Step 4 - Switch ON the Kopter

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Step 4 - Switch ON the Kopter


  • Step3 has been read.

Supply Kopter with voltage

Tip 1

- The Kopter should stand on a stable and even ground.
- A sticker on the buzzer will reduce the volume of the "beeps". This is sparing your nerves during error messages ;-)
- For the first test you do not need to have the propeller mounted.
(So in that way you can do motortests without a risk of injury.)

Tip 2

You can use for the first startup a stabilized power supply (12V/1,5A).
You can hook up also directly the Lipo.

In case of an error (Shortage, soldering defects etc. ) a power supply with current limitation protects the electronic for bigger damage.

Now turn on first the remote control and after that supply power to the MikroKopter

Example photo:
Connecting a power supply

Example photo:
Connecting a Lipo

Tones after switching ON

After the Kopter has been supplied with power all BL-Ctrl's are starting their self-test after a short beep out of the buzzer.
All motors are "beeping" and moving one time. There is no specific order in which the BL-Ctrl's are performing their tests.
(INFO: This tests of the BL-Ctrl's with connected motors are been done even if the FlightCtrl is not connected!).

Now you should hear different beep-tones out of the buzzer. First at all comes a short "beep" followed by more and longer "beeps".
Is i.e. a 4S-Lipo connected comes after a short "beep" 4 a little bit longer "beeps".
With a connected 3S Lipo comes after a short "beep" 3 a little bit longer "beeps".

On a QuadroKopter with connected 4S Lipo the "beeping" should be in that way:

Switch ON

BL-Ctrl Test

Confirmation "beep" + battery detection


beep (+Motor) - beep (+Motor) - beep (+Motor) - beep (+Motor)

beep + beeeep-beeeep-beeeep-beeeep

After those "beep tones" the Kopter should be silent.


If the Kopter "beeps" continuously in intervals then please read here first: en/Erstinbetriebnahme/Help#Step4-1
(You can disconnect the Kopter from the power supply/Lipo at that time.)

LEDs FlightCtrl

The green LED of the Flight-Ctrl should light now, the red LED is OFF and the buzzer is silent.

{i} Is the red LED on the FlightCtrl OFF and the buzzer beeps continuously in intervals it could be possible
that the connected Lipo is empty and should be charged again. Infos about the Lipo's and charging them you can find here: LiPo

LEDs BL-Ctrl

On the BL-Ctrl's each green LED is ON and the red LEDs are OFF.

  • {i} Exception for HexaKopter and OktoKopter:

    At the Kopter only the BL-Ctrl's with the addresses 1-4 should have the green LED on.

    • On a HexaKopter the BL-Ctrl's with the addresses 5+6 the green and the red LED should be permanently ON.

    • On an OktoKopter, the BL-Ctrl's with the addresses 5+6+7+8, the green and the red LED should be permanently ON.

  • That is normal. The right mixer is not set in the KopterTool.
    If the right mixer is set the green LED of the remaining BL-Ctrl's are ON.

    {i} How to set up the mixer in the right way is described on the next and following "Step"-Sides.


If on a BL-Ctrl the red LED is blinking or there is no LED ON an error occured. Assistance on how to proceed can be found here: en/Erstinbetriebnahme/Help#Step4-2

LEDs NaviCtrl / GPS

If a GPS-System is already mounted the LEDs are lighting as follows:

  • NaviCtrl V2.0 => green and red LED ON.

    • (The red LED goes off after calibrating the compass. This will be described on the following "Step"- Sides.)
  • NaviCtrl V1.1 + MK3Mag => green and red LED ON. LED on MK3Mag is blinking.

    • (The red LED goes off after calibrating the compass. This will be described on the following "Step"- Sides.)
  • MKGPS V1.0 => LED on the TOP-side lights permanently. After a Satfix this one is blinking.

  • MKGPS V2.1 => LED on the BOTTOM-side lights permanently. LED on the TOP-side lights permanently + flashes after a Satfix.

Everything OK? Then it continues here: en/Erstinbetriebnahme/Step5