Step 11 - Outputs

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Step 11 - Outputs


  • Step10 has been read.

<!> Who has got no ShutterCable assembled to trigger the camera or an ExtensionPCB to switch the lighting on the Kopter can skip this point and continue with the next "Step".

ExtensionPCB oder ShutterCable

If already an ExtensionPCB to control the lighting or a ShutterCable to trigger the camera has been mounted to the Kopter
the connection should be look in that way:


ShutterCable at output 1 or 2

Setting Outputs

The FlightCtrl has got two switch outputs. These outputs can be independently switched and set.
You can let flash the LEDs or you can switch them ON/OFF. Also you can use an output to trigger a camera.

The both switching outputs you can find on the upper pin header SV2 on the FlightCtrl:

A ground potential will be switched here!


The lighting should be NOT directly connected to that outputs. The transistors on the FlightCtrl could be damaged!
To switch the lighting you should use i.e. the Extension-PCB. Over that PCB you can connect the lighting (also with nmore power).
To trigger the camera you can use the Extension-PCB as well as the ShutterCable.

To set up a blink sequence on an output you can choose throughout the 8 boxes in the Bit mask different flash pattern.
The speed of the blink sequence you can set with a number under Timing:

Example Output1 (OUT1)

If you want to trigger a camera over an output (i.e.with a ShutterCable) you can set it here also.
You should only activate the first box in the Bit mask. Under Timing the channel (POTI) of the button will be set here at the transmitter:

Example Output1 (OUT1) Poti 8 => Channel 12

If an output was set to trigger a camera you should disable the Low voltage warning for that output.
Otherwise with an empty Lipo and the following battery warning the camera would trigger continuously:

Example Output1 (OUT1) = OFF

As soon as you save this settings with the button into the FlightCtrl the LEDs strat to flash or you can trigger a camera.
(With a connected LED-Lighting the LEDs start blinking with a low voltage warning.)


You can use also a switch/channel at your transmitter to switch the LEDs.
Independently of the set flashing pattern you permanently switch the LEDs with the switch ON or OFF.

  • If you can not
    -switch OFF the lighting with a switch/button on your transmitter

    • or

    - not triggering the ShutterCable
    it is the fact that the servo travel is not set up right at the transmitter! That was explained in the previous step "Check channels".

After these settings you can close the setting window. Here you need to "click" on
We are now back to the "Main Window" of the KopterTool.

Everything OK? Then it continues here: en/Erstinbetriebnahme/Step12