
This site should provide some details on diffrent ways to trigger a camera attached to the MikroKopter.

via j16 / j17 from FC

Wiring with LTV 827 optocoupler for galvanic isolation:

you can do this for focus the same way with pin 3/4 and 5/6


With FC - Version >= 0.70 you can set the triggering frequency via Poti.
pros: cheap method ; possible with most cams
cons: The Problem with this method is that you have to open the camera and solder small pitches in most cases.

building a ShutterCable


See: ShutterCable

via infrared

via servo

via CHDK and USB

MikroKopter: en/CameraTrigger (zuletzt geändert am 23.10.2011 15:14 durch LotharF)