{{{#!wiki MK_select1
* {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/eng.gif}} [[ExternalCompass|deutsch]]
= External Compass =
* [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=835|Shoplink]]
The advantage is, that this compass sensor can be placed away from magnetic disturbances.
= Orientation detection =
The orientation is automatically detected by the integrates ACC sensor.
In the virtual menu you can check the current orientation.
== Orientations ==
Six different orientations are possible.
The sensor must be placed "even" and not tilted!
* Orientation 1-4: horizontal with different sides on top -> arrow points to the front
* Orientation 5 & 6: vertical with the bottom side in front
{i} Front is the direction where the arrow on the !FlightControl points to
'''Orientation 1'''
'''Orientation 2'''
'''Orientation 3'''
'''Orientation 4'''
'''Orientation 5'''
'''Orientation 6'''
The compass must be mounted 90° - not tilted
== Changing the orientation ==
If you calibrate the gyros while startup, the Navi-Ctrl compares the actual mounting position with the position the sensor had at the last compass-calibration.
If the mounting orientation has changed, the NC asks for new calibration.
= Firmware =
The sensor is supported since 2.03i
If the compass is detected for the first time, the NC asks for new calibration.
The NC stores for the external compass an own calibration dataset.
If the external compass is disconnected, the old dataset is still available for the internal compass.
= Connection to the Navi-Ctrl =
== Connection on the Navi-Ctrl 2.1 ==
The [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=834|NaviControl 2.1]] has an integrated connector.
* [[https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=834|Shoplink NaviControl 2.1]]
The small capacitor is also integrated.
== Connection on the Navi-Ctrl 2.0 ==
* Red = 5V
* Black = GND
* Blue & white = I2C
'''anti-noise capacitor'''
A small capacitor must be soldered to the pins on the Navi-Ctrl 2.0
== Navi-Ctrl 1.x ==
It is not possible to use the external compass for the old versions V1.x