
from uart1.h in NaviCtrl code (please take a look at SVN for latest version of header files)

/!\ New version V2 : New data structure for Version > 10)

typedef struct
// only valid for (Version < 10), otherwise use new struct V2
        u8 Version;                                     // version of the data structure
        GPS_Pos_t CurrentPosition;                      // see ubx.h for details
        GPS_Pos_t TargetPosition;
        GPS_PosDev_t TargetPositionDeviation;
        GPS_Pos_t HomePosition;
        GPS_PosDev_t HomePositionDeviation;
        u8  WaypointIndex;                              // index of current waypoints running from 0 to WaypointNumber-1
        u8  WaypointNumber;                             // number of stored waypoints
        u8  SatsInUse;                                  // number of satellites used for position solution
        s16 Altimeter;                                  // hight according to air pressure
        s16 Variometer;                                 // climb(+) and sink(-) rate
        u16 FlyingTime;                                 // in seconds
        u8  UBat;                                       // Battery Voltage in 0.1 Volts
        u16 GroundSpeed;                                // speed over ground in cm/s (2D)
        s16 Heading;                                    // current flight direction in ° as angle to north
        s16 CompassHeading;                             // current compass value in °
        s8  AngleNick;                                  // current Nick angle in 1°
        s8  AngleRoll;                                  // current Rick angle in 1°
        u8  RC_Quality;                                 // RC_Quality
        u8  FCStatusFlags;                              // Flags from FC
        u8  NCFlags;                                    // Flags from NC
        u8  Errorcode;                                  // 0 --> okay
        u8  OperatingRadius;                            // current operation radius around the Home Position in m
        s16 TopSpeed;                                   // velocity in vertical direction in cm/s
        u8  TargetHoldTime;                             // time in s to stay at the given target, counts down to 0 if target has been reached
        u8  FCStatusFlags2;                             // StatusFlags2 (since version 5 added)
        s16 SetpointAltitude;                           // setpoint for altitude
        u8  Gas;                                        // for future use
        u16 Current;                                    // actual current in 0.1A steps
        u16 UsedCapacity;                               // used capacity in mAh
} __attribute__((packed)) NaviData_t;

// ------- NCFlags -------------------------------------
#define NC_FLAG_FREE                            0x01
#define NC_FLAG_PH                              0x02
#define NC_FLAG_CH                              0x04
#define NC_FLAG_RANGE_LIMIT                     0x08
#define NC_FLAG_NOSERIALLINK                    0x10
#define NC_FLAG_TARGET_REACHED                  0x20
#define NC_FLAG_MANUAL                          0x40
#define NC_FLAG_GPS_OK                          0x80

// ------- FCStatusFlags -------------------------------
#define FC_STATUS_MOTOR_RUN                     0x01
#define FC_STATUS_FLY                           0x02
#define FC_STATUS_CALIBRATE                     0x04
#define FC_STATUS_START                         0x08
#define FC_STATUS_EMERGENCY_LANDING             0x10
#define FC_STATUS_LOWBAT                        0x20
#define FC_STATUS_VARIO_TRIM_UP                 0x40
#define FC_STATUS_VARIO_TRIM_DOWN               0x80

// ------- FCStatusFlags2 ------------------------------
#define FC_STATUS2_CAREFREE_ACTIVE              0x01
#define FC_STATUS2_FAILSAFE_ACTIVE              0x04
#define FC_STATUS2_OUT1                         0x08
#define FC_STATUS2_OUT2                         0x10
#define FC_STATUS2_RES1                         0x20
#define FC_STATUS2_RES2                         0x40
#define FC_STATUS2_RES3                         0x80

from uart1.h in NaviCtrl

typedef struct
        u16 Distance;                                   // distance to target in cm
        s16 Bearing;                                    // course to target in deg
}  __attribute__((packed)) GPS_PosDev_t;

from ubx.h in NaviCtrl

   1 #define INVALID         0x00
   2 #define NEWDATA         0x01
   3 #define PROCESSED       0x02
   4 typedef struct
   5 {
   6         s32 Longitude;                                  // in 1E-7 deg
   7         s32 Latitude;                                   // in 1E-7 deg
   8         s32 Altitude;                                   // in mm
   9         u8 Status;                                      // validity of data
  10 } __attribute__((packed)) GPS_Pos_t;

MikroKopter: en/SerialCommands/NaviDataStruct (zuletzt geändert am 01.11.2016 13:17 durch HolgerB)