#acl AdminGroup:read,write,revert EditorsGroup:read,write,revert All:read {{{#!wiki MK_Nav ||||||!MikroKopter-Tool|| }}} {{{#!wiki MK_select1 * {{http://mikrokopter.de/images/deu.gif}} [[Software|deutsch]] }}} <
> The !MikroKopter tool, or short "!KopterTool", is a free available program. With this program you can adjust and check your copter or even plan a waypoint flight. <
> ||The latest version of the !KopterTool you can download here =>||[[en/Download|{{attachment:symbols/Download-Button.png}}]]|| <
> A manual how to use the !KopterTool you can find here: <
> ||<-9 class="MK_TableNoBorder">|| ||||[[en/MikroKopterTool|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/Button-Baugruppe/1_Button180x180/Button_KopterTool.jpg?m=1484302413 }}]]||||[[en/MK-Parameter|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/Button-Baugruppe/1_Button180x180/Button_KopterToolSetting.jpg?m=1484302626 }}]]||||[[en/MikroKopterTool-OSD|{{ http://gallery3.mikrokopter.de/var/thumbs/intern/sonstiges/Button-Baugruppe/1_Button180x180/Button_KopterToolMAP.jpg?m=1484302414 }}]]|||| ||<-9 class="MK_TableNoBorder" :>'''To open -> click on the image'''|| |||| <
> {{{#!wiki note '''For Developers''' The software of the different components (!FlightCtrl etc.) is also available to other developers. <
> '''Source Code-Access'''<
> It is located in a Subversion-Repository. The access to it is described here: MikroKopterRepository<
> '''Software-Development'''<
> For that reason that AVR-Microcontroller are used by Atmel you need to have a so called AVR-Toolchain for Linux and OSX, or [[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/winavr/WinAVR-20060421-install.exe?use_mirror=mesh|WinAVR]] for Windows.<
> Linux-User can get this package i.e. with the following terminal-command: apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc. For Mac OS X there is an installer available: [[http://www.obdev.at/products/crosspack/index.html|Crosspack]]].<
> You translate the sources simply with "make" and you will get .hex-files which can be transferred to the device via the KopterTool.<
> More detailed informationen you can find currently here: [[http://www.mikrokopter.de/ucwiki/en/FlightCtrl_1#Software|FlightCtrl-Software]] }}}