##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki == Pablo Castellano == Email: send me a private message first. Hello, I'm Pablo. I'm a 19 years old spanish boy studying computers engineering. I discovered MikroKopter at 25C3 (it was really cool). Then when I came back home, I came to this webpage and I have been amazed watching some of the videos. Now building a mikrokopter is one more thing that I must do in my life, maybe I'll try it next summer :-). I am also interested in traslating the wiki into spanish. Surely it would attract a lot of curious spanish-speakers and it would also make the project bigger and more known in the world (haha!). Please text me if you have something interesting to tell me. Pablo. ---- '''IngoB:''' The translation of some important wiki pages to spanish would be great. If you don't know where to start...tell me ! * '''Pablo:''' I don't know where to start :P.. well my idea is to start in summer and to a hard work. I manage very good mediawiki but I'm a noob in ucwiki so I don't know how to contact you. I'm not authorized to view your profile page: IngoBusker. Anyway I could translate some important pages before summer in my free time. Just contact me or tell me how to send private messages if possible. ---- . KategorieHomepage