Revision 40 vom 04.07.2016 10:56
Größe: 8254
Autor: LotharF
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 8: Zeile 8:
<div style="float: left; margin-right:50px;"> <div style="float: left; margin-right:200px;">
Zeile 10: Zeile 10:
'''__Quick selection__'''<<BR>>
'''Open the description -> click Button''' <<BR>>
'''Öffnen der Beschreibung -> Button anklicken''' <<BR>>
Zeile 13: Zeile 13:
[[en/MK-Parameter/Channels|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Kan_le_en.gif?m=1409707811 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Configuration|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Konfiguration_en.gif?m=1409707817 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Stick|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Stick.gif?m=1409707207 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Looping|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Looping.gif?m=1409707203 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Altitude|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-H_he_en.gif?m=1409707806 }}]]
[[EasySetup|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Button_Setting-EasySetup.png?m=1466494114 }}]]
[[MK-Parameter/Easy-SETUP|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Button_Setting-ExpertView.png?m=1466494114 }}]]
Zeile 19: Zeile 16:
[[en/MK-Parameter/Camera|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Kamera_en.gif?m=1409707809 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Navi-Ctrl|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-NaviCtrl.gif?m=1409707205 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Navi-Ctrl 2|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-NaviCtrl2.gif?m=1409707207 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Output|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Ausg_nge_en.gif?m=1409707802 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Misc|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Verschiedenes_en.gif?m=1409707820 }}]]
Zeile 25: Zeile 17:
[[en/MK-Parameter/Gyro|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Gyro.gif?m=1409707198 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/User|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Benutzer_en.gif?m=1409707804 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Coupling|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-Achskopplung_en.gif?m=1409707800 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Mixer-SETUP|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-MixerSETUP.gif?m=1409707205 }}]]
[[en/MK-Parameter/Easy-SETUP|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Reiter/Reiter-EasySETUP.gif?m=1409707198 }}]]
Zeile 37: Zeile 24:

||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">This page as an '''PDF-Document'''? <<BR>>Click on that Symbol and wait a little moment... ---> ||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"><<PDFIcon>>||
Zeile 41: Zeile 25:
---- ||<class="MK_TableNoBorder">~-This page as an '''PDF-Document'''? <<BR>>Click on that Symbol ...-~||<class="MK_TableNoBorder"><<PDFIcon>>||

Öffnen der Beschreibung -> Button anklicken

EasySetup MK-Parameter/Easy-SETUP

This page as an PDF-Document?
Click on that Symbol ...

MikroKopterTool - Settings


All settings of the MikoKopter can be made via the KopterTool.
Normally you have only to set a few basic settings for channel selection. After that the copter is ready to fly.
But also a fine tuning can be done here.


If you open the Settings of the MikroKopter Tool you can see the most important settings at a glance.
(see picture above right)

For easy overview the settings window is divided into different areas:

The tab pages

At the upper part of the settings the tabs are located. If the settings have been opened for the first time, the following tabs are available: Channels, Camera, Output and Easy Setup.

With these four tabs you can configure the most important settings quickly and easily.
If you will see all tabs, click on Experte view.

The middle section

In the middle part you can set different parameter (depending on the selected tab).
Here we see the tab Easy Setup / Setting 3 Easy.

The "Channel Quick View"

On the transmitter you can set for each channel a switch, push button or potentiometer. If you now move a switch, push button or potentiometer you can directly see which channel is working.

The Parameterset

In the bottom bar you can writing, reading etc. the set parameters.


  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-OK_en.jpg?m=1435056736

    • Closes the setting window.
      INFO: If Changes were not transferred to the copter and you closes the window,
      a confirmation screen appears :

  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-Hilfe_en.jpg?m=1435056736

    • Opens the appropriate wiki website with the description of the settings for the open page.

  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-Lesen_en.jpg?m=1435056736

    • Reads the current settings of the open settings from the copter.

  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-Schreiben_en.jpg?m=1435056763

    • Writes the settings in the copter.

  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-Speichern_en.jpg?m=1435056764

    • Saves the current settings of the open setting on the PC.

  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-Laden_en.jpg?m=1435056736

    • Loading a saved Settings on the PC .

  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-Reset_en.jpg?m=1435056737

    • Resetting of the open setting to factory default.

  • https://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/albums/intern/KopterTool_ab_V2_0/Einstellungen/en/1-details_en/Button-Parametersatz_en.jpg?m=1435056737

    • Selects one of the 5 settings.

      In total 5 settings are available. Each setting can also be set individually.
      The settings are:

      • Setting 1 = Fast (Sporting flight attitude)

      • Setting 2 = Agile (Agile flight attitude)

      • Setting 3 = Easy (Basic flight attitude)

      • Setting 4 = Easy (Basic flight attitude)

      • Setting 5 = Easy (Basic flight attitude)

  • Each setting can be assigned to an individual name.

Load a Setting with the transmitter

  • To select the settings with the transmitter the proceed as follows:

    • Setting 1 => Roll left + Nick middle plus Gas up + Gier left

    • Setting 2 => Roll left + Nick up plus Gas up + Gier left

    • Setting 3 => Roll middle + Nick up plus Gas up + Gier left

    • Setting 4 => Roll right + Nick up plus Gas up + Gier left

    • Setting 5 => Roll right + Nick middle plus Gas up + Gier left


A changing ofvthe settings can help in fine-tuning of the copter. But this will not help when the copter have flight problems!

With the default settings you can fly every MikroKopter easily!
If the copter do not fly properly with the default settings, a faulty assembly of the copter or a wrong route of the lines can be the cause. In this case please check the assembling of the copter first.

All settings are preset. If changes are made to the settings, be sure that a valid data is entered.
If a setting with incorrect values ??are loaded, the copter can crash!

Never change a setting during flight (e.g. with a Wi.232)! Then the copter will crash!
So you have to land first and stop the motors. Then you can change the settings.